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Unable to start worldserver.exe


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Hello, today I was trying to install the database with the master branch, but when I go to start worldserver.exe I get error saying "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). click OK to close the application." I also tried to run as administrator. What might be the problem?


Edited by AllowTheKarnage
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Sorry, I got it all fixed. Except, now I am trying to run the worldserver.exe and now - Map file '/maps/0000_43_31.map' does not exist!
Please place MAP-files (*.map) in the appropriate directory (/maps/), or correct the DataDir setting in your worldserver.conf file.
Unable to load critical files - server shutting down !!! - I tried to pull the source again and recompile with tools, but it says everything is already up to date. 

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