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Dbc, Maps, mmaps, Vmaps problems


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i Use the Last 4.3.4 Client on Windows 7


My Error...






Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_0_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_1_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_2_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_3_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_4_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_5_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_6_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_7_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_8_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_9_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_38_10_obj0.adt, err=2!



Last Trinity Branch... 


Can pls Fix it ?

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4.3.4 isn't ready so you kind of use it at your own risk. I haven't used it but from what I understand it's in no way ready for anything but testing. Legitimate bugs should be posted on the tracker and if something doesn't work you either have to wait until it's fixed, revert to a previous revision, or use 3.3.5a.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Detected client build: 15050 


As I said in other topic... wrong client version.



I ran into similar issues listed in this thread. I am (somewhat) happy to report they were user errors.  :-P


1. I was a bit baffled at the client build listed as 15050, when I knew my client was 15595.  The client was fine.  The error was that I compiled the tools from the master branch, which is pre-CATA (i.e. 3.3.5.a 12340).  Obviously, that will not work.  Once I switched to 4.3.4 branch and recompiled the tools, things worked well.  I think it would be good to have the tools list the WoW client build they are meant for, like printing "Map & DBC Extractor for 3.3.5a clients".


2. When running the vmaps4assembler, I got this message: ("Could not read dir_bin file!").  I looked at the source, which gave me a hint this had to do with the sourse directory (server/collision/Maps/TileAssembler.cpp:        std::string fname = iSrcDir + "/dir_bin";), so I looked in "Buildings".  I found it was empty, due again to the wrong tools version, which lead to vmaps4extractor not working.  If I recall correctly, even though the output indicated errors, the last message seemed to indicate that there were no errors.  Anyways, once I used the right level of the vmaps4extractor, Buildings was properly populated, which then lead to a successful vmaps4assembler run.  I think it would also be good to have the "Could not read dir_bin file!" message be more descriptive, like "Could not read expected input in source directory <<DIR_NAME>>, please  ensure you are not a noob and have the right files there!".



Overall, these issues can be avoided if the users carefully understand and follows the instructions, but a bit more user feedback during the runtime would help identify user errors more quickly.

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  • 1 month later...

I've just made a fresh 4.3.4 build (46201ac4099d9c60723486f95ff6b16b2ddc11c2) and tried to extract the vmaps.

The DBC and maps seem to work fine (mapextractor.exe).

However the vmap4extractor.exe gives me errors in form of:



Can't open WorldExpansion03DoodadsGenericMaelstromMaelstrom_Lightning01.m2,
Can't open WorldExpansion03DoodadsGenericMaelstromMaelstrom_Lightning02.m2,
Can't open WorldDungeonEasttempleWatereffectPa_Easttemple_Water_Effect_01.m2
, err=2!
Can't read WorldExpansion01DoodadsBlacktemplePassivedoodadsBrazierBt_Brazi
er_Blue.m2, size=17440 read=0!
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!


and so on...
I use this torrent:
Here is my outputs from the console:
I haven't tried the complete server yet, but I was wondering if the vmaps are corrupted or can I use them?
Thanks for help.
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If you can speak and read german here my Tutorial how to fix it:




Otherwhise use the google translator...




You must wait for an official release from trinity but you use it on you own risk, trinity does not support any issues of 4.3.4


Just an FYI for others who might want to read it:


Google Translate doesn't translate the page if you use the URL, it doesn't pass your login info to the forums so you get an error that you're not allowed to access the page. You have to log in and copy the whole page and paste it into Google Translate so here you go:


Be warned, Google Translate butchers things... and IMO because of that, the guide doesn't really make sense.


For any damage, I am not responsible!


There is a separate test I currently trying out with me because Extractoren for 4.3.4 15595 client will not work correctly.




I write this article, because I want to help many users, I am neither in nor other interested Thanks. The idea came out of boredom, I do not guarantee this will work for this, I have just the idea for it.


What do I need?


You need the latest WoW 4.3.4 15595 client, best in the enGB version, because the servers are written in English by default. Furthermore, it requires the program MPQ editor (depending on the system if 32 bit or 64 bit version).


Now you need another 2 Extractoren, these were once the vmap4extractor and vmap4assembler. Yes you need both Extractoren, with the one you are at the beginning of the reading of the data indicated that looks like this:





    Extract V4.00 2012_02. Beginning work ..

    Loaded Data art.MPQ

    Scanned files 206509, patch found = 0

    Loaded Data expansion1.MPQ

    219886 files scanned, found patch = 0

    Loaded Data expansion2.MPQ

    Scanned files 240850, patch found = 0

    Loaded Data expansion3.MPQ

    Scanned files 249705, patch found = 0

    Loaded Data world2.MPQ

    Scanned files 249712, patch found = 0

    Loaded Data wow-update-base-15211.MPQ

    Scanned files 14862, found patch = 1

    Loaded Data wow-update-base-15354.MPQ

    Scanned files 14862, found patch = 1

    Loaded Data wow-update-base-15595.MPQ

    Scanned files 14862, found patch = 1

    Detected and using locale locale: enGB



World.MPQ do that with!


There you see a list of files which are the necessary raw data. These are normally read by the Extractor itself, but as the developer team is in the reading not yet come so far advanced that this really works without errors, we need this list to pause after the files that you do with the key ("pause") on your keyboard and you write to these files.


So, nu to the actual and rather time-consuming part.


You must now each file with the MPQ editor open in succession, then each click on "World" does, right click and then goes to "Extract ...". All the files would take hours to sort einzelnd if not days, for this there are at extracting a function in the Extractor, you make a Harken in "Extract plain name, ignore MPQ directory structure".


The whole takes about an hour, but it is made.


So it goes, now let her go through the simple vmap4extractor, whether he shows you this error makes it easy. Reason is, you take these files from the extractor and this packed into the data folder with the MPQ editor, already overwrite existing files and ready. Now you take the vmap4assembler and after 5 minutes you have your own VMAPs 4.3.4: D


Have tested it and it worked for me, so I can even create my mmaps.

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To anyone else getting err=2! and such, if you are sure your client and version of extractor is fine do the following :


Go to cmd

run the .bat file with it, go afk and have a coffee and ignore those errors, the progress will finish eventually while you have extracted vmaps. They are just some kind of useless warnings being shown in a bad way.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...



I'm on Windows 7 x64 and trying to build trinitycore for wow 4.3.4. My MySQL and OpenSSL installations are both 64-bit, I have Vistual Studio 2010 installed and did succeeding configuring the source for x64 builds. I did everything fine, the server compiled fine. So did the tools. Map extracting seem to have worked, My dbc folder is ~110MB, the maps folder is ~155MB.

However, vmap extracting doesn't work for me. I did as it was written here: http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-To_Win+4.3.4#How-To_Win4.3.4-ExtractingtheMaps,VMaps,andDBC

Every time I run the script, it stops at a certain point:



Any ideas?



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hmm.. never had a crash on the extractors before. Did you try an older commit maybe? I'm testing with this "a50eec9439cb+ 2013-05-30 21:23:11 +0200 (4.3.4 branch)"

and didn't seem to have any problems. You can compile just the tools.. and test the extractors again. If it still crashes, then it may be a corrupt client or incomplete client. Try using different extractors from a different version and test first.

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Such a problem and I was compiling on Linux and WinXP, everything is fine, no errors, Extractors - there is, but you start to extract - extracts only dbc, folders maps and vmaps and buildings - empty. As an option - if anyone share mapextractors - will be happy)

Edited by Shamans
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