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Build error


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Hello there!

I just wanted to make a 7.3.5 Trinitycore Server and folllowed as always the steps at the wiki. Everything worked fine till the build with VS. I used Visual Studio 16 2019 x64 newest version at CMAKE.

Trinitycore build: TDB735.00


After the Build I get this:

========== Build: 14 succeeded, 12 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


and a lot of C2039 Errors with the description: "_snprintf" ist not a member of "std" (see this picture | <--- errors descriptions are on german)

at the Output I get smth like this: " 25>C:\local\boost_1_72_0\boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver.hpp(54,21): fatal error C1903: Weiterverarbeitung nach vorherigem Fehler nicht möglich; Kompilierung wird abgebrochen. "




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But now I got the next Problem

TrinityCore rev. 7f2b7dc9c216 2018-02-19 22:48:54 +0000 (HEAD branch) (Win64, Debug, Static) (Map & DBC Extractor)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

 ______                       __
/\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
\/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
   \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
    \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
     \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
      \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
                                 C O R E  /\___/
http://TrinityCore.org \/__/

Opened casc storage 'C:/WoW-7.3.5\Data'
Opened casc storage 'C:/WoW-7.3.5\Data'
Detected client build 24742 for locale enUS

Extracting dbc/db2 files...
locale enUS output path C:\WoW-7.3.5\dbc\enUS
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AlliedRace.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\AlliedRaceRacialAbility.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\BattlePetDisplayOverride.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CharacterServiceInfo.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ChrCustomization.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ConfigurationWarning.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemLevelSelectorQuality.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ItemLevelSelectorQualitySet.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\JournalEncounterXMapLoc.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\MapLoadingScreen.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\MissileTargeting.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\RelicSlotTierRequirement.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\RelicTalent.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SDReplacementModel.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SandboxScaling.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SceneScriptGlobalText.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SceneScriptText.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundEnvelope.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SoundKitName.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellVisualEvent.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SpellXDescriptionVariables.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UIExpansionDisplayInfo.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UIExpansionDisplayInfoIcon.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\UnitTest.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\VirtualAttachment.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\VirtualAttachmentCustomization.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\ZoneStory.db2 in the archive for locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Extracted 0 files

Opened casc storage 'C:/WoW-7.3.5\Data'
Extracting camera files...
Read CinematicCamera.db2 file...
Invalid CinematicCamera.db2 file format. Camera extract aborted. SUCCESS
Opened casc storage 'C:/WoW-7.3.5\Data'
Extracting game tables...
output path C:\WoW-7.3.5\gt
Extracted 0 files

Opened casc storage 'C:/WoW-7.3.5\Data'
Extracting maps...
Read Map.db2 file...
Fatal error: Invalid Map.db2 file format! SUCCESS

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