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Everything posted by Jansi

  1. The client and server are on the same machine.
  2. I have repeated the whole installation process and compiled TC from the latest revision yet again, but the result is the same, so I created an issue on the bug tracker since there are more of us with this bug. I also posted a 10$ bounty on this issue, so whoever fixes this can have a couple of beers on me (unless it's that American Budweiser piss water in which case you should buy diapers instead)
  3. I have the same symptoms: can login and create a character, but then I get stuck at 80% while connecting. My WoW client version is This is a fresh installation on OS X from the latest rev 8464674 of the 6.x branch with a clean sql db import. I followed the installation guide to the letter. I posted the complete worldserver-daemon output and connection.log on pastebin.
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