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Authserver.exe and Worldserver.exe freezing before startup


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I compiled the latest source of the 3.3.5 core on Windows 10 - 64bit. On my desktop machine everything is running fine, but

when i copy my server folder to my laptop both server exes are not even opening. When i double click on em the blue circle rotates next to my mouse and 

thats it. The mysql server is running fine on my laptop too. The laptop has Windows 10 - 64bit, the needed vcredist installed and the processor has SSE2.

I'm not even getting an error log because of this which makes it really hard to figure out what the problem is....

Thanks for your help and patience! 


EDIT: I need Boost, git, openssl, cmake and so on only to compile right? Not to run the compiled exe files or am I wrong?

I don't want to install all these things on my laptop, he is slow enough. ^^

Edited by jaydee2k
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        Application Name:    worldserver.exe
        Application Version:
        Application Timestamp:    5e50a462
        Fault Module Name:    StackHash_f12f
        Fault Module Version:    6.3.9600.19629
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        OS Version:    6.3.9600.
        Locale ID:    1033
        Additional Information 1:    f12f
        Additional Information 2:    f12f0934d3e965f73c68e60f20f2cd40
        Additional Information 3:    7595
        Additional Information 4:    7595e4d8d703db9dcd3d2f6ea540e357
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      #        Description: Restrict LookupForGroup channel to characters registered in the LFG tool.
      #        Default:     1 - (Enabled, Allow join to channel only if registered in LFG)
      #                     0 - (Disabled, Allow join to channel in any time)
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