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Questions regarding MoP and multiple expansions


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Hello everyone,


I've been trying out Trinitycore, everything is good so far but I experienced a problem I would love to have your help on. Basically, I'm trying to host 3.3.5 and 4.3.4 at the same time (both latest TC cores). Whenever I host them separately, everything is fine. People can log in and such. But when I try to start both, I experience problems in the auth server such as people that connect to WoTLK being connected to Cata and so on. So far, I've changed the authserver port for Cataclysm to 3726 and kept Wotlk and 3725. I've also changed the realm ports 8085 for Wotlk and 8087 for cataclysm. The issue right now is that I start both authservers perfectly fine but I when I reach the cataclysm login screen, the Wotlk realms show up instead of the Cataclysm ones. Is there a fix for this? Thank you for your time!


PS: I'm using a different auth table for WoTLK and another for Cata. Both belong in the same database, using the same user credentials.

Edited by Drakos
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What I've done in the past was use only WotLK's authserver, set both realms in the conf file, then in the database auth, realmlist table add one for CATA using the port and IP number of your CATA server. Be sure to change the gamebuild table to reflect CATA's gamebuild. When your finished you should have a listing for both WotLK and CATA. That realmlist table has all the info to connect to the second server already in it, and the gamebuild will put you into the correct server. This eliminated the need to try and run 2 authservers for me, pehaps it'll help you as well.

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In the auth database, go to realmlist. Add a new row for the second server, fill in the new row like the first one only use your second servers properties like port number, ip address, and change gamebuild to the client your second server uses. Once your database is done, you should be able to start authserver and both worldservers.

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In the CATA worldserver.conf, change:

LoginDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;Trinity;********;cata-auth"

to point to the WotLK auth database.

LoginDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;Trinity;********;auth"

and it should work then.

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That should be working as intended. (showing in gray for wrong versions)

If I ran WoTLK authserver (for 335a and 434) and connected via Cata client it would show 335a servers offline and vise versa when I connected with the Wrath Client showing the 434 servers offline.

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