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By MandyDark2
I'm fixing some core spells and I'm really good at it.
It turns out that the spell 196608 Eye of the Tiger, of the monk class, must cause damage and at the same time healing in the monk.
What the spell has two effects that deal with this:
Difficulty: Id 0 (DIFFICULTY_NONE)
BasePoints = 0 + AP * 0.43
Aura Id 8 (SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_HEAL), value = 0, misc = 0 (0), miscB = 0, amplitude = 0, periodic = 2000
Difficulty: Id 0 (DIFFICULTY_NONE)
BasePoints = 0 + AP * 0.43
Aura Id 3 (SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_DAMAGE), value = 0, misc = 0 (0), miscB = 0, amplitude = 0, periodic = 2000
I had never encountered a spell in this way and what happens is that you can only cast the spell on an enemy and never apply the healing effect on the owner. If the aura is applied directly to the caster, apply the damage aura of Effect 1 not the heal of Effect 0.
Does the core support launching specifically the effect of a spell on a creature? There's another way to solve this?
By frostys11
Hey again, I'm implementing the script for the Aman'thuls Vision trinket and the procs are working correct although it procs from pretty much anything like mounting etc. Is there anyway I can change that? I know this might have to do with the spellfamily masks in the spellclassoptions.db2 file. However, how does bit mask matching actually work? I tried to add a new bit mask in the spell_proc table in trinitycore but was unable to get it to work correctly. I could hardcode it in the script files to trigger from the spells I want but that would be an ugly solution in my opinion.
The second question is that I get the wrong stat from Aman'Thul's Grandeur buff ( I noticed it has four different auraeffects. How can i cast a spell in trintycore with a specific aura effect to get the right stat?
The third question is that I have implemented the Acrid Catalyst trinket proc and the logic works correctly but I'm getting 0 stat for the buffs and the proc chance seems to be slightly off. How could I fix these two things? I guess its a db thing since the stat needs to scale accroding to the ilvl version of the trinket? I tried to look a trinitycore documentation regarding this and I cant seem to find nor can I find it in the mangos documentation
This is the code for the two trinket implementations:
enum AcridCatalystInjector
SPELL_MALICE_OF_THE_LEGION = 255744, // Mastery
SPELL_CYCLE_OF_THE_LEGION = 253260 // Haste, Mastery, and Critical
// Item - 151955: Acrid Catalyst Injector
// 253259 - Item - Antorus, the Burning Throne (End raid of legion expansion)
template <uint32 CriticalSpellId, uint32 HasteSpellId, uint32 MasterySpellId>
class SpellItemAcridCatalystInjector : public SpellScriptLoader
SpellItemAcridCatalystInjector(char const* ScriptName) : SpellScriptLoader(ScriptName) { }
template <uint32 Critical, uint32 Haste, uint32 Mastery>
class SpellItemAcridCatalystInjectorAuraScript : public AuraScript
bool Validate(SpellInfo const* /*spellInfo*/) override
return ValidateSpellInfo(
void HandleProc(AuraEffect const* aurEff, ProcEventInfo& eventInfo)
/*if (eventInfo.GetHitMask() & PROC_HIT_CRITICAL)
static std::vector<uint32> const triggeredSpells[1] =
{ Critical, Haste, Mastery }
Unit* caster = eventInfo.GetActor();
std::vector<uint32> const& randomSpells = triggeredSpells[0];
if (randomSpells.empty())
uint32 spellId = Trinity::Containers::SelectRandomContainerElement(randomSpells);
caster->CastSpell(caster, spellId, true, nullptr, aurEff);
for (std::vector<uint32>::const_iterator it = randomSpells.begin(); it != randomSpells.end(); ++it)
if (caster->HasAura((*it)))
auto trinketAura = caster->GetAura((*it));
if (trinketAura->GetStackAmount() >= 5)
caster->CastSpell(caster, SPELL_CYCLE_OF_THE_LEGION, true, nullptr, aurEff);
void Register() override
OnEffectProc += AuraEffectProcFn(SpellItemAcridCatalystInjectorAuraScript::HandleProc, EFFECT_0, SPELL_AURA_DUMMY);
AuraScript* GetAuraScript() const override
return new SpellItemAcridCatalystInjectorAuraScript<CriticalSpellId, HasteSpellId, MasterySpellId>();
enum AmanThulsVision
// Item - 154172: Aman'Thul's Vision
// 256817 - Item - Antorus, the Burning Throne (End raid of legion expansion)
template <uint32 GlimpseOfEnlightenmentSpellId, uint32 AmanthulsGrandeurSpellId>
class SpellItemAmanThulsVision : public SpellScriptLoader
SpellItemAmanThulsVision(char const* ScriptName) : SpellScriptLoader(ScriptName) { }
template <uint32 GlimpseOfEnlightenment, uint32 AmanthulsGrandeur>
class SpellItemAmanThulsVisionAuraScript : public AuraScript
bool Validate(SpellInfo const* /*spellInfo*/) override
return ValidateSpellInfo(
void HandleProc(AuraEffect const* aurEff, ProcEventInfo& eventInfo)
static std::vector<uint32> const triggeredSpells[1] =
{ GlimpseOfEnlightenment, AmanthulsGrandeur }
Unit* caster = eventInfo.GetActor();
caster->CastSpell(caster, GlimpseOfEnlightenment, true, nullptr, aurEff);
//AuraEffect* test = caster->GetAuraEffect(256817, EFFECT_2, GetCasterGUID());
caster->CastSpell(caster, AmanthulsGrandeur, true, nullptr, aurEff); //<--- How do I get the specific aureffect from SPELL_AMANTHULS_GRANDEUR?
//AuraEffect* test2 = caster->GetAuraEffect(SPELL_AMANTHULS_GRANDEUR, EFFECT_2, GetCasterGUID());
//caster->CastSpell(caster, AmanthulsGrandeur, true, nullptr, aurEff);
void Register() override
OnEffectProc += AuraEffectProcFn(SpellItemAmanThulsVisionAuraScript::HandleProc, EFFECT_0, SPELL_AURA_PROC_TRIGGER_SPELL);
AuraScript* GetAuraScript() const override
return new SpellItemAmanThulsVisionAuraScript<GlimpseOfEnlightenmentSpellId, AmanthulsGrandeurSpellId>();
By DagothHertil
Hello everyone. I have a small question about how can I access the spell ID`s used by creatures? In world database in creature_template table there is spell1, spell2, ... spell8 values wich correspond to spells wich I will be able to use when this creature is under Mind Control (as stated in wiki), but these values are set for creatuers up to level ~60 and for creatures from 70-80 none creatures have their spell1 .. spell8 set to any value. So my question is essentialy is where can I obtain the spell ID`s used by cretures? Obviously the creatures in 70-80 range have spell and they use them, but I dont see any values in world database and may be these spell lists come from dbc or something? I would realy appreciate any help
By Chrisseria2520
Hello once again community! Thanks for all ur help so far, it's really appreciated.. I'll pull out another hand to get caught! ...
So my problem is that I can easy buff / nerf a creature npc through World.conf and edit the rates on HP, AP damage, melee damage and so on... Look at: Uploaded Images to see an example!
So my question is am I able to burf nerf specific creature spell to do less / more dmg and how so?
An example could be Razorscale's Devouring Flame!
Thanks guys