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  1. Tank you so much Nay, version shown in CMake and generating done without errors will trying a compile the other days. Have a nice Easter holidays!
  2. You mean in CMake "GIT_EXECUTEABLE" add the path to "/bin" ? .... The Link above from you to the portable git version PortableGit-2.7.4-64-bit.7z.exe gave a big surprise Microsoft Security Essentials(definition updated today) Trojan:Win32/Fethar.A!d \PortableGit\usr\lib\perl5\core_perl\auto\Opcode\Opcode.dll I currently make an upload to virustotal for the PortableGit-2.7.4-64-bit.7z.exe and the Opcode.dll for further infos. looking good for the whole .exe but that unarchived Opcode.dll .... have to figure out how to upload that alone unpacked. https://www.virustotal.com/de/file/d32918f10812b4e60ecbf0524960cff00c8b20d1f0464dab1506d67dbaf8d6cf/analysis/1459091873/ Ok the Opcode.dll also seems to be fine: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/e9c9a34761666c5968a1108932906693593d0901c34fda5512f6ce57cc55ed17/analysis/1459094824/ so a false positive thx MSE for waisting my time!
  3. Ah, thanks very much Nay finally I understand. The version infos are generated by the git software in the order of cmake. So if I would now install a portable git software on my gaming PC I could generate it. Is there an easy way for pointing Cmake to the portable git software? Probably the FindGit.cmake macro?
  4. I thought I copy that git clone directory over to the gaming PC together with that missing version info. So you say that the version information is somewhere hidden in Git software and can't be copied over? But that info must be somewhere local on the pi!? I did that git clone and now I got also that .git directory which is missing in the Zip archives. Is that the one I would need for the version infos for cmake? OMG that directory is 375MB large , is that the only reason why they exclude that from the zip archive?
  5. I'm using Windows for surfing, as far as I understand it I have to install some kind of a Git software? I don't want to install anything here like GitHubSetup.exe. Maybe there is a portable version of that git software? I have a Raspi3 @ remotedesktop running I can use that for the git pull instead? sudo apt-get install git-core <- install git ? then 1. clone of the repository: git clone git://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git <- not sure which url here, probably you have to add infos as to which Branch: 3.3.5 to use? then for update: change to the git directory and use "git pull" Will that get me version information file? And apart from that, is there any good reason why the zip archive doesn't contain a version file. Is this just a missing github feature or is there a good reason why not?
  6. And there is no way to set up one manually? No documentation on the internal format of that .git file? Probably just a text file containing some date and rev. numbers?
  7. Hi, I always downloaded Trinity Core as a .ZIP archive and never had a need of anything else but it always bugged me not to have the actual revision data. Why is the revision data not shown using the zip archives for the T-Core? Is there a way to manually add these revison numbers? Thanks!
  8. I think I ran into similar problem here, at wow loginscreen getting battle.net-error #112 -> it says it couldn't check the game version...... I tried the before mentioned "Wow_Patched.exe -uid plsnopatch -noautolaunch64bit" but no success, still error #112. Background: I used for over 3 months a trinity server(core.zip download date 15.12.2015) and always started the client wow-64.exe with " -uid wow-dede" command and never had a problem. I never updated the wow client after the initial setup of the trintiy server it is still version Today I updated trinity to the current version(core.zip download date 23.03.2016). Trinity update went all fine no errors and for the first test I started the wow client with the old patched wow-64.exe from the old trinity version(2015.12.15.). All went fine I played for several hours and then did a normal logout and a normal trintiy server shutdown strg+c. No problems what so ever. I did not update the WoW Client it is still version Then a few minutes later when I started trinity and the WoW Client again(with the old patched wow-64.exe and " -uid wow-dede") and then out of nothing the error #112 showed up. Finally I tried the current new connection-patcher.exe on the wow-64.exe but still #112 error.
  9. From the outside view it seems to be a target conflict between core developers entertainment for newest features and the lag of server content updates?
  10. Will the trinity core remain on WOD 6.x until it gets a "complete" playable server experience like the 3.3.5 or quickly move on to 7?
  11. There are some really good optimizations on the mmaps.exe, a few months ago it took me about 5h for 3.3.5a and now only 2,5h on an old Core2Quad Q9550.
  12. Wow, and I thought my gaming rig is ancient, few days ago it did mmaps in 2,5 hours for 335a. 434 took me about 3,5 hours, probably for the new areas?
  13. Is there a need to regular "update" the generated maps from maps/mmaps generator procedure? Especially the mmaps takes me about 5h to finish. Where can you see if there is a need to update maps?
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