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Posts posted by Rat

  1. you have to patch the original game exe files on each machine if they didnt have 7.3.5 running before, because the connaction_patcher downloads some files for you to be able to connect

    so build your trinity server on your server (linux or win) set it up, etc,
    build the tools on a windows machine, you will only need the connection_patcher from it
    then patch the wow.exe and wow64.exe in your game, but leave there the original files too

    you can then copy your game to any pc, but have to patch the orinal files again

  2. you know that wpp has an inner storage for everything which is going to be dumped to txt..
    so why not simply make a winform gui in wpp? it should not autoclose after parsing is done, instead open up the gui where you could do searching for the already parsed/stored stuff. dont have to reinvent the wheel again, (there is no sniffer atm so you have time :) )

  3.         // cache equipment...
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_END; ++i)
                if (Item* item = GetItemByPos(INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_0, i))
                    ss << item->GetTemplate()->GetInventoryType() << ' ' << item->GetDisplayId() << ' ';
                    if (SpellItemEnchantmentEntry const* enchant = sSpellItemEnchantmentStore.LookupEntry(item->GetEnchantmentId(PERM_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT)))
                        ss << enchant->ItemVisual;
                        ss << '0';
                    ss << ' ';
                    ss << "0 0 0 ";
  4. create 2 dirs,


    c/source //pull source from git to here (usualyl git makes a /trinitycore/ dir, if it happened, move everything out from it to c/source)

    so you should have 
    etc, and some files like CMakeLists.txt, .gitignore, etc[/code]


    [u]c/build[/u] //leave empty

    run cmake gui

    fill in / browse the two top fields:

    "where is the source code? " [u]c/source[/u]

    "where to build? " [u]c/build[/u]

    press Configure, check for anny error, if none, click generate, tadam, you should have a VS project file in the build dir

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