autoupdate Core Server autoupdate not work for me!
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By Madbryan
I've follow the explanation to make a server with the mmaster branch.
The authserver and worldserver launch without error.
I've created an account with the command bnetaccount create
But when i try to identificate on wow, it says that the login or password is invalid.
How could vérify that password are encrypted in the right way and decrypt in the good way too ?
Thanks in advance and for all your good work.
Example of salt et verifier that appear in my database auth :
Salt : ҕ��E��O���4��`˷����NV�:
Verifier : � ���1ri͐������IDmm-�����v
My table are in utf8_general_ci for auth, world and characters table and utf8mb4_unicode_ci for hotfixes
MySQL Workbench 8
Visual Studio 2019
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By shroom
Following one recent commit officially adding MariaDB 10.4 support, I took this opportunity to update my database server (from MariaDB 10.1 to MariaDB 10.4) and compiled the game server with the corresponding libraries instead of MySQL 5.7.
Everything went fine and the server runs properly.
I had one tiny little issue though: I had to fill the MySQLExecutable variable in the conf file otherwise the worldserver executable wouldn't launch:
Didn't find any executable MySQL binary at '/Server/Release/bin/Release' or in path, correct the path in the *.conf ("MySQLExecutable").
I never had to fill this variable before and it was still working fine with this commit:
I'm running with this commit at the moment:
It's not that big of deal obviously, but the worldserver conf file states for this variable:
If the path is left empty, built-in path from cmake is used.
Alas, while being properly set in CMake, the path isn't used anymore.
Is this the new expected behavior or is this a bug?
By DagothHertil
Hello everyone. I have a small question about how can I access the spell ID`s used by creatures? In world database in creature_template table there is spell1, spell2, ... spell8 values wich correspond to spells wich I will be able to use when this creature is under Mind Control (as stated in wiki), but these values are set for creatuers up to level ~60 and for creatures from 70-80 none creatures have their spell1 .. spell8 set to any value. So my question is essentialy is where can I obtain the spell ID`s used by cretures? Obviously the creatures in 70-80 range have spell and they use them, but I dont see any values in world database and may be these spell lists come from dbc or something? I would realy appreciate any help
By Lenny4
When I log in to the game I have this message "Welcome to a Trinity Core Server".
Where is the table to change this message ?
Thank you
By Yehonal
Few weeks ago has been created a project:
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