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[SOLVED]Client CAS System Problem


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I was able to patch both my mac and windows clients successfully and push it back from my ubuntu server installation.  Now whenever I try to open the either patched client I get the following error.

The CAS system was unable to initialize: ClientHandler: initialization error: failed fetching the CDN configuration file

tact::ClientHandler::Create failed: E_NOT_AVAILABLE
[20160530T14:18:08] {70949} ERR: [R5kD:5] HTTP error; (/tpr/wow/config/a4/3d/a43dd04a6cb386038cdd094dfa44f1e4), ver=1.1, code=404
[20160530T14:18:08] {70949} INF: Got bad content response: i

Is there something I missed in the setup that should redirect away from that ip address?  I modified the bnetserver.conf and worldserver.conf on my server.  And modified the config.wtf file on the client to my lan server ip for the portal.

This appears to be a host that is serving the file.  Is this a file I need to serve on my wowserver?  Or am I suppose to edit my hosts file to redirect away from it?  The ip address resolves to blzddist1-a.akamaihd.net... not sure if that helps.

I also did a wireshark capture that shows a 404 response from the server telling me the file doesn't exist.  Can someone confirm that actually belongs to blzddist1-a.akamaihd.net... or is my isp doing something that is screwing something up and I need to hard code an entry in my hosts file.

And can anyone confirm they have gotten to load successfully?


Edited by Dipdill
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Got it working... The versi file hosted on the trinity6.github.io was giving me the wrong cdn hash.  I just added the file to my own web server with the correct hash from a wire shark capture I got from the unpatched client.  Not sure if my versi file needed is different due to patching a version downloaded from bnet.  When I get a chance I will upload a copy of it in case someone else comes across the same issue.

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here is the contents of my versi file


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