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[SOLVED][SOLVED] Debian TrinityCore 3.3.5a - Can't start worldserver


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Hello everyone, I'm having a bit of trouble getting my server working.

I'm following this guide https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/Databases+Installation and everything up to "Start worldserver and press enter when it asks if you want to create databases."  worked fine. But I just can't get worldserver to start.

I've copied the TBD_full sql file to /home/wow/server/bin, which I assume it where it should be. I then try to start worldserver using "sh worldserver" and it then gives me the following error.

> sh world server
> root@debianwow:/home/wow/server/bin# sh worldserver
> worldserver: 1: worldserver: +iA,@: not found
> worldserver: 1: worldserver: !DHD2E8D@8t0
>                                             @m
>                                                : not found
> worldserver: 1: worldserver: AAQA: not found
> worldserver: 1: worldserver: ELF: not found
> worldserver: 3: worldserver: Syntax error: ")" unexpected
> root@debianwow:/home/wow/server/bin#


I've changed the worldserver.conf to match my MySQL database settings.
I'm using Debian 8.4.0 x64

If you need any other information let me know.

Edited by wookumschnookum
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