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Stuck at connected / infinite loop / login issues / battle.net


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my auth db and auth 335 are different.

So i  added in both of them same realm ids for 335 and 243

But my worldserver 335 is using the 2.4.3 authserver  ..... So when i try to login it shows now in my WORLDSERVER that i sent some malformed packet size ... 

But with 2.4.3 wow.exe i can login in my 2.4.3 server


I can't just login on my Trinity335 ... 

That's the problem.

In the worldserver.config ( 335 ) ports are changed from 8085 to 8086 and 3724 to 3725.

2.4.3 configs are  default ones.


So i don't know what's the problem really... 

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This is what Im geting trying to run 7.1.0 and 3.3.5 on the same machine

World initialized in 0 minutes 7 seconds
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'TC>boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::system::system_error> >'
  what():  bind: Address already in use
TC>Segmentation fault

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Hope to get some help with my login issues...

I will give all the details of my installation to see if someone can help me.









Successfully compiled (No error.. bnetserver and worldserver.exe runs fine as intended)


/// ACCOUNT///

Account created with .bnetaacount create [email protected] pass



Source compiled with TOOLS and Wow.exe Successfully patched from inside of game directory.. it also generate a tc_bundle.txt file and a Wow_Patched.exe(the one i use to run my client)



Defaults values are used

LoginREST.Port = 8081



SET portal ""
SET realmlist ""


//realmlist table Auth DB///

address and local addres both set to (Running client and server from my own pc)




11/11 09:42:48.922  [IBN_Login] Starting up | hasFrontInterface=false | hasBackInterface=false
11/11 09:43:06.926  [GlueLogin] Starting login | launcherPortal=nullopt | loginPortal=
11/11 09:43:06.926  [GlueLogin] Resetting
11/11 09:43:06.926  [IBN_Login] Initializing
11/11 09:43:06.926  [IBN_Login] Attempting logon | host= | port=1119
11/11 09:43:06.926  [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response.
11/11 09:43:07.030  [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response.
11/11 09:43:07.039  [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response.
11/11 09:43:07.161  [GlueLogin] Fatal error while logging in | result=( | code=ERROR_HTTP_FAILED (14003) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=JSON error: ERROR_HTTP_FAILED (14003) token: 1)
11/11 09:43:07.216  [IBN_Login] Front disconnecting | connectionId=1
11/11 09:43:07.216  [GlueLogin] Disconnecting from authentication server.
11/11 09:43:07.216  [IBN_Login] Front disconnected | connectionId=1 | result=( | code=ERROR_OK (0) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=)
11/11 09:43:07.216  [GlueLogin] Disconnected from authentication server.
11/11 09:43:07.216  [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=true
11/11 09:43:10.594  [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=false
11/11 09:43:12.064  [IBN_Login] Shutting down


That all the information i think is usefull to solve my problem. When i try to login i get insta desconect with error message...


You have been disconnected. (BLZ51914003)

Thanks in advance any help will be apreciated.






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Hello, so I am running a trinitycore private server on 3.3.5, this is the rev if it's any help for anyone. TrinityCore rev. 90ff3ce8c825 2016-06-16 17:53:14 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Win64, Release)


So i opened up a DNS on no-ip, edited my host file, the realmlist table in auth, opened my ports, changed my own realmlist... Authserver & worldserver config both have bindip to
Whenever i try to log on, it works just fine for me.

However, anyone else gets stuck on "logging in to game server" when they try to join, they see the realm list but that is it, they can never go past this point. 

Edited by Madguy
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I'm sorry since I'm french i'm a bit confused, because I've been reading some stuff about opening ports and forwarding them... and i'm not sure I got it right.
Anyways, this is what I did



For ports 8085 and 3724, I linked them to the IpV4 i found in CMD typing ipconfig (in this case, because I read somewhere it was better...  i'm quite not sure about this.

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It is set to my No-Ip address :) I'm not sure about my host file though, here is what I did.                                            localhost
192.168.X.X                                       MyNoIPDNS
the ip i found on whatsmyip.com        MyNoIPDNS

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The important thing here is realmlist in your auth database. You'll see address and localAddress. You will want to change address to you NoIP DNS and change localAddress to your router's IP address. I've included an example to better understand what's being said.


La chose importante ici est realmlist dans votre base de données auth. Vous verrez address et localAddress. Vous voudrez changer l'adresse à vous NoIP DNS et changer localAddress à l'adresse IP de votre routeur. J'ai inclus un exemple pour mieux comprendre ce qui se dit.




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On 21/11/2012 at 8:00 PM, Jrod said:

The important thing here is realmlist in your auth database. You'll see address and localAddress. You will want to change address to you NoIP DNS and change localAddress to your router's IP address. I've included an example to better understand what's being said.


La chose importante ici est realmlist dans votre base de données auth. Vous verrez address et localAddress. Vous voudrez changer l'adresse à vous NoIP DNS et changer localAddress à l'adresse IP de votre routeur. J'ai inclus un exemple pour mieux comprendre ce qui se dit.


Thank you for taking time to translate and post a Screenshot, I had localAdress on, I changed it as show in the exemple, but the issue is still not fixed, other players still get stucked at connecting in to game server

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So I've got everything compiled correctly and running, but I'm getting "Unable to connect..." from the client.
Double checked the ports, used canyouseeme.org and they're showing up good, made sure I set SET portal "" in the wtf file
and then ran the 32 and 64 over the connection patcher for client 22995 (from fresh compile of commit a999c29a80eb62304cb63b6fba8372f2a0482f32)
double and triple checked everything. I'm not seeing any hint of connection from the server but I'm using the patched binary. Sounds like it's all client-end but not sure from where.

Solved: Just for S&G tried adding the bnet port I tied to the portal address in the wtf as such; ' SET Portal "ip:port" ' then ran the connection patcher again, solved the issue, hope that helps someone.

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I configured the server TC 3.3.5 - auth and the world will operate without any errors. I can not log into the game. When you log in with the account to see the realm. It is online, I can not select it. 
No blocking of the network side does not occur. All ports are unlocked. The server runs on the service VPS. 
I am looking for a person who is able to help me in finding an error, I am willing to pay for it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I am working on creating my 3.3.5 server on a different box from my Master server. I don't know why I am having so many issues considering I have followed directions as I did Master flawlessly. By comparison, 3.3.5 has been one phenomenal headache. Onwards I march though. Perhaps you lot can help me with what ails me.

After installing everything as directed to in the Requirements | Core Installation and Configuring / Compiling, etc...... I successfully opened WorldServer / AuthServer but got this on client boot.....


Going back and forth to my setup directions, I thought I followed it all fine.

My config.wtf.....for your reference....


Realmlist within Data/enUS for reference.....


AuthServer Config......


WorldServer Config......


Test account was successfully created using test:test, which is what was failing on login attempt with client. Running Windows 10.

Can anyone glance over these please and advise me? Maybe I missed something, but I thought I followed it all to the letter.




Edited by Dormammu
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