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Everything posted by Obitus

  1. Update your database. To be specific, updated sql files containing `spawn_group` table are the following: TrinityCore\sql\updates\world\3.3.5\2017_07_31_00_world.sql TrinityCore\sql\updates\world\3.3.5\2017_08_04_01_world.sql TrinityCore\sql\updates\world\3.3.5\2017_08_04_02_world.sql TrinityCore\sql\updates\world\3.3.5\2017_08_04_03_world.sql TrinityCore\sql\updates\world\3.3.5\2017_08_04_04_world.sql TrinityCore\sql\updates\world\3.3.5\2017_08_04_05_world.sql TrinityCore\sql\updates\world\3.3.5\2017_08_04_06_world.sql
  2. Spell.dbc 30 uint32 RecoveryTime - Cooldown of a spell. May differ with caster's level. https://wowdev.wiki/DB/Spell 72-74 int32 Effect[3] - Type of effect which spell has. All following effect fields (and some at the end of DBC) reffer to these up to 3 effects.
  3. https://www.warmane.com/download You might wanna select 'Wrath of the lich king (old)', because that's the unmodified wotlk game client.
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