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[SOLVED]Files compilation error


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Hi all,

I started today to create my own server.

I downolad VS 2015, Git and Github already installed, OpenSSL 1.0.2k, MySQL (lastest) Cmake (lastest). I have Windows 10 64bits, uptodate,

Well I can cmake all files (for v7.XX, lastest version).

I get all files from the "Build" Folder, just like the tutorial.

when all is done (no error) I opened the files "TrinityCore.sln" with VS2015. I started the build of the "ALL_BUILD" folder.

I get those errors : (and Some files like mapextractor.exe  or vmap4extractor.exe  wasn't build)

Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
Error    C2661    'DB2Meta::DB2Meta': no overloaded function takes 5 arguments    mapextractor    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\tools\map_extractor\System.cpp    71    

Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
Error    C2661    'DB2Meta::DB2Meta': no overloaded function takes 5 arguments    mapextractor    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\tools\map_extractor\System.cpp    137    

Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
Error    C2661    'DB2Meta::DB2Meta': no overloaded function takes 5 arguments    mapextractor    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\tools\map_extractor\System.cpp    174    
Error    C2661    'DB2Meta::DB2Meta': no overloaded function takes 5 arguments    vmap4extractor    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\tools\vmap4_extractor\vmapexport.cpp    103    
Error    C3083    'VoiceAddIgnore': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    139    
Error    C2039    'Read': is not a member of 'WorldPackets::Social'    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    139    
Error    C2065    'OffenderName': undeclared identifier    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    141    
Error    C2065    '_worldPacket': undeclared identifier    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    141    
Error    C2228    left of '.ReadString' must have class/struct/union    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    141    
Error    C2228    left of '.ReadBits' must have class/struct/union    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    141    
Error    C3083    'VoiceDelIgnore': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    144    
Error    C2039    'Read': is not a member of 'WorldPackets::Social'    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    144    
Error    C2084    function 'void Read(void)' already has a body    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    145    
Error    C2065    '_worldPacket': undeclared identifier    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    146    
Error    C2275    'Player': illegal use of this type as an expression    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Server\Packets\SocialPackets.cpp    146    
Error    C2039    'ActiveIconID': is not a member of 'SpellInfo'    game    D:\WoW Private\TrinityCore-master\src\server\game\Spells\SpellMgr.cpp    2927    
Error    LNK1181    cannot open input file '..\game\RelWithDebInfo\game.lib'    worldserver    D:\WoW Private\Build\src\server\worldserver\LINK    1    


I'm unable to find a solution, but I have experience in programming.


PS : I'm French, I can see your message only tomorrow

Thanks you very much





Edited by yucass
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It's likely that you won't be able to get TC to compile if travis-ci and friends cannot, especially if you are having the same issue ... which is currently the ActiveIconID when I look at appveyor's log.

You too can do this when you visit https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore and check the bottom of the page at "build status". If your build fails and so does the automated build, it's worth checking out.


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--- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---

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