opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale enUS Locale enUS not installed. opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale koKR Locale koKR not installed. opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale frFR Locale frFR not installed. opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale deDE Locale deDE not installed. opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale zhCN Locale zhCN not installed. opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale zhTW Locale zhTW not installed. opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale esES Detected client build 20726 for locale esES Extracting dbc/db2 files... locale esES output path /home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/dbc/esES/ Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Achievement_Category.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AdventureMapPOI.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AnimKit.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AnimKitBoneSet.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AnimKitBoneSetAlias.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AnimKitConfig.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AnimKitConfigBoneSet.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AnimKitPriority.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AnimKitSegment.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AnimReplacement.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AnimReplacementSet.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AnimationData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AreaTable.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AreaTrigger.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AreaTriggerActionSet.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AreaTriggerBox.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AreaTriggerSphere.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ArmorLocation.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Artifact.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ArtifactAppearance.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ArtifactAppearanceSet.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ArtifactCategory.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ArtifactPower.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ArtifactPowerLink.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ArtifactPowerRank.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ArtifactQuestXP.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ArtifactUnlock.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\BankBagSlotPrices.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\BannedAddOns.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\BattlemasterList.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\BoneWindModifierModel.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\BoneWindModifiers.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Bounty.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\BountySet.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CameraEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CameraEffectEntry.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CameraMode.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CameraShakes.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CastableRaidBuffs.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharBaseInfo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharBaseSection.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharComponentTextureLayouts.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharComponentTextureSections.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharHairGeosets.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharSections.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharTitles.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharacterFacialHairStyles.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharacterLoadout.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharacterLoadoutItem.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ChatChannels.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ChrClassRaceSex.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ChrClassTitle.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ChrClassUIDisplay.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ChrClassVillain.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ChrClasses.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ChrRaces.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ChrSpecialization.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CinematicCamera.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CloakDampening.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ComponentModelFileData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ComponentTextureFileData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ConversationLine.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CreatureDispXUiCamera.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CreatureDisplayInfoCond.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CreatureFamily.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CreatureModelData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CreatureSoundData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CriteriaTreeXEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DeathThudLookups.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DecalProperties.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DeclinedWord.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DeclinedWordCases.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Difficulty.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DissolveEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DungeonEncounter.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DungeonMap.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DungeonMapChunk.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DurabilityCosts.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\EdgeGlowEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Emotes.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\EmotesText.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\EmotesTextData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\EmotesTextSound.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\EnvironmentalDamage.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Exhaustion.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Faction.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\FactionGroup.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\FactionTemplate.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\FootprintTextures.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\FootstepTerrainLookup.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\FullScreenEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GMSurveyAnswers.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GMSurveyCurrentSurvey.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GMSurveyQuestions.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GMSurveySurveys.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GameObjectArtKit.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GameObjectDiffAnimMap.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GameObjectDisplayInfo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GameObjectDisplayInfoXSoundKit.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GameTips.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrClassSpecPlayerCond.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrEncounterSetXEncounter.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrFollSupportSpell.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrFollowerSetXFollower.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrFollowerUICreature.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrMechanicSetXMechanic.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrMissionXFollower.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrString.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrTalent.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrTalentTree.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrType.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrUiAnimClassInfo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GarrUiAnimRaceInfo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GemProperties.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GlobalStrings.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GlyphBindableSpell.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GlyphProperties.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GroundEffectDoodad.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GroundEffectTexture.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GuildColorBackground.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GuildColorBorder.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\GuildColorEmblem.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\HelmetAnimScaling.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\HelmetGeosetVisData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\InvasionClientData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemAppearanceXUiCamera.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemArmorQuality.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemArmorShield.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemArmorTotal.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemBagFamily.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemBonusListLevelDelta.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemChildEquipment.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemContextPickerEntry.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemDamageAmmo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemDamageOneHand.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemDamageOneHandCaster.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemDamageTwoHand.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemDamageTwoHandCaster.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemDisplayInfo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemDisplayInfoMaterialRes.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemDisplayXUiCamera.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemGroupSounds.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemLimitCategoryCondition.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemModifiedAppearanceExtra.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemNameDescription.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemPetFood.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemRangedDisplayInfo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemSearchName.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemSet.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemSetSpell.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemSubClass.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemSubClassMask.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemVisualEffects.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemVisuals.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\JournalEncounterCreature.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\JournalEncounterItem.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\JournalItemXDifficulty.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\JournalTier.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\JournalTierXInstance.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\KeystoneAffix.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LfgDungeonExpansion.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LfgDungeons.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LfgDungeonsGroupingMap.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Light.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LightData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LightParams.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LightSkybox.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LiquidMaterial.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LiquidObject.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LiquidType.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LoadingScreenTaxiSplines.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LoadingScreens.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Lock.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\LockType.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ManifestInterfaceActionIcon.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ManifestInterfaceData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ManifestInterfaceItemIcon.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ManifestInterfaceTOCData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ManifestMP3.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Map.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\MapDifficulty.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\MapDifficultyXCondition.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Material.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\MinorTalent.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ModelAnimCloakDampening.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ModelFileData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ModelRibbonQuality.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Movie.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\MovieFileData.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\MovieVariation.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\NPCSounds.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\NpcModelItemSlotDisplayInfo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\OutlineEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PageTextMaterial.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ParticleColor.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Phase.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PhaseShiftZoneSounds.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Positioner.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PositionerState.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PositionerStateEntry.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PowerDisplay.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PowerType.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PrestigeLevelInfo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PvpBracketTypes.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PvpDifficulty.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PvpReward.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PvpTalent.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\PvpTalentUnlock.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\QuestFactionReward.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\QuestFeedbackEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\RandPropPoints.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\RewardPack.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\RewardPackXCurrencyType.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\RewardPackXItem.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\RibbonQuality.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ScenarioStep.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ScheduledInterval.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ScheduledWorldState.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ScheduledWorldStateGroup.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ScheduledWorldStateXUniqCat.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ScreenEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ScreenLocation.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SeamlessSite.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ServerMessages.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ShadowyEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SkillLine.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SkillLineAbility.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SkillRaceClassInfo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundAmbience.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundAmbienceFlavor.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundBus.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundFilter.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundFilterElem.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundKit.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundKitAdvanced.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundKitChild.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundKitEntry.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundKitFallback.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundOverride.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundProviderPreferences.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SourceInfo.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Spell.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellActivationOverlay.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellAuraOptions.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellAuraVisXChrSpec.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellAuraVisibility.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellCategories.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellCategory.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellChainEffects.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellCooldowns.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellDescriptionVariables.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellEffectEmission.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellEffectScaling.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellEquippedItems.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellFocusObject.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellIcon.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellInterrupts.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellItemEnchantment.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellLabel.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellLevels.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellProceduralEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellScaling.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellShapeshift.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellShapeshiftForm.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellSpecialUnitEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellTargetRestrictions.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellVisualAnim.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellVisualKitEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Startup_Strings.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SummonProperties.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TactKey.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TactKeyLookup.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Talent.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TerrainMaterial.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TerrainType.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TerrainTypeSounds.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TextureBlendSet.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TradeSkillCategory.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TradeSkillItem.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TransformMatrix.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TransmogSet.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\TransmogSetItem.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UiCamFbackTransmogChrRace.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UiCamFbackTransmogWeapon.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UiCamera.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UiCameraType.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UiMapPOI.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UnitBlood.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UnitBloodLevels.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Vehicle.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\VehicleSeat.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\VehicleUIIndSeat.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\VehicleUIIndicator.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\VideoHardware.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\VocalUISounds.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WMOAreaTable.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WeaponImpactSounds.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WeaponSwingSounds2.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WeaponTrailModelDef.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WeaponTrailParam.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Weather.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WmoMinimapTexture.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldChunkSounds.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldEffect.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldMapArea.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldMapContinent.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldMapTransforms.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldSafeLocs.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldStateExpression.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldStateUI.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\WorldStateZoneSounds.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\World_PVP_Area.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ZoneIntroMusicTable.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ZoneLight.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ZoneLightPoint.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ZoneMusic.db2 in the archive for locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND Extracted 251 files opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale esMX Locale esMX not installed. opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale ruRU Locale ruRU not installed. opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale ptBR Locale ptBR not installed. opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale itIT Locale itIT not installed. opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale esES Extracting game tables... output path /home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/gt/ Unable to open file GameTables\ArmorMitigationByLvl.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\artifactLevelXP.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\BarberShopCostBase.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\BaseMp.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\BattlePetTypeDamageMod.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\battlePetXP.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\ChallengeModeDamage.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\ChallengeModeHealth.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\CombatRatings.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\CombatRatingsMultByILvl.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\HonorLevel.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\HpPerSta.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\ItemSocketCostPerLevel.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcDamageByClass.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcDamageByClassExp1.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcDamageByClassExp2.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcDamageByClassExp3.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcDamageByClassExp4.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcDamageByClassExp5.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcDamageByClassExp6.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcManaCostScaler.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcTotalHp.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcTotalHpExp1.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcTotalHpExp2.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcTotalHpExp3.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcTotalHpExp4.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcTotalHpExp5.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\NpcTotalHpExp6.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\SandboxScaling.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\SpellScaling.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to open file GameTables\xp.txt in the archive: FILE_NOT_FOUND Extracted 0 files opened casc storage '/home/spartero/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/drive_c/WoD_6.x/Data' locale esES Extracting maps... Read Map.dbc file... Fatal error: Cannot find Map.dbc in archive! FILE_NOT_FOUND