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  1. TCPP picked up from the point when TrinityCore stopped supporting 4.3.4, and kept developing it and fixing content. It's not TrinityCore only in the sense that's a fork maintained by different people, but it's essentially the same software + fixes, and it's a clean and well maintained codebase, so for running a Cataclysm server you'll really not find anything better than it. For other patches, you can always checkout the latest tag from TrinityCore before they moved to the next current patch. For Legion you can start at https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commits/TDB735.00 + the corresponding database release, then look at the (huge) list of commits since that point in time to see which are important core fixes, that aren't related to later system changes and content, and cherry-pick + solve conflicts for each of them. It'll be a very intensive labor to get and maintain a stable fork, which is precisely why TrinityCore doesn't do it, as the focus is to always track the current live servers and build a history of correct data sniffed from live servers, rather than having a 100% playable release for every old patch. If more people from the community contributed with sniffs, the data would be more complete at each point in time. What is there is what the community was able to gather before the content became inaccessible due to live changes. 3.3.5 is a special case, because it's the most popular version of WoW in private servers, so there was A LOT of community effort to make it as complete and accurate as possible (vanilla is another one, but the work happened in mangos/cmangos/vmangos rather than TrinityCore). If you want to run a very close to 100% correct WoW server, 3.3.5 is the way to go. Everything newer will be just a lot of hacks and guesswork over the baseline that's available from TrinityCore, and similar open source projects.
  2. Arctium doesn't work on wine (stack overflow), so is there any other launcher that works on linux?
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