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Dbc, Maps, mmaps, Vmaps problems


Recommended Posts 15595 Live April 17, 2012 Patch 4.3.4; Date on login screen: Apr 10 2012; labeled "Release x86" or Apr 10 2012 "Release x64"


I am currently running the newest patch as that's what I see on my login screen.




Don't know why its saying a different client build version on the extractor.

Edited by shibbymcpot730
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What about now? The wiki says to copy it to your wow folder but it never actually runs.


For kicks I tried to run it but all it does is say "Press any key to continue" and then quits.

Still not finished.

And where in the wiki says you should use it? I'd like to remove that part

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Still not finished.

And where in the wiki says you should use it? I'd like to remove that part


Under the "Extractors" heading in the How To: Windows. It doesn't say to use it but it does say to copy it to the wow folder. I only ran it because I just wanted to make sure it still didn't work and that it wasn't a case of the wiki not being updated telling you to run it.


Browse into your D:BuildbinRelease* folder and copy these files into your root World of Warcraft folder: *mapextractor.exe, MeshExtractor.exe, mmaps_generator.exe, vmap4extractor.exe, vmap4assembler.exe and makevmaps_simple.bat.
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  I am wrapping up a new install on Ubuntu. The auth server works, worldserver 'works' as far as I can tell, at least up until the point where I get the map errors. (had to rename one of the ip2Country tables -- cap letter issue.. trivial... )


  Map file './maps/0004331.map <-- incorrect version


  Now, I am a little lost, let me explain what I have been trying:

  1. Followed the Linux guide
  2. I have the 3.3.5(12340) no install client on my Windows 7 machine (where I intend to play from, and extract maps if need be)  -- utorrent link from eternal - wow site.
  3. I have downloaded the TrinityCore Tools for i3.5.7 and tried those tools to extract maps
    Runs great - the maps are incompatible
  4. I have tried to get the extractors to compile on the Ubuntu server using the -DTOOLS=1 option
    I don't end up with any executable to bring over to my Windows box to execute. 
    Not a big deal 'per say' as I expect to find maps online or the tools to bring down (as above)
    - I've downloaded a few map packs from the web.. same issues.. incorrect versions
    - Tried different tool extractors... 
  5. mysql> select * FROM `version`;
    | TrinityCore rev. 2013-02-05 22:30:34 -0500 (2fa8d06b25e3) (Unix, Release) | 2fa8d06b25e3  | TDB 335.49 |       49 
  So the links associated with map issues point me to, well, starting from scratch on a Windows box. Ok, not a big deal, I can jam out a VirtBox server and do just that.. however.. I'll end up with the same damn tools I am trying right ?  same extracted maps/vmaps/dbc that I am already getting...  
  There is a versioning issue here somewhere.. and I am not familiar enough with TrinityCore version mappings to see it.
   My client should be correct - it's listed as the supported version right up at the top right of the forums
   My linux server should be correct - I followed the listed guide - very good guide btw - the only thing different I am doing here is using phpmyadmin on the server instead of one of the others you listed, and bitvise tunnelier as an app to move data.. but that is again.. trivial..
  I don't want to go and build a windows server, to build the extractors, to have the same map errors.
  What am I doing wrong here? what version mistake have I made ?
  Your thoughts are appreciated,
  Thanks !
  -- Trev
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- I've uninstalled my 'installed version' of WOW (as I noted registry setting issues in other forum posts)

- ran the 3.3.5 client to the login screen <-- it is a NO INSTALL client, is that an issue with map creations ?? though the extractors run without error..

- ran multple versions ( probably all the same extactors, just packaged with different names via forum links etc...) for the last few hours.. at least 5-6 map extractions.. copies.. same failures over and over..  kind of at a loss here... 


- still receiving:


Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: TDB 335.49
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Map file './maps/0004331.map' is from an incompatible clientversion. Please recreate using the mapextractor.
Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map/*.vmtree/*.vmtile files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the worldserver.conf file.
I know, read the forums for answers, and the answers are --> Rebuild the Extractors & link to the Windows Server How To... 
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.. 
- Server running the world & auth server is Ubuntu
- Client is on windows 7 (extracting maps from here as indicated.....)
-- Trev
Edited by Trev71
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I haven't used the tools for i3.5.7 myself but I'd venture a guess that they're old and someone needs to upload a new version.


If you look at the map files in a hex editor, the older maps have a different header than the new ones which is most likely why your core is complaining about being incompatible:

Older map header as seen in WinHex
4D 41 50 53 76 31 2E 32 34 30 MAPSv1.240
Newer map header as seen in WinHex
4D 41 50 53 76 31 2E 33 34 30 MAPSv1.340

I don't remember exactly where the "newer" maps came into play but it was somewhere around

revision 4b4b637081ae120c8faa9c95f872f7100f32a7d9

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I haven't used the tools for i3.5.7 myself but I'd venture a guess that they're old and someone needs to upload a new version.


If you look at the map files in a hex editor, the older maps have a different header than the new ones which is most likely why your core is complaining about being incompatible:

Older map header as seen in WinHex
4D 41 50 53 76 31 2E 32 34 30 MAPSv1.240
Newer map header as seen in WinHex
4D 41 50 53 76 31 2E 33 34 30 MAPSv1.340

I don't remember exactly where the "newer" maps came into play but it was somewhere around

revision 4b4b637081ae120c8faa9c95f872f7100f32a7d9


used map 0002036.map as example of mine.. course if the headers are the same in all maps.. matters not the map eh? heh.


4D 41 50 53 76 31 2E 31 34 30 ....    


i3/i5/i7 tools where deprecated and removed from download because something.


I got the tools from the downloads link on the site here... followed downloads.. then to tools... just noting..


Regarding compiling the tools myself in Ubuntu, should it not be as easy as a recompile and adding -DTOOLS=1 ??  

The results look like the tools compile.. but they are no where to be found..



root@wow-server:~/build# cmake ../TrinityCore/ -DPREFIX=/root/server -DWITH_WARNINGS=1 -DTOOLS=1
-- Detected 64-bit platform
-- UNIX: Using jemalloc
-- UNIX: Using default configuration directory
-- UNIX: Using default library directory
-- UNIX: Configuring uninstall target
-- UNIX: Created uninstall target
-- GCC: SFMT enabled, SSE2 flags forced
-- GCC: All warnings enabled
-- Found ACE library: /usr/local/lib/libACE.so
-- Found ACE headers: /usr/local/include
-- Using mysql-config: /usr/bin/mysql_config
-- Found MySQL library: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient_r.so
-- Found MySQL headers: /usr/include/mysql
-- Found Readline library: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libreadline.so
-- Include dir is: /usr/include
* TrinityCore rev. hash  : 2fa8d06b25e3+
* TrinityCore rev. date  : 2013-02-05 22:30:34 -0500
* TrinityCore buildtype  : Release
* Install core to        : /root/server
* Install libraries to   : /root/server/lib
* Install configs to     : /root/server/etc
* Build world/auth       : Yes (default)
* Build with scripts     : Yes (default)
* Build map/vmap tools   : Yes
* Build core w/PCH       : Yes (default)
* Build scripts w/PCH    : Yes (default)
* Show all warnings      : Yes
* Use coreside debug     : No  (default)
  -> Prepared: Spells
  -> Prepared: Commands
  -> Prepared: Examples
  -> Prepared: Custom
  -> Prepared: World
  -> Prepared: Outdoor PVP Zones
  -> Prepared: Eastern Kingdoms
  -> Prepared: Kalimdor
  -> Prepared: Outland
  -> Prepared: Northrend
  -> Prepared: Events
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /root/build



Here, I expect to see a bin directory with the tools.. to then migrate to my windows box and extract...



root@wow-server:~/build# ls -1

Any links to updated tools for extractions... or even maps themselves if they are somewhere to be snatched ( I did find and try a few different map packages I found online... similiar issues of course.. ) .. or should I be using a different client ?!  




-- Trev

Note... updating the build now... will test post that as well...

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Updated the core and recompiled... I got the extractors this time around.. but they don't work with the 64 bit windows.. so cannot extract.. lol.. wtf..


And previous set of maps still throwing me the same error.. 


I dunno...  


ok heading out to eat and think this shit through... 

Edited by Trev71
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> Updated the core and recompiled... I got the extractors this time around.. but they don't work with the 64 bit windows.. so cannot extract.. lol.. wtf..


Please define "don't work" (what's wrong?), because tools for Windows in 64 bits is definitely working here. 

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Create a folder called "MMaps" and run mmaps_generator.exe.Extracting MMAPS will take a while depending on your machine (1hour - 6 hours). Do not attempt to stop this process. 

Note: Extracting the vmaps will take a while depending on your machine (30 min - 2 hours). Do not attempt to stop this process. It is finished when it prints "Press any key...".


This step repeats itself. Talks about how the extraction will take a long time twice.

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