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Posts posted by Billy

  1. Hello all, it's been awhile since I was last here.

    I went to pull 3.3.5a from the repository and noticed 3.3.5 & 3.3.5-auctionhouse.

    Both of these are full 3.3.5a servers? Only one has the auctionhouse bot in it I'm guessing?

    And if that is the case is 3.3.5-auctionhouse updated to match the 3.3.5 timestamp? I mean the last time 3.3.5-auctionhouse was updated according to Git was about 9 months ago, and 3.3.5 was updated today.

  2. I always clear the 3 files before unzipping the new ones into the folder. The reason for not working for me was they were blocked by winblows due to coming from another computer, so the security "features" auto blocked it. But now I know what to look for.

  3. I just got it working. Some how the file WSTC-64.exe and the key64.24461.wstc were blocked by my OS.

    To fix it I just right clicked on the properties of both files and unblocked them.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Aokromes said:

    Opening Wow-64 process build 24461...
    Checking sniffer status...

    Welcome to WSTC Sniffer (x64, Version 1.7, Built 30/06/2017 16:01:06 (UTC))
    Created by Shauren <[email protected]>
    This sniffer is for World of Warcraft Client Build 24461.
    Sniffer attached. No errors detected.
    Remember to share sniffed data!
    Press any key to continue . . .

    As for addons, i use a shitload of them.

    Thanks Aokromes. Guess I'll just have to keep digging.


  5. Been having problems with the sniffer that I get from here. I keep getting "WSTC-64.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Press any key to continue..." This has been going on for about 2 months now. I've asked the aurthor of the program if there are any dependencies or anything like that that I might not have installed yet, and was told it doesn't require any.

    The only other thing that I can think of that might be causing it to crash would be addons. So is there anybody out there using addons to the client and still able to sniff?

  6. Do you have a 7.2.0 client? If so patch it to 23911 and then do like Aokromes said, re-run the extractors.

    I ran into that problem yesterday. I was doing everything with the previous client 23875, that was  the wrong thing to do. TC is updating the client as well. Not like 3.3.5a where it was the same client all the time.

  7. Hello all, after going through the core set up for Win, I noticed the wikki says I should have bnetserver.pdb and worldserver.pdb files in my build folder. I do not have those two files. I compiled using VS 2017. I also noticed that it says I need those two files for the 3.3.5 server as well, but I have never seen those 2 files in my 3.3.5 build folder before. Are those 2 files for OS's other than Winblows or did I miss something? I am currently trying to get the master branch up and running.

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