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Posts posted by labaouici

  1. I'm using the correct patch yes, the only way to make it work for me is to put everything in the same folder (every files including the maps etc, even in local if I put the patcher anywhere else it will just create data/cache/log, but stay on connection)


    " If you are running the right client my next thing is are you sure you are able to connect to other things like MySQL to this VPS IP " I don't know, I just set the portal to the IP and try to connect

  2. 4 minutes ago, codeman8214 said:

    You said you open ports 8087, 8088 did you change your ports for some reason to a different number from what it was set to and why did you change them do you have more than one server is that why.  If you are running just one server then your ports should be 8085, 8086 for world server then for login you should have open ports 1119, and 8081 open for the login server.

    Now did you set your bnetserver.conf file where LoginRest has your external address and local address setup correctly because this is the most common problems when trying to connect to the server outside where the server is actually on.  Another common problem I have been seeing people doing is they are setting the external address to there localhost IP address and the localhost address being set to localhost when the realm is set to there local router address.


    LoginREST.LocalAddress= <= (is that could be that one who is wrong?)



    and I open 1119 and 8081, but I put 8087 and 8088 because I already use to make a wotlk sometimes

  3. Hello all!
    So this is few days I wanted to try the TrinityCore under legion (because I really like the one under wotlk) so I do every steps, but when I try to connect with client patched, in another folder, it put me cache/data/logs but in the logging I stay on "connection" I set portal (I'm under Windows 10)


    So I tried to put in on a vps under linux to try, but even setting the portal with VPS IP it stay on connection, so I would like how to connect because I really don't see why it don't work (I open port 8087, 8088 for the world server).
    Thanks to read because I would really try what the TC Legion :)
    (also thanks for all the work you do)

    wow legion vps.png

    wow vps world.png

  4. Hello, when I try to start my realm I got this

    Loading Warden Action Overrides...
    Deleting expired bans...
    Calculate next daily quest reset time...
    Calculate next weekly quest reset time...
    Calculate next monthly quest reset time...
    Calculate random battleground reset time...
    Calculate guild limitation(s) reset time...
    World initialized in 0 minutes 15 seconds
    TC>TC>Couldn't bind to

    /home/Lici/ElunaTrinityWotlk/src/server/shared/Networking/SocketMgr.h:35 in ~SocketMgr ASSERTION FAILED:
      !_threads && !_acceptor && !_threadCount StopNetwork must be called prior to SocketMgr destruction
    Segmentation fault


    But I don't know why, I just change a line in ObjectMgr.cpp : itemTemplate.ItemStat.ItemStatValue = int32(fields[29 + i*2].GetInt16());

    to itemTemplate.ItemStat.ItemStatValue = int32(fields[29 + i*2].GetInt32());

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