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Everything posted by kmilo93sd

  1. Hi, I'm creating my first script following the instructions that are in the documentation of the page, I followed all the steps but I have not managed to make it work, the database is not linking the script with the spell. This is how i add the script in the core: my script class: https://pastebin.com/GctwcUEf custom script loader: https://pastebin.com/BVxzDKGw and i put this in the spell_script_names table: in the database log this appears: Script named 'custom_dru_spell_shooting_stars' does not have a script name assigned in database. maybe I have forgotten something, but I do not discover what is missing. im using 4.3.4 version
  2. Hello, I have compiled the latest version of trinity 4.3.4 which is in this link I used the files of that link to compile the code and fill the database, I have not had any error with those things. But I have run the worldserver.exe and there are many error messages saying that it does not find some spells and others. There are several spell script that are in the code, but not in the database. Should I add those spells manually?
  3. Hi, I do not understand much english, I do not know if I understand correctly what you want. Do you need to manually set the boost path in cmake? In that case, you must have the "advanced" box active, it's up, beside the add button
  4. The problem was that I installed appserv and xampp in 32-bit version, so they generated conflict with visual studio. I just uninstalled them and re-installed mysql community server, with that the problem has been solved. Now I was able to get all the files and the compilation did not give me any error. Thanks Aokromes, you are my hero!
  5. Okay I installed boost version 1.63, I solved the problem of the libraries in cmake, I do not see any error or warning, cmake found the libraries automatically (I put it now in c: / boost_1_63_0). The problem now is when I finish compiling with visual studio 2017, it sends the following message: ========== Compilar: 22 correctos, 3 incorrectos, 0 actualizados, 0 omitidos ========== I checked if I had the files and only generated them: Then looking for the errors in the output of visual studio, I found 2 that refer to the missing files.
  6. thanks for the answer aokromes, I’d tried first with boost 1.59, and later i tried with 1.64. I'll try now with 1.63 version, back in a moment.
  7. Hi, I have a problem with the server files. I do not know much English, so maybe I'll write weird. I tried to compile version 4.3.4, but some files were not generated, among them missing authserver.exe, worldserver.exe and mmap_extractor.exe. I thought it would be a problem with that version, but I downloaded and compiled the 3.3.5 that appears in the guide and did not generate any of the files mentioned, nor did the extraction files. I think the problem may be from cmake, when generating the files the following message appears: "WARNING: Target "common" requests linking to directory "C:/local/boost_1_59_0/libs/system". Targets may link only to libraries. CMake is dropping the item." This warning appears repeatedly when cmake goes through several directories, among them, those responsible for generating the mentioned files. I had to manually specify a path for cmake to find the boost libraries it was telling me, but I think the path I've specified is not correct. The libraries that cmake can not find automatically are: Boost_DIR-NOTFOUND Boost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY_DEBUG-NOTFOUND Boost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND Boost_IOSTREAMS_LIBRARY_DEBUG-NOTFOUND Boost_IOSTREAMS_LIBRARY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND Boost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY_DEBUG-NOTFOUND Boost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DEBUG-NOTFOUND Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY_DEBUG-NOTFOUND Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND I left the error indicating that cmake did not find those libraries so I indicated the path C: \ local \ boost_1_59_0 \ libs and in that folder I looked for the ones cmake said to me, but obviously it is not that, because cmake did not find them. I think that's the reason I do not have those files, does anyone know how I can fix it? To clarify, the "tools" field is marked in the configuration.
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