sorry about that, the error code was "non-aggregates cannot be initialized with initialiser list", also, sorry about making a new thread, was not sure if it was an actual cmake/compile issue or an issue with the latest build since at the time of download it had been modified only 1/2 an hour earlier, the file that had the issue was "boss_icecrown_gunship_battle.cpp, several errors (there are 35 in total) mention MuradinExitPath and go from line 222-231, the next one which is SaurfangExitPath goes from line 237-249, next error features a few syntax errors on line 2337 of the file as well as an Relocate offset not allowing 0 arguements error, next error is an illegal else without matching if error on line 2338 followed by a bunch of syntax errors on line 2339 and finally a "cannot open input file '..scriptsReleasescripts.lib' " error in the worldserver project, all bar the last one are in the scripts project.