Hello ive been banging my head against a wall for 3 days now ive googled over and over to find a solution but cannot find answers
ive compiled trinity core
setup databases
and im at the last step of the process where you login
the problem i have is that everytime i login it crashes the worldserver.exe and the login attempt fails and i cant understand the crash logs it just says something about assertion failed
authserver remains open also if it matters world server doesnt require auth server to be open but i open auth first and ive tried switching them around to no success
trying to connect via localhost
also attached is a crash log from the crashes folder dunno if its the right one
its not a repack that im using its cloned from github ive followed every step of the guide and ive read it multiple times to ensure that i got each step right
its the 3.3.5 branch
thank you for your time and assistance