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Posts posted by Exodius

  1. If I am not mistaken, open worldserver.conf and set the last line to

    Expansion = 0

    # Expansion
    # Description: Allow server to use content from expansions. Checks for expansion-related
    # map files, client compatibility and class/race character creation.
    # Default: 6 - (Expansion 6)
    # 5 - (Expansion 5)
    # 4 - (Expansion 4)
    # 3 - (Expansion 3)
    # 2 - (Expansion 2)
    # 1 - (Expansion 1)
    # 0 - (Disabled, Ignore and disable expansion content (maps, races, classes)
    Expansion = 6
  2. 2 minutes ago, mahdishahidi said:

    Thanks really.

    But did you test that DB and source your own?

    I did while I was working on things... It worked normally. Nowadays, I have no times for anything. That's why I even stopped submitting fixes for active branches. RL is a bitch.

    I'd like to thank @Aokromes, @Killyana and everyone else that are keeping Legacy repo "up to date" by backporting things pushed to active (supported) branches.

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