We're currently in Hallows End, and some of the events are working normally (trick or treat with the innkeepers, the mask achievements, apple bob). However, I don't seem to have the Horseman starting fires at Goldshire, nor are the effigies on fire for that practice quest. The effigies are present on the hill, but they are not burning. The buckets and water container are there and are interactable, there's just no fires. I rebooted the server thinking that might fix the problem, and it didn't.
I'm not sure if this is related, but the weekly fishing quests don't seem to start, either. With server time - as shown ingame - as being my local time, I had assumed that these events would be set to local time, reading off the server timestamp.
Brewfest seemed to work perfectly fine, so it doesn't seem to be a general event trigger problem. Is there anything I can check in the database?