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Is it stable? ...


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Trinity Revision: 16a1435a0baf+

Database Version: TDB 335.11.41

Custom: Warden and AC1.

i have to say i inplemented a crashfix into that revision wich is from this revision: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/12f5904beed740d3acba23c9731aa947126c213b

otherwise i dont have this uptime, but with this combi im amased that i have

Online for 2 days, 23 hours, 58 minutes, 38 seconds

Max players this uptime session: 926

and that it is still rising.. so 3 days almost in a few seconds.

compiling at this moment i hopefully in debug since i wanted to catch a crash, but this way i dont think its really needed ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trinity Revision: cf4d3791a929+ ( for the record: https://github.com/l...7ea0f3dfa012a69 ) the warden branch of Leak.

Custom patch: Ac1

Database Version: TDB 335.11.41

Online 4 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes, 17 seconds

Max players this uptime session: 891

and still going on, seems that warden is not breaking anything at this point stability.

Update time diff is between 20-200

Os: Ubuntu server 64 bit.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

Trinity Revision: 12c30b0c98d7+

Database Version: TDB 335.11.42

custom patches: Ac1 and Warden by Leak

Online for 3 Days 6 Hrs 31 Min

( and counting )

Peak players this uptime session: 946

Average latency this uptime session: 150.300

What i can say is that this revision is very stable, also with warden it runs very good no problem whatsoever with warden patch by Leak and this revision, maybe this is a new stable tag worth??

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I use warden to test, it has his flaws like every anti cheat tool thats around, but warden is okay to use, but i think that you can better move your questions about warden to the topic of warden instead of here, so that we keep a better look on the revs that are stable.

I also use ac1 along warden, since warden doesnt detect everything ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trinity Revision: 199bcf1a8856+

Database Version: TDB 335.11.42

custom patches: Warden by Leak as usual ^^ and ac1

Online for 2 days, 16 hours, 14 minutes, 3 seconds

Max players this uptime session: 881

again even with warden, this rev. is very stable. seems warden and ac1 doesnt affect trinity in any way in relation to crashes.

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  • 1 month later...

That would be the internet provider's or host's fault no?


i stop anticheat and have 9 lantency all world.

Trinity Revision: (86f6d73d6aed+)

Custom patch: Ac Passive is Stop + Armory

Database Version: TDB 335.11.44

Online 4 days, 10 hours, 19 minutes, 29 seconds

Max players this uptime session: 192

and still run without crash :)

Maybe it is the most stable rev of TrinityCore

Edit: I use Windows Server 2003 x86

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