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Posts posted by killradio_1337

  1. Hey guys.

    ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_DATA_TYPE_S_AREA (type = 6) was removed from 4.x and 6.x branches long time ago, but still there are some data with this type in DB. Is this entries can be safely removed from DB, or ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_DATA_TYPE_S_AREA waiting for implementation?

    Same question for ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_DATA_TYPE_MAP_DIFFICULTY (type = 12) in 4.x branch - this criteria type already implemented and working as intended?

    Asking, cuz can't find proper commits with some more explanation.

  2. Hi everyone.

    Trying to make some custom quests and faced weird problem: I need to make creature attackable for other NPCs, but still pacified (not aggroing/attacking other mobs).
    Already tried many cases with unit_flags and react states, but creature keeps going into attack<->evade mode during moving.

    Can some one provide simple example or mb NPC which has waypoint + moving + can be target for attack + doesnt attack anyone in combat state?

  3. Problem:

        Could not find a proper repository signature (hash) - you may need to pull tags with git fetch -t
        Continuing anyway - note that the versionstring will be set to "unknown 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (Archived)"

    How to repeat:

    Make TC's repo clone, push some commits to your new repo and merge with TC's one.


    Go to https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/releases/tag/init
    Find "init" named tag and its hash (9b1c0e006f20091f28f3f468cfcab1feb51286bd)
    Go with git into your cloned repo and type:

    git tag -a init 9b1c0e006f20091f28f3f468cfcab1feb51286bd
    git push --tags

    You can also check if everything ok with this command:

    git describe --match init --dirty=+ --abbrev=12

    Output should be like init-<counter>-<short-hash>
    For ex.: init-22656-g15a9c6729ee2

  4. ulimit + sysctl + google = profit..

    But these ones handle only most common bottlenecks of highload systems.

    If u dont know how to manage linux servers and asking such questions - its better to hire someone with enough skill.

  5. Please Add more commnad that we need on special cases like conflicts, how to resolve them etc

    Use patch command under linux/win and find blocks in ur code (with npp or other editor):

    <<<<<<< HEAD
    								 uiDeathArmyCheckTimer = 0;
    								 bDeathArmyDone = true;
    								 if (uiDeathArmyCheckTimer <= uiDiff)
    									 me->ClearUnitState(UNIT_STATE_ROOT | UNIT_STATE_STUNNED);
    									 uiDeathArmyCheckTimer = 0;
    									 bDeathArmyDone = true;
    								 } else uiDeathArmyCheckTimer -= uiDiff;
    >>>>>>> 84268be882e79ee7633323502ce83f2e4bfcf3a9

    all between <<<<<<< HEAD and ======= - is what u have now in code, between ======= and >>>>>>> [hash] - what u want to have, after apply patch or smth. Check logic, functions, variables, etc and try to fix ur code. There is no step-by-step guide "how to fix conflicts after applyin patch".

    • Upvote 1
  6. LE : Fixed it. Just drop the item_instance table and rebuild it with the itemEntry column in it.

    OMG u cant just drop this table - all items will disappear from ur characters inventory.

    -- Add new column to item_instance table
    ALTER TABLE `item_instance` ADD COLUMN `itemEntry` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `guid`;
    -- Set values for new column from corresponding columns in other tables
    UPDATE item_instance ii, auctionhouse ah
    SET ii.itemEntry = ah.item_template
    WHERE ii.guid = ah.itemguid;
    UPDATE item_instance ii, character_inventory ci
    SET ii.itemEntry = ci.item_template
    WHERE ii.guid = ci.item;
    UPDATE item_instance ii, guild_bank_item gbi
    SET ii.itemEntry = gbi.item_entry
    WHERE ii.guid = gbi.item_guid;
    UPDATE item_instance ii, mail_items mi
    SET ii.itemEntry = mi.item_template
    WHERE ii.guid = mi.item_guid;

    U missed 10654_characters_item_instance.sql update.

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