Hi All,
I have just written my first SAI script, copying from another and it was a partial success.
I do not know how to create text for an NPC to say, and how/where to link it. I think it is connected with a data script, but no details.
I do not know how to stop an NPC from attacking.
Are there any resources available to assist?
I have looked at the SAI Editor for Keira2, it is very good, but linking up a working SAI with an Idiots Guide to how to show text, stop attacking, run away to a certain point, etc would be very helpful.
An extremely complex SAI like insertwww.wowhead.com/quest=29678/shu-the-spirit-of-water seems daunting to write.
If the information is available via sniffs, then that would be fantastic, I have installed the sniff tool but live is so volatile atm that it is out of date, and even were it to be rewritten most likely live will be patched at least once per week for the near future, so it might not be worth the effort.
TLDR: I can't work out how to write SAI scripts, please help
I've been thinking, after I saw this introduction in the spanish part of the forum, this guy who wants to help out in any way he can... Given the fact that he didn't specify if he has any knowledge in developing of any kind the first thing I thought was in the missing gossip.
But then again, there's nowhere to post that in spanish, if there are users that can't understand/speak english.
Maybe we could make a "Help us gather missing gossip" kindda post but translated in spanish and pin it on the localized forums.
You could also do the same with the "Converting EAI to SAI", because I know there are a lot of developers out there that know how to do it but don't speak english at all.
Just something to think about, if you ask me this would be very efficient and "welcoming" for hispanic people (of course it could/should be done in all the other languages).
I myself could help out in the spanish and portuguese sections.
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