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  1. Ok, i found the error. The extractor creates the folder structure "dbc/deDE" since im using the german version of WoW. But the worldserver was looking for "dbc/enUS", thats why it couldnt find the dbc files. So i manually created this enUS folder und copy and pasted the dbc files in. Now everything is working fine. Thank you all for your help!
  2. Did that. Still not working. I dont understand this, with the 3.3.5 branch i had no problems.
  3. In the first post i attached the Server.log and thats the error that gets printed before the window closes. TrinityCore rev. 3633c5e5ebe4 2017-05-23 10:09:12 +0200 (master branch) (Win64, Debug, Static) (worldserver-daemon) <Ctrl-C> to stop. ______ __ /\__ _\ __ __/\ \__ \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\ ___ /\_\ \, _\ __ __ \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \ \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \ C O R E /\___/ http://TrinityCore.org Using configuration file C:/Build Master/bin/Debug/worldserver.conf. Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017) Using Boost version: 1.63.0 Updating Auth database... >> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 4 new and 97 archived updates. Updating Character database... >> Character database is up-to-date! Containing 3 new and 67 archived updates. Updating World database... >> World database is up-to-date! Containing 50 new and 1910 archived updates. Updating Hotfixes database... >> Hotfixes database is up-to-date! Containing 4 new and 104 archived updates. Realm running as realm ID 1 Using World DB: TDB 720.00 Using enUS DBC Locale Missing name MonsterSight in config file C:/Build Master/bin/Debug/worldserver.conf, add "MonsterSight = 50.000000" to this file Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes. Using DataDir ./ WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1 VMap data directory is: ./vmaps Missing name Guild.SaveInterval in config file C:/Build Master/bin/Debug/worldserver.conf, add "Guild.SaveInterval = 15" to this file Loading Trinity strings... >> Loaded 1065 trinity strings in 26 ms Initialize data stores... Some required *.db2 files (209 from 1) not found or not compatible: Achievement.db2 AnimKit.db2 AreaGroupMember.db2 AreaTable.db2 AreaTrigger.db2 ArmorLocation.db2 Artifact.db2 ArtifactAppearance.db2 ArtifactAppearanceSet.db2 ArtifactCategory.db2 ArtifactPower.db2 ArtifactPowerLink.db2 ArtifactPowerPicker.db2 ArtifactPowerRank.db2 AuctionHouse.db2 BankBagSlotPrices.db2 BannedAddOns.db2 BarberShopStyle.db2 BattlePetBreedQuality.db2 BattlePetBreedState.db2 BattlePetSpecies.db2 BattlePetSpeciesState.db2 BattlemasterList.db2 BroadcastText.db2 CharSections.db2 CharStartOutfit.db2 CharTitles.db2 ChatChannels.db2 ChrClasses.db2 ChrClassesXPowerTypes.db2 ChrRaces.db2 ChrSpecialization.db2 CinematicCamera.db2 CinematicSequences.db2 ConversationLine.db2 CreatureDisplayInfo.db2 CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.db2 CreatureFamily.db2 CreatureModelData.db2 CreatureType.db2 Criteria.db2 CriteriaTree.db2 CurrencyTypes.db2 Curve.db2 CurvePoint.db2 DestructibleModelData.db2 Difficulty.db2 DungeonEncounter.db2 DurabilityCosts.db2 DurabilityQuality.db2 Emotes.db2 EmotesText.db2 EmotesTextSound.db2 Faction.db2 FactionTemplate.db2 GameObjects.db2 GameObjectDisplayInfo.db2 GarrAbility.db2 GarrBuilding.db2 GarrBuildingPlotInst.db2 GarrClassSpec.db2 GarrFollower.db2 GarrFollowerXAbility.db2 GarrPlotBuilding.db2 GarrPlot.db2 GarrPlotInstance.db2 GarrSiteLevel.db2 GarrSiteLevelPlotInst.db2 GemProperties.db2 GlyphBindableSpell.db2 GlyphProperties.db2 GlyphRequiredSpec.db2 GuildColorBackground.db2 GuildColorBorder.db2 GuildColorEmblem.db2 GuildPerkSpells.db2 Heirloom.db2 Holidays.db2 ImportPriceArmor.db2 ImportPriceQuality.db2 ImportPriceShield.db2 ImportPriceWeapon.db2 ItemAppearance.db2 ItemArmorQuality.db2 ItemArmorShield.db2 ItemArmorTotal.db2 ItemBagFamily.db2 ItemBonus.db2 ItemBonusListLevelDelta.db2 ItemBonusTreeNode.db2 ItemChildEquipment.db2 ItemClass.db2 ItemCurrencyCost.db2 ItemDamageAmmo.db2 ItemDamageOneHand.db2 ItemDamageOneHandCaster.db2 ItemDamageTwoHand.db2 ItemDamageTwoHandCaster.db2 ItemDisenchantLoot.db2 ItemEffect.db2 Item.db2 ItemExtendedCost.db2 ItemLimitCategory.db2 ItemModifiedAppearance.db2 ItemPriceBase.db2 ItemRandomProperties.db2 ItemRandomSuffix.db2 ItemSearchName.db2 ItemSet.db2 ItemSetSpell.db2 ItemSparse.db2 ItemSpec.db2 ItemSpecOverride.db2 ItemUpgrade.db2 ItemXBonusTree.db2 KeyChain.db2 LfgDungeons.db2 Light.db2 LiquidType.db2 Lock.db2 MailTemplate.db2 Map.db2 MapDifficulty.db2 ModifierTree.db2 MountCapability.db2 Mount.db2 MountTypeXCapability.db2 MountXDisplay.db2 Movie.db2 NameGen.db2 NamesProfanity.db2 NamesReserved.db2 NamesReservedLocale.db2 OverrideSpellData.db2 Phase.db2 PhaseXPhaseGroup.db2 PlayerCondition.db2 PowerDisplay.db2 PowerType.db2 PvpDifficulty.db2 QuestFactionReward.db2 QuestMoneyReward.db2 QuestPackageItem.db2 QuestSort.db2 QuestV2.db2 QuestXP.db2 RandPropPoints.db2 RulesetItemUpgrade.db2 ScalingStatDistribution.db2 Scenario.db2 ScenarioStep.db2 SceneScript.db2 SceneScriptPackage.db2 SkillLine.db2 SkillLineAbility.db2 SkillRaceClassInfo.db2 SoundKit.db2 SpecializationSpells.db2 Spell.db2 SpellAuraOptions.db2 SpellAuraRestrictions.db2 SpellCastTimes.db2 SpellCastingRequirements.db2 SpellCategories.db2 SpellCategory.db2 SpellClassOptions.db2 SpellCooldowns.db2 SpellDuration.db2 SpellEffect.db2 SpellEffectScaling.db2 SpellEquippedItems.db2 SpellFocusObject.db2 SpellInterrupts.db2 SpellItemEnchantment.db2 SpellItemEnchantmentCondition.db2 SpellLearnSpell.db2 SpellLevels.db2 SpellMisc.db2 SpellPower.db2 SpellPowerDifficulty.db2 SpellProcsPerMinute.db2 SpellProcsPerMinuteMod.db2 SpellRadius.db2 SpellRange.db2 SpellReagents.db2 SpellScaling.db2 SpellShapeshift.db2 SpellShapeshiftForm.db2 SpellTargetRestrictions.db2 SpellTotems.db2 SpellXSpellVisual.db2 SummonProperties.db2 TactKey.db2 Talent.db2 TaxiNodes.db2 TaxiPath.db2 TaxiPathNode.db2 TotemCategory.db2 Toy.db2 TransportAnimation.db2 TransportRotation.db2 UnitPowerBar.db2 Vehicle.db2 VehicleSeat.db2 WMOAreaTable.db2 WorldMapArea.db2 WorldMapOverlay.db2 WorldMapTransforms.db2 WorldSafeLocs.db2
  4. Thank you for the answers, i didnt skip this, i extracted everything except mmaps and placed these folders in my Debug folder. The dbc folder is there aswell.
  5. Hello, i'm trying to get 7.2 TrinityCore working and i did everything according to the tutorial. My last step was to place TDB_hotfixes.sql and TDB_world.sql in my folder and to start worldserver.exe. It didnt ask me to update the database, it just just seemed to do it automatically. However, after the autopopulating the window just closed itself. I started bnetserver, waited a few seconds and tried to start worldserver again but it always closes itself. What did i do wrong? Server.log
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