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Compile or cmake problems


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well, I upgraded to debian 9 then tried to cmake and...

CMake Error at cmake/macros/FindOpenSSL.cmake:226 (message):
  TrinityCore needs OpenSSL version 1.0 but found too new version 1.1.0f.
  Any version different to 1.0.x breaks TrinityCore compatibility (and we
  cannot fix this).  Please install OpenSSL 1.0.x if you still have problems
  search on forum for TCE00022

So now, I have to find build instructions for openssl and what to put in every -DOPENSSL_STUFF u_u

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1 hour ago, Atréalis said:

well, I upgraded to debian 9 then tried to cmake and...

CMake Error at cmake/macros/FindOpenSSL.cmake:226 (message):
  TrinityCore needs OpenSSL version 1.0 but found too new version 1.1.0f.
  Any version different to 1.0.x breaks TrinityCore compatibility (and we
  cannot fix this).  Please install OpenSSL 1.0.x if you still have problems
  search on forum for TCE00022

So now, I have to find build instructions for openssl and what to put in every -DOPENSSL_STUFF u_u

Or you can simply:

apt-get install git cmake make gcc g++ libmariadbclient-dev libssl1.0-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libncurses-dev libboost-all-dev mysql-server p7zip

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Hey all

Trying to update my TC 3.3.5 and getting errors I haven't encountered before during compile.

When ever compile finishes I get error LNK1120 (unresolved externals in worldserver), LNK2001 (unresolved external symbols) and LNK2019

Never have had these issues before during compiling and they started happening after pulling fresh changes.

I have tried using the solution specified here https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=2130028 but no avail.

I tried updating my boost from 1.59->1.63, MySQL and my OpenSSL and still have had no luck after pulling changes from the 3.3.5 branch.

Any input on what to do would be helpful!

Win 7 32bit

VS 2015

MySQL 5.5 (I tried updating to 5.6 but I am getting errors involving the Microsoft visual 2010 32bit runtime 10.0 not installing)

boost 1.63

Cmake 3.8.2

OpenSSL 1.0.2L (not light)

Here is my cmake

Detected 32-bit platform

MSVC: Enabled large address awareness

MSVC: Enabled SSE2 support

MSVC: Disabled Safe Exception Handlers for debug builds

MSVC: Enabled increased number of sections in object files

MSVC: Overloaded standard names

MSVC: Disabled NON-SECURE warnings

MSVC: Disabled POSIX warnings

MSVC: Disabled generic compiletime warnings

Found MySQL library: C:/mySQLLib/lib_32/libmysql.lib

Found MySQL headers: C:/mySQLLib/include

Found MySQL executable: C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/bin/mysql.exe

Found git binary : C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe


* TrinityCore revision : 5d3c69bf441a+ 2017-07-03 00:17:31 +0200 (3.3.5 branch)


* Install core to : C:/Program Files/TrinityCore


* Build world/auth : Yes (default)

* Build with scripts : Yes (static)

* Build map/vmap tools : Yes (default)

* Build core w/PCH : Yes (default)

* Build scripts w/PCH : Yes (default)

* Show compile-warnings : No (default)

* Use coreside debug : No (default)

* Show source tree : Yes (hierarchical)

* Use GIT revision hash : Yes (default)


Boost version: 1.63.0

Found the following Boost libraries:






Found OpenSSL library: optimized;C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib/VC/ssleay32MD.lib;C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib/VC/libeay32MD.lib;debug;C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib/VC/ssleay32MDd.lib;C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib/VC/libeay32MDd.lib

Found OpenSSL headers: C:/OpenSSL-Win32/include


* Script configuration (static):

+- worldserver

| +- Commands

| +- Custom

| +- EasternKingdoms

| +- Events

| +- Kalimdor

| +- Northrend

| +- OutdoorPvP

| +- Outland

| +- Pet

| +- Spells

| +- World



Configuring done

Generating done

Edited by Bullface
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8 hours ago, Bullface said:

Hey all

Trying to update my TC 3.3.5 and getting errors I haven't encountered before during compile.

When ever compile finishes I get error LNK1120 (unresolved externals in worldserver), LNK2001 (unresolved external symbols) and LNK2019

Need more details on this error. Need a log dump. That would help. paste it into a gist https://gist.github.com/

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If I am right and understand the log correctly if there wasn't more to it then it is saying it cannot link to boost correctly meaning it cannot find it, are you using boost 1_63_0 or 1_64_0 if you are then use 1_63_0 because it should point to that directory unlike 1_64_0 which seems to have trouble when finding the libs for boost.

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So, I'm using 1_63_0, and when I configure in CMake, it always needs me to point to each individual .lib for Boost. I've created the variables and installed Boost at the default place. Here is an image of what it looks like when I configure/generate... if it helps, I have to point to each individual Boost .lib manually. It's never been able to find it on its own.


-- UPDATE --

I was using Boost for x32 while everything else was x64. Fixed everything. Thanks for dealing with a Plebs. 

Edited by jchan03
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Hi, i'm here to request an update for visual studio installation guide because it has TOTALLY changed and it's impossible for novice like me to be sure if what we install is needed without doubts ... and because of that i think i got this error with cmake 3.9.0 : 

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:15 (project):
Failed to run MSBuild command:
to get the value of VCTargetsPath:

Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

See also "C:/Build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".




Edited by Zebraka
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In ubunut In first time finished complier and bulit server about a week age .

then I updated code and passed cmake,my branch is up-to-date with 'origin/3.3.5' 

In make when 98% Linking CXX executable worldserver ,a lot errors appear : https://hastebin.com/ehogafoyel.vbs


May I need clean all codes and build to make a clear build? or do something else? thanks.


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