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Posts posted by Zze

  1. If you understand php and mysql insertion through php, it is very simple to accomplish. Also there are many examples out there, you just have looked hard enough.



    From my limited understanding, the best way to handle account registrations is through SOAP or RA (SOAP being a better choice), and the old way of handling it was to just import stuff straight into the account database?


    Not necessarily the truth, although for commands like account deletion it is...

    The trick for sql account insertion is allowing both databases to hold their `ID` integrity and have a separate table that stores both account id's (ie: CMS/account DB) in an associated field, from there you its just a matter of calling the account ID any time a change is needed.




    Ideally, I'd like for some simple readable code I could work with to toss into a Joomla module or page that just asks what a user wants for a username and pass, possibly some checks to make sure it isn't being abused (like mass-registering hundreds of accounts for some reason), and upon pressing a confirm button, that info would be sent to where it needs to go (either SOAP or the db directly) to make the account. Doesn't have to be flashy at all.


    This isn't gonna happen, there will always be some customization to the base code, Joomla is crap, and unsecured from out of the box. Your best bet is hire someone that knows what they're doing and have them create you a secure registration page independent, from any CMS/Forum you plan to use.

    Or pick one of the many free ones from the web ;)

  2. I have been checking and as far as I can see I applied the auth, character and world .sql databases just where they belong.

    On a side note, I have found the sql/updates folder.

    Could you specify wich of these I need to apply where? I am confused by the massive amount of sql files.

    for example you appiled TDB_full_335.49_2012_09_16 to the world database you'd apply 2012_09_16_00_world_version.sql and beyond. you can use the cmd method or a sql combiner to combine all the files instead of doing them one by one. A user posted one on the forums heres the link.. Trinity SQL combiner

    also if you reread the link i posted above it explains how to do this.

  3. WARNING - Missing or outdated git - did you forget to install a recent version?

    WARNING - Observe that for revision hash/date to work you need at least version 1.7

    WARNING - Missing repository tags - you may need to pull tags with git fetch -t

    WARNING - Continuing anyway - note that the versionstring will be set to 0000-00-00 00:00:00 (Archived)

    this might be trying to tell you something.. just maybe

  4. +KingPin memcache is doing it again.

    Warning: memcache_connect(): Can't connect to, Operation now in progress (115) in /home/kingpin/web/tcorg/f/ips_kernel/classCacheMemcache.php on line 90
     Warning: memcache_connect(): Can't connect to, Connection timed out (110) in /home/kingpin/web/tcorg/f/ips_kernel/classCacheMemcache.php on line 90


    also http://i.imgur.com/FbltC.png o.O all sorts of chaos

  5. Ok, guys i use trinity and a dns redirect from no-ip and i cant login to my server when i haven't edited host file.

    I have edited them and when i make them: [my DNS]

    and i start authserver it runs the server at

    if i run it on host and make the realm i can see realm but not to join...

    Also other player can connect and play this problem is only for me.

    But is i run at they will not be able to connect

    Can i duplicate the realm with other ip but to be able to see players..I mean they to be actually the same realms but to be able to connect from two places one local and one non-local

    I am running site and there is showing that the server is offline but it is actually online :(

    You are binding the server to listen to local traffic how do you expect to connect through the internet? Read through this thread, you'll get the idea..

  6. linking images can't be harmful..?


    Image files can contain malware in a variety of ways. Most often they contain trojan horses used to exploit vulnerabilities in software. As far back as Windows 98 I remember jpeg vulnerabilities in software programs and patches from Microsoft to fix them. Safety on the internet is an illusion. :)

    I'm saying an image linked through the board.. how'd that possibly affect your computer?

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