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"unknown column" "missing table" "duplicate column" error / sql problems / SQLDriverLogFile < answer on 1st post of 1st page


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The wiki instructions work as long as you don't mess something up somewhere. It can be easy to make a mistake that bites you in the butt though. If you completely fail building it yourself a repack might still be fun for a while. But repacks don't get much love here mostly for good reasons and when you outgrow a repack you'll still be back here following the wiki again anyway. :)

Personally I enjoyed playing around with repacks. But eventually the training wheels just get in the way.

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If you follow the wiki and still have problems then I'd suggest:

  • Scrap everyting and start from scratch
  • Start some screen recording software
  • Follow the wiki while recording what you do
  • Upload the video to YouTube
  • Link to it here

This might help if there's a barrier where you can't explain what you've done or we can't understand your explanation.

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Ok well i have all the database tables executed and update properly with all updates applied. The authserver.exe loads up and connects without a problem but the worldserver.exe gives me this error

2012-05-07 20:57:18 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.

2012-05-07 20:57:18 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.0i 19 Apr 2012 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1b 26 Apr 2012)

2012-05-07 20:57:18 Using ACE version: 5.8.3

2012-05-07 20:57:19 TrinityCore rev. 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)

2012-05-07 20:57:19 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2012-05-07 20:57:19  ______					   __

2012-05-07 20:57:19 /\__  _\	   __		  __/\ \__

2012-05-07 20:57:19 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __

2012-05-07 20:57:19    \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \

2012-05-07 20:57:19	 \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \

2012-05-07 20:57:19	  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \

2012-05-07 20:57:19	   \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \

2012-05-07 20:57:19								  C O R E  /\___/

2012-05-07 20:57:19 http://TrinityCore.org				    \/__/

2012-05-07 20:57:19 ERROR: DatabasePool world NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.

2012-05-07 20:57:19 ERROR: Cannot connect to world database;3306;root;ascent;world

The configs are correct and as far as i can tell its connecting to characters and auth seeing as those aren't on the error list.

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The truth of the fact is I am here because I cannot find the solution to the error as stated above. I have gone through the database appling updates over and over as I was going on and this error would not stop showing. I have even tried recompiling the core 3 times from scratch and still to no avail. That is the only reason I posted here. Now that that is out of the way is there any chance that It could be the computer im using to host this was picked up out of the garbage? lol

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How, exactly, are such illiterate people able to post at all?

How are such cranky people allowed out in public? :P

Mr. Grumpy Pants is probably correct though. You most likely missed an update.


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The files arent a repack. They are a full zip of the compile you get from the wiki. Its a read to go set up. I have checked all the files and the db files and there are no credits to the poster. He even confirms the files as full trinity core compile. Thats the only reason why i suggested them. The issues i have found on what i done and now have corrected are as follows:-

Trinity version was dated back in febuary.

The database was updated to april.

Config and maps/vmaps where all april files.

The trinity version was not displayed in game (it was blank)

and not all the character sql updates where in the compile.

These are the problems i found to have with the compile i had and have now corrected them. I do strongly recommend you guys take a look at that link i previously posted and check out the files and advise me on them because the whole post is about a latest version compile straight from trinity core "how-to-win" tutorial with both x64 and x86 versions. But at this time i dont need them files as i have sat down for the last 18 hours and shredded apart my compile and fixed all the missing issues. I thank you all for your advise and apreciate the efforts you ahve all made. I would not have gotten it working without you guys. YOU ROCK !!!!

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2012-05-08 18:13:45 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.

2012-05-08 18:13:45 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1a 19 Apr 2012 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1a 19 Apr 2012)

2012-05-08 18:13:45 Using ACE version: 5.8.3

2012-05-08 18:13:45 TrinityCore rev. 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)

2012-05-08 18:13:45 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2012-05-08 18:13:45 ______ __

2012-05-08 18:13:45 /\__ _\ __ __/\ \__

2012-05-08 18:13:45 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\ ___ /\_\ \, _\ __ __

2012-05-08 18:13:45 \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \

2012-05-08 18:13:45 \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \

2012-05-08 18:13:45 \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \

2012-05-08 18:13:45 \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \

2012-05-08 18:13:45 C O R E /\___/

2012-05-08 18:13:45 http://TrinityCore.org \/__/

2012-05-08 18:13:45 ERROR: DatabasePool world NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.

2012-05-08 18:13:45 ERROR: Cannot connect to world database;3306;root;*******;world


2012-05-08 18:13:45 Opening DatabasePool 'world'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1.

2012-05-08 18:13:45 MySQL client library: 5.5.21

2012-05-08 18:13:45 MySQL server ver: 5.5.21

2012-05-08 18:13:45 MySQL client library: 5.5.21

2012-05-08 18:13:45 MySQL server ver: 5.5.21

2012-05-08 18:13:45 [ERROR]: In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 56, sql: "SELECT difficulty_entry_1, difficulty_entry_2, difficulty_entry_3, KillCredit1, KillCredit2, modelid1, modelid2, modelid3, modelid4, name, subname, IconName, gossip_menu_id, minlevel, maxlevel, exp, faction_A, faction_H, npcflag, speed_walk, speed_run, scale, rank, mindmg, maxdmg, dmgschool, attackpower, dmg_multiplier, baseattacktime, rangeattacktime, unit_class, unit_flags, dynamicflags, family, trainer_type, trainer_spell, trainer_class, trainer_race, minrangedmg, maxrangedmg, rangedattackpower, type, type_flags, lootid, pickpocketloot, skinloot, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, spell1, spell2, spell3, spell4, spell5, spell6, spell7, spell8, PetSpellDataId, VehicleId, mingold, maxgold, AIName, MovementType, InhabitType, HoverHeight, Health_mod, Mana_mod, Armor_mod, RacialLeader, questItem1, questItem2, questItem3, questItem4, questItem5, questItem6, movementId, RegenHealth, equipment_id, mechanic_immune_mask, flags_extra, ScriptName FROM creature_template WHERE entry = ?"

2012-05-08 18:13:45 [ERROR]: Unknown column 'HoverHeight' in 'field list'

2012-05-08 18:13:45 [ERROR]: In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 58, sql: "SELECT c.country FROM ip2nationCountries c, ip2nation i WHERE i.ip < ? AND c.code = i.country ORDER BY i.ip DESC LIMIT 0,1"

2012-05-08 18:13:45 [ERROR]: Table 'world.ip2nationcountries' doesn't exist

Seems i missed updates ??? Nah i went through this topic in Forums this issue is been solved but Prob is i had updated my World server with

TDB_full_335.11.46_2012_02_13 And by gather updates.bat

Still the error is same am confused what to do ???? New on the Forums hoping help :)

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The files arent a repack. They are a full zip of the compile you get from the wiki. Its a read to go set up.

That is still considered a repack. It was compiled by someone outside the community and packaged and if there were any issues we wouldn't be able to help you since we really don't know if they changed anything.

I do strongly recommend you guys take a look at that link i previously posted and check out the files and advise me on them

I already advised you not to use it.


Congrats on getting it working. If this is your first time, it will get easier. When I first came on the scene I nearly pulled my hair out trying to get it right.

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2012-05-08 18:13:45 [ERROR]: Unknown column 'HoverHeight' in 'field list'

2012-05-08 18:13:45 [ERROR]: In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 58, sql: "SELECT c.country FROM ip2nationCountries c, ip2nation i WHERE i.ip < ? AND c.code = i.country ORDER BY i.ip DESC LIMIT 0,1"

2012-05-08 18:13:45 [ERROR]: Table 'world.ip2nationcountries' doesn't exist

Seems i missed updates ??? Nah i went through this topic in Forums this issue is been solved but Prob is i had updated my World server with

TDB_full_335.11.46_2012_02_13 And by gather updates.bat

Still the error is same am confused what to do ???? New on the Forums hoping help :)

Unfortunately that error does mean you missed an update.

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The files arent a repack. They are a full zip of the compile you get from the wiki. Its a read to go set up. I have checked all the files and the db files and there are no credits to the poster. He even confirms the files as full trinity core compile.

It is a repack.

I do strongly recommend you guys take a look at that link i previously posted and check out the files and advise me on them because the whole post is about a latest version compile straight from trinity core "how-to-win" tutorial with both x64 and x86 versions.

We don't and will never support anything you will find on ac-web or anything outside the community. So, if you want to use something outside of it, you're on your own.

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Hey guys im Using windows 7 x64

Visual C++ 2010 Express x86


im using the guide http://www.trinitycore.info/How-to:Win to build my server as i would love to start learning how the databases work and how scripting works.

i got up to Installing The Trinity Databases on the guide.

my first question is in the mysql server there are 3 databases by default: sql, Information_schema and test. do i need these 3? secondly how do i import the other 3 databases using the C:\Trinity\sql\create\create_mysql.sql

could i just not manually create the 3 databases among the default SQL DB and information_schema DB and then import the 3 DB's structures by importing character_database.sql, auth_database.sql and "TDB_full" .sql respectfully.

also i might have broken the sql server by accidentally deleting the default sql database and now when i try reinstall mySQL server it freezes when it tries to start the windows service. im sorry if my questions are stupid i tried my best to sound like i know what im talking about haha.

please be patient with me if possible :P

thanks for your time.


Edited by Bross
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Yes you need to keep the default mysql databases especially the 'mysql' database as that actually houses required information for the server. I would suggest a complete wipe and reinstall of your mysql. There are ways of restoring it but really it would be easier to simply wipe and reinstall it.

And yes you can create the databases manually and import just the relevant sql file data but the create_mysql.sql is I suppose for people who don't know how to create databases and more specifically users manually as the create_mysql.sql also creates a user account with access to that database specifically. I would highly recommend you not use your root mysql account for any databases on a real server.

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1. Manually kill the process' running. During re-install it should detect the process running anyways, but if not, goto administrative tools->services->mysql (i hate windows sometimes) also you can try this command to do a quick shutdown: <mysql installed directory>mysqladmin --user=<username> --password=<password> shutdown

2. locate the ibdata1 file and blow it away, you can delete the entire mysql directory. It should be located in the /data dir where you installed mysql.

3. before installing mysql again, just open your windows registry and blow anything that says "mysql" away.

4. reinstall mysql. very important use the same root with the password you installed from last time. (Don't use root however, might want to use your own name) If you forgot or try to reinstall with a different password, try installing mysql in a different directory. It's buggy on windows. (did i mention that i hate windows?)

Mysql needs the "default" databases that are installed once you have mysql launched. It hold the user information as well as the structure of how mysql queries along with permissions.

Once you have it installed, you mention you use HedeiSQL. You can right click the top name (i.e. root [which you should use your own name]), then select create->database.

Create a 'auth', 'characters' and 'world' database, then click the refresh button or hit F5. (collation can be general_latin_ci)

Select the database and you are ready for import.

Also be sure to carefully make the changes in the my.ini file to address your mysql needs.

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Hi forum,

I came across a problem I could not solve even after reading almost every topic created about the same situation. The problem is worldserver.exe throws out an error saying:

2012-05-12 22:25:29 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.

2012-05-12 22:25:29 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.0g 18 Jan 2012 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.0g 18 Jan 2012)

2012-05-12 22:25:29 Using ACE version: 5.8.3

2012-05-12 22:25:29 TrinityCore rev. 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)

2012-05-12 22:25:29 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2012-05-12 22:25:29  ______                       __

2012-05-12 22:25:29 /\__  _\       __          __/\ \__

2012-05-12 22:25:29 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __

2012-05-12 22:25:29    \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \

2012-05-12 22:25:29     \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \

2012-05-12 22:25:29      \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \

2012-05-12 22:25:29       \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \

2012-05-12 22:25:29                                  C O R E  /\___/

2012-05-12 22:25:29 http://TrinityCore.org                    \/__/

2012-05-12 22:25:29 ERROR: DatabasePool world NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.

2012-05-12 22:25:29 ERROR: Cannot connect to world database;3306;root;xxx;world

I am using windows 7, 32bit, MySQL version is 5.5.24, I have deleted .dist extensions from both authserver and worldserver, There are both of the .conf files: AUTHSERVER:

realmlist in database is set to,

I have followed the inscructions on wiki, to setup the database...

And so I ran out of ideas what could be causing the problem...

Hope you can help!

Best regards

P.S I have shortened the .conf files a bit because they were to long for this post.





#    LogsDir

#        Description: Logs directory setting.

#        Important:   LogsDir needs to be quoted, as the string might contain space characters.

#                     Logs directory must exists, or log file creation will be disabled.

#        Default:     "" - (Log files will be stored in the current path)

LogsDir = ""


#    MaxPingTime

#        Description: Time (in minutes) between database pings.

#        Default:     30

MaxPingTime = 30


#    RealmServerPort

#        Description: TCP port to reach the auth server.

#        Default:     3724

RealmServerPort = 3724



#    BindIP

#        Description: Bind auth server to IP/hostname

#        Default:     "" - (Bind to all IPs on the system)

BindIP = ""


#    PidFile

#        Description: Auth server PID file.

#        Example:     "./authserver.pid"  - (Enabled)

#        Default:     ""                  - (Disabled)

PidFile = ""


#    LogLevel

#        Description: Server console level of logging

#        Default:     0 - (Minimum)

#                     1 - (Basic)

#                     2 - (Detail)

#                     3 - (Full/Debug)

LogLevel = 0


#    LogFile

#        Description: Log file for main server log.

#        Default:     "Auth.log" - (Enabled)

#                     ""           - (Disabled)

LogFile = "Auth.log"


#    Debug Log Mask

#        Description: Bitmask that determines which debug log output (level 3)

#                     will be logged.

#        Possible flags:


#                  64 - Anything related to network input/output,

#                        such as packet handlers and netcode logs


#                       Simply add the values together to create a bitmask.

#                       For more info see enum DebugLogFilters in Log.h


#             Default: 0 (nothing)

DebugLogMask = 64


#    SQLDriverLogFile

#        Description: Log file for SQL driver events.

#        Example:     "SQLDriver.log" - (Enabled)

#        Default:      ""             - (Disabled)

SQLDriverLogFile = ""


#    SQLDriverQueryLogging

#        Description: Log SQL queries to the SQLDriverLogFile and console.

#        Default:     0 - (Disabled, Query errors only)

#                     1 - (Enabled, Full query logging - may have performance impact)

SQLDriverQueryLogging = 0


#    LogTimestamp

#        Description: Append timestamp to the server log file name.

#                     Logname_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext for Logname.Ext

#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)

#                     1 - (Enabled)

LogTimestamp = 0


#    LogFileLevel

#        Description: Server file level of logging

#        Default:     0 - (Minimum)

#                     1 - (Basic)

#                     2 - (Detail)

#                     3 - (Full/Debug)

LogFileLevel = 0


#    LogColors

#        Description: Colors for log messages (Format: "normal basic detail debug").

#        Colors:      0  - Black

#                     1  - Red

#                     2  - Green

#                     3  - Brown

#                     4  - Blue

#                     5  - Magenta

#                     6  - Cyan

#                     7  - Grey

#                     8  - Yellow

#                     9  - Lred

#                     10 - Lgreen

#                     11 - Lblue

#                     12 - Lmagenta

#                     13 - Lcyan

#                     14 - White

#        Example:     "13 11 9 5" - (Enabled)

#        Default:     ""          - (Disabled)

LogColors = ""


#    EnableLogDB

#        Description: Write log messages to database (LogDatabaseInfo).

#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)

#                     1 - (Enabled)

EnableLogDB = 0


#    DBLogLevel

#        Description: Log level of databases logging.

#        Default:     1 - (Basic)

#                     0 - (Minimum)

#                     2 - (Detail)

#                     3 - (Full/Debug)

DBLogLevel = 1


#    UseProcessors

#        Description: Processors mask for Windows based multi-processor systems.

#        Default:     0  - (Selected by OS)

#                     1+ - (Bit mask value of selected processors)

UseProcessors = 0


#    ProcessPriority

#        Description: Process priority setting for Windows based systems.

#        Default:     1 - (High)

#                     0 - (Normal)

ProcessPriority = 1


#    RealmsStateUpdateDelay

#        Description: Time (in seconds) between realm list updates.

#        Default:     20 - (Enabled)

#                     0  - (Disabled)

RealmsStateUpdateDelay = 20


#    WrongPass.MaxCount

#        Description: Number of login attemps with wrong password before the account or IP will be

#                     banned.

#        Default:     0  - (Disabled)

#                     1+ - (Enabled)

WrongPass.MaxCount = 0


#    WrongPass.BanTime

#        Description: Time (in seconds) for banning account or IP for invalid login attempts.

#        Default:     600 - (10 minutes)

#                     0   - (Permanent ban)

WrongPass.BanTime = 600


#    WrongPass.BanType

#        Description: Ban type for invalid login attempts.

#        Default:     0 - (Ban IP)

#                     1 - (Ban Account)

WrongPass.BanType = 0






#    LoginDatabaseInfo

#        Description: Database connection settings for the realm server.

#        Example:     "hostname;port;username;password;database"

#                     ".;somenumber;username;password;database" - (Use named pipes on Windows

#                                                                 "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld]

#                                                                 section my.ini)

#                     ".;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database" - (use Unix sockets on

#                                                                           Unix/Linux)

#        Default:     ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth"

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;xxx;auth"


#    LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads

#        Description: The amount of worker threads spawned to handle asynchronous (delayed) MySQL

#                     statements. Each worker thread is mirrored with its own connection to the

#        Default:     1

LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1





# Trinity Core World Server configuration file #






























#    Variable

#        Description: Brief description what the variable is doing.

#        Important:   Annotation for important things about this variable.

#        Example:     "Example, i.e. if the value is a string"

#        Default:     10 - (Enabled|Comment|Variable name in case of grouped config options)

#                     0  - (Disabled|Comment|Variable name in case of grouped config options)


# Note to developers:

# - Copy this example to keep the formatting.

# - Line breaks should be at column 100.





#    RealmID

#        Description: ID of the Realm using this config.

#        Important:   RealmID must match the realmlist inside the realmd database.

#        Default:     1

RealmID = 1


#    DataDir

#        Description: Data directory setting.

#        Important:   DataDir needs to be quoted, as the string might contain space characters.

#        Example:     "@prefix@/share/trinitycore"

#        Default:     "."

DataDir = "."


#    LogsDir

#        Description: Logs directory setting.

#        Important:   LogsDir needs to be quoted, as the string might contain space characters.

#                     Logs directory must exists, or log file creation will be disabled.

#        Default:     "" - (Log files will be stored in the current path)

LogsDir = ""


#    LoginDatabaseInfo

#    WorldDatabaseInfo

#    CharacterDatabaseInfo

#        Description: Database connection settings for the world server.

#        Example:     "hostname;port;username;password;database"

#                     ".;somenumber;username;password;database" - (Use named pipes on Windows

#                                                                 "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld]

#                                                                 section my.ini)

#                     ".;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database" - (use Unix sockets on

#                                                                           Unix/Linux)

#        Default:     ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth"       - (LoginDatabaseInfo)

#                     ";3306;trinity;trinity;world"      - (WorldDatabaseInfo)

#                     ";3306;trinity;trinity;characters" - (CharacterDatabaseInfo)

LoginDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;root;xxx;auth"

WorldDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;root;xxx;world"

CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;xxx;characters"


#    LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads

#    WorldDatabase.WorkerThreads

#    CharacterDatabase.WorkerThreads

#        Description: The amount of worker threads spawned to handle asynchronous (delayed) MySQL

#                     statements. Each worker thread is mirrored with its own connection to the

#                     MySQL server and their own thread on the MySQL server.

#        Default:     1 - (LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads)

#                     1 - (WorldDatabase.WorkerThreads)

#                     1 - (CharacterDatabase.WorkerThreads)

LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads     = 1

WorldDatabase.WorkerThreads     = 1

CharacterDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1


#    LoginDatabase.SynchThreads

#    WorldDatabase.SynchThreads

#    CharacterDatabase.SynchThreads

#        Description: The amount of MySQL connections spawned to handle.

#        Default:     1 - (LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads)

#                     1 - (WorldDatabase.WorkerThreads)

#                     2 - (CharacterDatabase.WorkerThreads)

LoginDatabase.SynchThreads     = 1

WorldDatabase.SynchThreads     = 1

CharacterDatabase.SynchThreads = 2


#    MaxPingTime

#        Description: Time (in minutes) between database pings.

#        Default:     30

MaxPingTime = 30


#    WorldServerPort

#        Description: TCP port to reach the world server.

#        Default:     8085

WorldServerPort = 8085


#    BindIP

#        Description: Bind world server to IP/hostname

#        Default:     "" - (Bind to all IPs on the system)

BindIP = ""






#    UseProcessors

#        Description: Processors mask for Windows based multi-processor systems.

#        Default:     0  - (Selected by OS)

#                     1+ - (Bit mask value of selected processors)

UseProcessors = 0


#    ProcessPriority

#        Description: Process priority setting for Windows based systems.

#        Default:     1 - (High)

#                     0 - (Normal)

ProcessPriority = 1


#    Compression

#        Description: Compression level for client update packages

#        Range:       1-9

#        Default:     1   - (Speed)

#                     9   - (Best compression)

Compression = 1


#    PlayerLimit

#        Description: Maximum number of players in the world. Excluding Mods, GMs and Admins.

#          Important: If you want to block players and only allow Mods, GMs or Admins to join the

#                     server, use the DB field "realmd.realmlist.allowedSecurityLevel".

#            Default: 100 - (Enabled)

#                     1+  - (Enabled)

#                     0   - (Disabled, No limit)

PlayerLimit = 100


#    SaveRespawnTimeImmediately

#        Description: Save respawn time for creatures at death and gameobjects at use/open.

#        Default:     1 - (Enabled, Save respawn time immediately)

#                     0 - (Disabled, Save respawn time at grid unloading)

SaveRespawnTimeImmediately = 1


#    MaxOverspeedPings

#        Description: Maximum overspeed ping count before character is disconnected.

#        Default:     2  - (Enabled, Minimum value)

#                     3+ - (Enabled, More checks before kick)

#                     0  - (Disabled)

MaxOverspeedPings = 2


#    GridUnload

#        Description: Unload grids to save memory. Can be disabled if enough memory is available

#                     to speed up moving players to new grids.

#        Default:     1 - (enable, Unload grids)

#                     0 - (disable, Do not unload grids)

GridUnload = 1


#    SocketTimeOutTime

#        Description: Time (in milliseconds) after which a connection being idle on the character

#                     selection screen is disconnected.

#        Default:     900000 - (15 minutes)

SocketTimeOutTime = 900000


#    SessionAddDelay

#        Description: Time (in microseconds) that a network thread will sleep after authentication

#                     protocol handling before adding a connection to the world session map.

#        Default:     10000 - (10 milliseconds, 0.01 second)

SessionAddDelay = 10000


#    GridCleanUpDelay

#        Description: Time (in milliseconds) grid clean up delay.

#        Default:     300000 - (5 minutes)

GridCleanUpDelay = 300000


#    MapUpdateInterval

#        Description: Time (milliseconds) for map update interval.

#        Default:     100 - (0.1 second)

MapUpdateInterval = 100


#    ChangeWeatherInterval

#        Description: Time (in milliseconds) for weather update interval.

#        Default:     600000 - (10 min)

ChangeWeatherInterval = 600000


#    PlayerSaveInterval

#        Description: Time (in milliseconds) for player save interval.

#        Default:     900000 - (15 min)

PlayerSaveInterval = 900000


#    PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel

#        Description: Minimum level for saving character stats in the database for external usage.

#        Default:     0  - (Disabled, Do not save character stats)

#                     1+ - (Enabled, Level beyond which character stats are saved)

PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel = 0


#    PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout

#        Description: Save player stats only on logout.

#        Default:     1 - (Enabled, Only save on logout)

#                     0 - (Disabled, Save on every player save)

PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout = 1


#    vmap.enableLOS

#    vmap.enableHeight

#        Description: VMmap support for line of sight and height calculation.

#        Default:     1 - (Enabled, vmap.enableLOS)

#                     1 - (Enabled, vmap.enableHeight)

#                     0 - (Disabled)

vmap.enableLOS    = 1

vmap.enableHeight = 1


#    vmap.ignoreSpellIds

#        Description: These spells are ignored for LoS calculation.

#                     List of ids with delimiter ','.

#        Example:     "7720,1337"

#        Default:     "7720"

vmap.ignoreSpellIds = "7720"


#    vmap.petLOS

#        Description: Check line of sight for pets, to avoid them attacking through walls.

#        Default:     1 - (Enabled, each pet attack will be checked for line of sight)

#                     0 - (Disabled, somewhat less CPU usage)

vmap.petLOS = 1


#    vmap.enableIndoorCheck

#        Description: VMap based indoor check to remove outdoor-only auras (mounts etc.).

#        Default:     1 - (Enabled)

#                     0 - (Disabled, somewhat less CPU usage)

vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1


#    DetectPosCollision

#        Description: Check final move position, summon position, etc for visible collision with

#                     other objects or walls (walls only if vmaps are enabled).

#        Default:     1 - (Enabled)

#                     0 - (Disabled, Less position precision but less CPU usage)

DetectPosCollision = 1


#    TargetPosRecalculateRange

#        Description: Max distance from movement target point (+moving unit size) and targeted

#                     object (+size) after that new target movement point calculated.

#        Range:       0.5-5.0

#        Default:     1.5

#                     0.5 - (Minimum, Contact Range, More sensitive reaction to target movement)

#                     5.0 - (Maximum, Melee attack range, Less CPU usage)

TargetPosRecalculateRange = 1.5


#    UpdateUptimeInterval

#        Description: Update realm uptime period (in minutes).

#        Default:     10 - (10 minutes)

#                     1+

UpdateUptimeInterval = 10


#    LogDB.Opt.ClearInterval

#        Description: Time (in minutes) for the WUPDATE_CLEANDB timer that clears the `logs` table

#                     of old entries.

#        Default:     10 - (10 minutes)

#                     1+

LogDB.Opt.ClearInterval = 10


#    LogDB.Opt.ClearTime

#        Description: Time (in seconds) for keeping old `logs` table entries.

#        Default:     1209600 - (Enabled, 14 days)

#                     0       - (Disabled, Do not clear entries)

LogDB.Opt.ClearTime = 1209600


#    MaxCoreStuckTime

#        Description: Time (in seconds) before the server is forced to crash if it is frozen.

#        Default:     0   - (Disabled)

#                     10+ - (Enabled, Recommended 10+)

MaxCoreStuckTime = 0


#    AddonChannel

#        Description: Configure the use of the addon channel through the server (some client side

#                     addons will not work correctly with disabled addon channel)

#        Default:     1 - (Enabled)

#                     0 - (Disabled)

AddonChannel = 1


#    MapUpdate.Threads

#        Description: Number of threads to update maps.

#        Default:     1

MapUpdate.Threads = 1


#    CleanCharacterDB

#        Description: Clean out deprecated achievements, skills, spells and talents from the db.

#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)

#                     1 - (Enable)

CleanCharacterDB = 0


#    PersistentCharacterCleanFlags

#        Description: Determines the character clean flags that remain set after cleanups.

#                     This is a bitmask value, check /doc/CharacterDBCleanup.txt for more

#                     information.

#        Example:     14 - (Cleaning up skills, talents and spells will remain enabled after the

#                           next cleanup)

#        Default:     0  - (All cleanup methods will be disabled after the next cleanup)

PersistentCharacterCleanFlags = 0






#    AutoBroadcast.On

#        Description: Enable auto broadcast.

#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)

#                     1 - (Enabled)

AutoBroadcast.On = 0


#    AutoBroadcast.Center

#        Description: Auto broadcasting display method.

#        Default:     0 - (Announce)

#                     1 - (Notify)

#                     2 - (Both)

AutoBroadcast.Center = 0


#    AutoBroadcast.Timer

#        Description: Timer (in milliseconds) for auto broadcasts.

#        Default:     60000 - (60 seconds)

AutoBroadcast.Timer = 60000




#    Network.Threads

#        Description: Number of threads for network.

#         Default:    1 - (Recommended 1 thread per 1000 connections)

Network.Threads = 1


#    Network.OutKBuff

#        Description: Amount of memory (in bytes) used for the output kernel buffer (see SO_SNDBUF

#                     socket option, TCP manual).

#        Default:     -1 - (Use system default setting)

Network.OutKBuff = -1


#    Network.OutUBuff

#        Description: Amount of memory (in bytes) reserved in the user space per connection for

#                     output buffering.

#         Default:    65536

Network.OutUBuff = 65536


#    Network.TcpNoDelay:

#        Description: TCP Nagle algorithm setting.

#         Default:    0 - (Enabled, Less traffic, More latency)

#                     1 - (Disabled, More traffic, Less latency, TCP_NO_DELAY)

Network.TcpNodelay = 1






#    Console.Enable

#        Description: Enable console.

#        Default:     1 - (Enabled)

#                     0 - (Disabled)

Console.Enable = 1


#    Ra.Enable

#        Description: Enable remote console (telnet).

#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)

#                     1 - (Enabled)

Ra.Enable = 0


#    Ra.IP

#        Description: Bind remote access to IP/hostname.

#        Default:     "" - (Bind to all IPs on the system)

Ra.IP = ""


#    Ra.Port

#        Description: TCP port to reach the remote console.

#        Default:     3443

Ra.Port = 3443


#    Ra.MinLevel

#        Description: Required security level to use the remote console.

#        Default:     3

Ra.MinLevel = 3


#    SOAP.Enable

#        Description: Enable soap service

#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)

#                     1 - (Enabled)

SOAP.Enabled = 0


#    SOAP.IP

#        Description: Bind SOAP service to IP/hostname

#        Default:     "" - (Bind to localhost)

SOAP.IP = ""


#    SOAP.Port

#        Description: TCP port to reach the SOAP service.

#        Default:     7878

SOAP.Port = 7878


Edited by Aokromes
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Read the error:

ERROR: DatabasePool world NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors. 2012-05-12 22:25:29

ERROR: Cannot connect to world database;3306;root;xxx;world

Obviously worldserver can not open the mysql connections. Is your DB even up and running?

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Just compiled, populated my DB with TDB (335.11.46_2012_02_13) and i'm getting this:

2012-05-12 23:06:51 [ERROR]: In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 56, sql: "SELECT difficulty_entry_1, difficulty_entry_2, difficulty_entry_3, KillCredit1, KillCredit2, modelid1, modelid2, modelid3, modelid4, name, subname, IconName, gossip_menu_id, minlevel, maxlevel, exp, faction_A, faction_H, npcflag, speed_walk, speed_run, scale, rank, mindmg, maxdmg, dmgschool, attackpower, dmg_multiplier, baseattacktime, rangeattacktime, unit_class, unit_flags, dynamicflags, family, trainer_type, trainer_spell, trainer_class, trainer_race, minrangedmg, maxrangedmg, rangedattackpower, type, type_flags, lootid, pickpocketloot, skinloot, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, spell1, spell2, spell3, spell4, spell5, spell6, spell7, spell8, PetSpellDataId, VehicleId, mingold, maxgold, AIName, MovementType, InhabitType, HoverHeight, Health_mod, Mana_mod, Armor_mod, RacialLeader, questItem1, questItem2, questItem3, questItem4, questItem5, questItem6, movementId, RegenHealth, equipment_id, mechanic_immune_mask, flags_extra, ScriptName FROM creature_template WHERE entry = ?"

2012-05-12 23:06:51 [ERROR]: Unknown column 'HoverHeight' in 'field list'

2012-05-12 23:06:51 [ERROR]: In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 58, sql: "SELECT c.country FROM ip2nationCountries c, ip2nation i WHERE i.ip < ? AND c.code = i.country ORDER BY i.ip DESC LIMIT 0,1"

2012-05-12 23:06:51 [ERROR]: Table 'world.ip2nationcountries' doesn't exist

Posted here because it may be related

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    • By xgamerninjax
      Hello all, first time posting here and it's really got me scratching my head.
      I've compiled everything on my own computer, and then transferred everything to a host computer so the server can stay live. The server was running fine for a month or so and then suddenly it just crashes when it hits "Loading C++ scripts", exiting saying "caught signal 22"
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      Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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    • By Rochet2
      A lot of people have asked how to debug so I made this short guide on how to set up debugging.
      This guide only tells you how to actually set up debugging in TrinityCore on Windows and Linux.
      This will not explain the basics of debugging. You can google those or play around with the debugger to learn.
      Here are a few videos that explain how to actually debug after setting debugging up on visual studio: https://youtu.be/0ebzPwixrJA and linux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCtY--xRUyI

      This guide contains multiple guides. Each list of bullet points is it's own guide.
      Make sure you can run the server normally before trying to debug.

      On Windows before anything you should check these
      - Before debugging or making crashlogs etc. with Visual Studio you must compile the core in "Debug" instead of "Release". You can select this in "Build>Configuration Manager" or at the top of Visual Studio window http://i.imgur.com/5oHd59j.png
      - You also need to move the new pdb files generate by compiling in debug mode on Visual Studio from the compile output folder (bin) to your server folder - these files contain information needed for debugging.
      - It is assumed that Solution Explorer is open. Open it by selecting "View>Solution Explorer" in Visual Studio http://i.imgur.com/hkW6Gk0.png
      -- You may want to click on the Home icon to reset the view on Solution Explorer http://i.imgur.com/N8UPwDh.png
      - You can place breakpoints in Visual Studio editor by right clicking a line of code and selecting "Breakpoint>Insert Breakpoint" http://i.imgur.com/L2TxBVG.png
      - At the top of the window you should see controls for stepping and continuing when you have started to debug.
      - Here is a video showing the basic Visual Studio functionality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijdk4z8-2OI
      Fastest way to debug on windows. This is the easiest way to start up debugging a script.
      - Start the authserver and worldserver normally
      - Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      - In Visual Studio at the top select "Debug>Attach to process...>worldserver.exe" and click "Attach" http://i.imgur.com/jDEI2Hq.png
      - You are now debugging
      The second slower way of debugging on windows. This is useful for debugging something that occurs in the startup of the server.
      - Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      - In solution explorer right click on worldserver and select "Set as StartUp Project" http://i.imgur.com/wvMzeRA.png
      - In solution explorer right click on worldserver and select "Properties" http://i.imgur.com/rTNEF9O.png
      -- In Properties you should go to "Configuration Properties>Debugging" and edit "Working Directory" to point to the server folder. For me this is the default compile folder so I use "$(OutDir)" http://i.imgur.com/aRI29fB.png
      - Start the authserver normally
      - Start the worldserver by selecting "Debug>Start Debugging". The server will start with debugging attached from the beginning http://i.imgur.com/cg1KJNw.png
      - You are now debugging
      Crashlogs on windows. Once you have a way to reproduce a crash you can get a crashlog that can help you resolve it.
      - After compiling the core in "Debug" instead of "Release" start up the worldserver and authserver
      - Reproduce the crash you have
      - In the server folder there is now a folder called Crashes that contains txt and dmp files. http://i.imgur.com/9eQIdql.png
      - You can open the txt files in text editors http://i.imgur.com/EH6R17E.png
      -- At the top of a txt file there is some information about your system and below it there is the Call Stack and below that there are Variables of each part of the call stack
      -- The Call Stack will tell you at the top what was the last function call before crashing and what function calls led to that function call.
      -- Next to the function names there is the file that the function is defined in and the line number the code was executing in that function.
      -- In the Variables section you can inspect variables that were present at each function call.
      -- Based on this information you are often able to see what crashed or get a better view of what you need to inspect more in your code.
      - The dmp file can be opened in Visual Studio
      -- Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      -- Drag and drop the dmp file to Visual Studio
      -- In the window that opens click to "Debug with Native Only" http://i.imgur.com/OgyU2kM.png
      -- In the window popup click "Break" http://i.imgur.com/4jDzqRn.png
      -- You are now in a state like you would have hit a break point in the code or a crash while debugging. You can inspect the call stack and the variables.
      Edit and continue on windows. When debugging this allows you to change the code and without restarting the server apply those changes so they actually work ingame.
      - Open TrinityCore.sln in Visual Studio. This is what you usually open when you want to compile the core
      - In solution explorer right click on worldserver and select "Properties" http://i.imgur.com/rTNEF9O.png
      -- In Properties select "Configuration Properties>Linker>General" and set "Enable Incremental Linking" to "Yes". http://i.imgur.com/caQqwN5.png
      -- In Properties select "Configuration Properties>Linker>Advanced" and set "Image Has Safe Exception Handlers" to "No". http://i.imgur.com/FYzN8Ks.png
      -- In Properties select "Configuration Properties>C/C++>General" and set "Debug Information Format" to "Program Database for Edit And Continue". http://i.imgur.com/pxQ6I8N.png
      - At the top of the window select "Tools>Options". In the Options select "Debugging>General" and in there select "Enable Edit and Continue", "Enable Native Edit and Continue" and "Require source files to exactly match the original version".
      - Compile the server for the changes to take effect.
      - Set up "The second slower way of debugging" (I did not test edit and continue on other configurations)
      - Start the authserver normally
      - Start the worldserver by selecting "Debug>Start Debugging".
      - Try edit a cpp file a little and save it.
      - At top of Visual Studio window select "Debug>Apply Code Changes" and wait until the changes are applied. Warning: it can take considerable amount of time for the changes to be applied. http://i.imgur.com/77pb58E.png
      - If you have issues, be sure to check the error messages in Output. You can view it by selecting "View>Output" http://i.imgur.com/4cIznW9.png
      - This guide was written based on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/esaeyddf.aspx and https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2015/07/22/c-edit-and-continue-in-visual-studio-2015/
      First we need to compile the server in debug mode.
      - Compile the server with the cmake flag -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

      Debugging on linux. You can debug on linux by using GDB.
      - Here is a good video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCtY--xRUyI
      - Basically you
      -- Start the authserver
      -- Start the worldserver by using "gdb ./worldserver"
      -- Enter breakpoints by using break command on gdb
      -- Use the run command on gdb to start the server
      -- You are now debugging
      - You may also be interested in using VScode or some other more visual debuggers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0xTgyCwsAo
      Crashlogs on linux. Once you have a way to reproduce a crash you can get a crashlog that can help you resolve it.
      - Take crashreport.gdb from /contrib/debugger from source folder and place it to your server folder
      - Start the authserver
      - Start the worldserver by using "gdb -x crashreport.gdb ./worldserver"
      - Reproduce your crash
      - There should be a backtrace.log in your server folder that contains information about the crash like the callstack and variables in each function call in the call stack
      - This guide was written based on https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/master/contrib/debugger/README
      Running valgrind on linux. This helps you find memory errors like invalid reads and writes and memory leaks.
      - Here is a good video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvTsFjDuag8
      - Basically you
      -- Start the authserver
      -- Start the worldserver by using "valgrind ./worldserver"
      -- Run your code that you want to analyze and close the server
      -- The console or an output log should contain the valgrind log
    • By reyne
      Hey there!

      I've followed a few threads here about map extraction, and am still having issues. Originally, I was having the issue described here.
      After following the advice given in that thread (creating characters of both BC races and running around for a bit), I am no longer getting that error, however now I get the following error while trying to extract maps:

      `Error loading World\Maps\Expansion01\Expansion01_42_6.adt`

      This repeats for every line in Expansion01, and then the extractor crashes.

      I'm not sure where else to go from here.

      Thanks for your help

      Edit: I've created an 85 on an i85 server and flown all around Outland now, same issue.
    • By Uee
      I recently found the Trinity Cataclsym Preservation Project and thought I will try it out.
      I am already running 3.3.5a and Master - both server run great
      Pulled 4.3.4 down using Git and built it same way as others:
      boost_1_73_0 cmake 3.17.2 Mysql 5.7.30 VS Community 2019 Built fine - no issue. Used 'Extractor.bat' to run all the map extractors - worked great!
      Noticed there was extra file 'connection_patcher.exe`, ran that - worked great! Now have "wow_patched" and use this to launch client
      MySQL runs in standalone mode, -initialize, added base sql files, imported, auth and character sql files
      Configured both the .conf files and passwords, IPs etc are all in place.
      Note: When loading the exe and built conf file, bnetserver complain about these items missing, so I add them:
      Updates.AutoSetup = 1 Updates.EnableDatabases = 0 LoginDatabase.SynchThreads = 1 Load up Mysql - loads fine
      Load up bnetserver and appears to load ok - last few lines look like this:
      Connected to MySQL database at
      DatabasePool 'auth' opened successfully. 2 total connections running.
      Started auth database connection pool.
      Listening on connections from worldservers on port 1118...
      Load up worldserver and it adds the FULL world and hotfixes, then applied all updates (confirmed archived in SQL) - last few lines look like this:
      Calculate next monthly quest reset time...
      Calculate random battleground reset time...
      Calculate guild limitation(s) reset time...
      Calculate next currency reset time...
      World initialized in 0 minutes 13 seconds
      TrinityCore rev. d0c7bbab40bc 2020-05-06 00:01:21 +0200 (master branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon) ready...
      There are no db errors in logs.
      Config.wtf contain portal, realmlist as remote server and patchlist as localhost.
      When I try to connecting using "user@local" and password I get immediately disconnected.
      What I did noticed different is that the bnetserver doesnt add "Added realm "Battle for Azeroth" at" (From my Master log) 
      3.3.5a also have this line as last line in authserver - but 4.3.4 is not giving me this one.
      Realmlist table is accurate with right information.
      Anyone know why bnetserver is not starting me realm?
    • By Deer_Hunter
      Hello all,
      I just updated from the latest Git 
      Trinity Core REV. ac6baa547376 + 2020-02-21  3.3.5 Branch.
      I'm getting this error after crash.
      Problem signature:
        Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
        Application Name:    worldserver.exe
        Application Version:
        Application Timestamp:    5e50a462
        Fault Module Name:    StackHash_f12f
        Fault Module Version:    6.3.9600.19629
        Fault Module Timestamp:    5e2fdc0d
        Exception Code:    c0000374
        Exception Offset:    PCH_9E_FROM_ntdll+0x0000000000090D0A
        OS Version:    6.3.9600.
        Locale ID:    1033
        Additional Information 1:    f12f
        Additional Information 2:    f12f0934d3e965f73c68e60f20f2cd40
        Additional Information 3:    7595
        Additional Information 4:    7595e4d8d703db9dcd3d2f6ea540e357
      the exception code says its a Heap error,  I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this.
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