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Could not connect to MySQL database

just a turtle

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I am trying to intall Trinity core for the first time, It was going well untill i reached the part where i had to run authserver.exe and worldserver.exe. When i open any of those two, it instantly crashes and in the ```DBErrors.txt```, this was the only line written in it - ```Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)```. I have tried to update the databases using sqlog and running the scripts from ```\TrinityCore\sql\updates``` folder  for auth, world and characters(not sure if this is the correct way to update, if it is not please point out he correct way to update databases :) ). Could I get some suggestions on how to fix this? I have already tried to go through 

 but I could not find any issues related to this one. I only want to play offline without any players joining in. 

Edited by just a turtle
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Good evening, I have added the following lines to worldserver.conf -

```LoginDatabaseInfo     = ";3307;trinity;trinity;auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo     = ";3307;trinity;trinity;world"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3307;trinity;trinity;characters"


and ```
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3307;trinity;trinity;auth"``` for auth.conf. I had to choose port 3307 while installing sql since 3306 was already in use, could this cause any issues? and also I am not sure how to add this part. 

8 hours ago, jojo72 said:

add your ip to the list of allowed in MySQL


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Are you able to connect to your database using something like SQLyog or HeidiSQL using port 3307 and the username trinity, password trinity. If you can you should be good. Personally, i would uninstall MYSQL and re-install it to use the correct port.

As for installing the database, you shouldn't be doing it manually. Just put it in the BIN folder and let it do it by itself. 

You need to read over the WIKI again and follow the steps exactly.


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Ok, i have basically reinstalled Mysql again since there were some other instances of mysql server running in my windows services using the default 3306 port.  Now i just tried to run authserver and it gives me this error - "Could not connect to MySQL database at Access denied for user 'trinity'@'localhost' (using password: YES)". I guess i will try to resolve this tomorrow since this is a different error. If you guys know how to resolve this feel free to comment or close this thread since this is now a different error. Thanks for helping out! :) 

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