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Everything posted by jackpoz

  1. Are you doing an incremental build or a full rebuild ?
  2. The wiki explains how to add custom scripts https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130195/CustomScript
  3. Start worldserver.exe from cmd/powershell (no double-clicking on worldserver.exe) and check what gets printed before it closes. While at it, run ".server info" and post the output.
  4. https://ericlippert.com/2020/03/27/new-grad-vs-senior-dev/
  5. https://blog.usejournal.com/coding-with-empathy-37a708040f14
  6. MySQL 5.7.25 works fine for me, you just need to rebuild worldserver to use latest library after the upgrade (that's probably the incompatibility message you received)
  7. http://aras-p.info/blog/2018/12/28/Modern-C-Lamentations/
  8. https://ayende.com/blog/184993-A/the-fear-of-an-empty-source-file
  9. https://css-tricks.com/code-review-etiquette/
  10. I've been using http://valgrind.org/ for years and I'm getting curious about ASan, do you have experience with the tool or did you just gave it a try ? Could you try running master with valgrind too ? Thanks
  11. https://www.daedtech.com/expert-developers-still-make-mistakes/
  12. https://hackernoon.com/the-myth-of-software-time-estimations-576a7466d91a
  13. You can also add the remote repo where the pull request is and then merge it into the local TC branch (3.3.5 or master). It will be up to you to deal with merge conflicts and updates tho (probably requiring to rebase from time to time).
  14. http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2017/02/23/NecessaryComments.html
  15. https://heatst.com/tech/drupal-contributors-threaten-to-quit-after-a-developer-is-banned-for-his-private-sex-life/ Once again I find myself to support the https://github.com/domgetter/NCoC "No code of conduct" idea
  16. Please fix the crawled repos https://www.openhub.net/p/TrinityCore/enlistments , it still points to 6.x branch
  17. https://www.kennethreitz.org/essays/the-reality-of-developer-burnout
  18. https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/Monitoring+a+TrinityCore+server might help you monitor what's happening on the server. You should also check the configuration of every involved application (authserver, worldserver, MySQL), fine-tuning them for best performance (which may vary on your usage and hardware resources)
  19. https://www.trinitycore.org/ homepage still references 6.x branch that is no longer maintained and shows https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/a249d86b00eb0854cb925f8bea76ddbb364208df as most recent commit, instead of showing commits of branch "master". The "View Details" link should point to the new master branch too
  20. https://aeon.co/ideas/coding-is-not-fun-it-s-technically-and-ethically-complex
  21. you can download Windows x64 binaries from AppVeyor (link on the readme https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/master/README.md should point to https://ci.appveyor.com/project/DDuarte/trinitycore/branch/3.3.5 . A recent working build is https://ci.appveyor.com/project/DDuarte/trinitycore/build/1.0.1742/artifacts )
  22. https://www.agwa.name/blog/post/how_to_crash_systemd_in_one_tweet >How to Crash Systemd in One Tweet Interesting article (almost a rant) about how security, code quality, code design and readability should matter a lot in software development, even more than actual features
  23. Just press F12 (in Visual Studio) on Player type to walk down the inheritance chain and you'll end up in Position
  24. maybe the SQL output of WPP can help this part since it comes down to MySQL performance. After all this tool does not much more than a MySQL SELECT, it just needs data being stored in a more query-friendly way (waypoints drawing is a separated topic than sniff filtering).
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