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  1. Yes that I Know because I know SQL (So actualy I know these languages : VB , Pascal , SQL , PHP , HTML , Java [basic] ) And now I am learning C++ ... but C is needed if I editing core .. I am making custom patches for trinity (easy basic patches because I am beginer , it working fine ) But I don't know how to I add own command .. I try this but compilation will fail ... How can I add custom command to core ? Do you post example for me please ? Thank for your help ...
  2. Helo I have five questions Is there any utilites that help me converting my old database for trinitycore 7331 to last revision ? My second question is : Can i create own command . if yes how ? I am beginer in C++ Do you post any examples for me please ? Where can i found Trinity Database repro ? Where i can downlad lastest database ? In Old forum exist menu called Trinity Database Repro . now is missing ... I see only trinity core repro menu at top of the site How many GM Levels have new version of trinity ? My version have 3 GM Levels .. and i read that new version have 4 . Thanks.
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