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Thank you to the TrinityCore team!


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Well I did not know in what forum to post this so I thought this one would be the correct one.

I just wish to say a big THANK YOU! to the TC team, and others who support it and are contributing.

Me and my friends recently got tired of playing on retail and wanted to go on a little nostalgia trip with WotLK and while we could have played on other private servers, we thought of seeing if we could make our own, thus we found TC and decided to try it out to see if it's possible.

Well after the informative guide here: https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/TrinityCore+Home , we managed to successfully make it.

So, we currently are playing and so far everything works normally  (with very little very minor bugs found).

We wanted to create this thread to just say thanks to the TC for the making of this project and others who contributed to it. We would contribute ourselves, but we barely know any programming/coding.


Thanks and good luck in the future.

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