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Dbc, Maps, mmaps, Vmaps problems


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Using World DB: TDB 335.50
Using DataDir ./
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Map file './maps/0004331.map' is from an incompatible clientversion. Please recreate using the mapextractor.
Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map/*.vmtree/*.vmtile files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the worldserver.conf file.

i got this error with this latest commit

(Fri Jan 25 08:16:41 2013)
Commit hash:    6329cc5774dbef12ec90d064820ebc41070afd2b

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F:GamesWorld of Warcraft 4.3.4>mapextractor.exe
Map & DBC Extractor

Detected locale: enGB
Opening ./Data/enGB/locale-enGB.MPQ
Detected client build: 15050
Extracting dbc files...
Extracted 328 DBC files

Using locale: enGB
Opening ./Data/enGB/locale-enGB.MPQ
Extracting maps...
Read Map.dbc file... Done! (206 maps loaded)
Read AreaTable.dbc file...Done! (3206 areas loaded)
Read LiquidType.dbc file...Done! (44 LiqTypes loaded)
Convert map files
Extract Azeroth (1/206)
....(No errors in between here just all Extract x/206)
Extract TolVirArena (206/206)

F:GamesWorld of Warcraft 4.3.4>pause
Press any key to continue . . .


Not sure why mapextractor won't extract the maps... 

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you are right it is the "Can't open WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_22_14_obj0.adt, err=2!*" error

I have a lot like that 




Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_21_56_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_21_57_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_21_58_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_21_59_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_21_60_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_21_61_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_21_62_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_21_63_obj0.adt, err=2!
#Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_22_0_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_22_1_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_22_2_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_22_3_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_22_4_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_22_5_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_22_6_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_22_7_obj0.adt, err=2!
Can't open WorldMapsNorthrendNorthrend_22_8_obj0.adt, err=2!
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client :

4.3.4 (Fr  and or UK)

files : http://pastebin.com/1YrqYX0z



server :

git release:



Auteur: Vincent_Michael <[email protected]>  2013-01-31 00:35:33
Auteur du commit: Vincent_Michael <[email protected]>  2013-01-31 00:35:33
Parent: 454ee822ae2972d86592462e0b1bcd1558c66273 (Dang, one more typo.)
Branche: remotes/origin/4.3.4
Suit: TDB335.50
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strange thing the db I use in an other git (4.3.4 => the right one)



I manage to play and extract dbc (for examples) but not more


I also have an other client


and same problem


at the beginning some of my dbc were extract with 0, => a modification has been done by the developmment team and solved ;)

is it the same thing here ?

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Verify that your Config.wtf, located in your WTF folder has the following line in it:
SET accounttype "CT"


taken from a post in this thread: www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/7370-howto-patch-from-33512340-to-43415595/


You may want to read that whole thread.

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I am currently experienceing a problem when running mapextractor and vmap4extractor. Each time that I load the map extractor it brings up the command prompt then closes immediately. Now I accidentally forgot that ad.exe(from another project) was in my WoW folder and accidently ran that first and it extract the Maps and DBC just fine. Running Client 4.3.4. After moving the maps and DBC I tried mapextractor and that's when it would extract all the DBC but not any maps. When running the vmap4extractor the command prompt loads does somethings, then instantly closes.  When I run vmaps_simple.bat it says 


Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorPvpCollidabledoodadsNetentsNightelftent01_Pvp.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorPvpCollidabledoodadsNetentsNightelftent02_Pvp.w
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoNorthrendBuildingsHumanNd_Alliancegunship_Icecrown.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoNorthrendBuildingsWinterorcNd_Hordegunship_Icecrown.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonMd_ShipwreckTransport_Shipwreck.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonMd_PirateshipPirateship_Plank.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoAzerothBuildingsStranglethorn_BootybayBootybayplank.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorCollidabledoodadsDustwallowmarshCrashedzippelin
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonIcecrownraidIcecrownraid_Arthas_Precipice.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonIcecrownraidIcecrownraid_Arthas_Precipice_Phase1.w
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonIcecrownraidIcecrownraid_Arthas_Precipice_Phase2.w
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonIcecrownraidIcecrownraid_Arthas_Precipice_Phase0.w
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorCollidabledoodadsDesolaceCentaurhorn.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKhazmodanBuildingsAnvilmarAnvilmar.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoAzerothCollidable DoodadsElwynnAbbeygateAbbeygate01.wmo

No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorBuildingsOrctowerAbandonedorctower.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoAzerothBuildingsStranglethorn_BootybayBootybay_Warehouse
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoNorthrendBuildingsForsakenShipwreckNd_Forsaken_Shipwrec
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoTransportsTransport_Ship_PirateTransport_Pirate_Ship02.wm
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoNorthrendBuildingsWinterorcNd_Winterorc_ShipsOrc_Ship_0
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoElevatorsThousandneedleselevatorThousandneedleselevator.w
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoAzerothBuildingsHorde_GoblinGoblinshipfinal_Big.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmAllianceSubmarineAlliance_Submarine.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmHordeSubmarineHorde_Submarine.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorBuildingsOrchutBlackrockorchut.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoPvpBuildingsOrctowerPvp_Darkorctower.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoPvpBuildingsTolbaradTb_Lighthouse.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoPvpBuildingsTolbaradTb_Destroytowerc.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoPvpBuildingsTolbaradTb_Destroytowerd.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoPvpBuildingsTolbaradTb_Destroytower.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKhazmodanCollidable DoodadsLochmodanExcavationsiteExcav
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoNorthrendBuildingsOilrigOilplatform_Gnome.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoNorthrendHowlingfjordDwarvenHf_Dwarvenexcavation01.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoAzerothBuildingsGilneasGilneas_House_B_Closed.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmTolvirTolvir_Central_Building_01.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmTolvirTolvir_Central_Building_01_D.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmTolvirTolvir_Central_Building_01_C.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorLostislesGoblinshipfinal.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorBuildingsOrchutOrchut_Dragonmaw.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonMd_MountaincaveMd_Mushroomcave06.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorBuildingsNightelf2StoryDsnightelf2Story.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoTransportsWmo_ElevatorsAbyssal_Jellyfish_Elevator_Transpo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorBuildingsTaurenhutsTaurenhutd_Destroyed.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonKl_Ahnqiraj40Mancanalinner.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmHordeSubmarineHorde_Submarine_Closed.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoTransportsWmo_ElevatorsBlackwingv2_Elevator_Onyxia_Transp
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonSkywallKl_Skywall_Raid.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonSkywallKl_Skywall_Raid_Phase1.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonAz_BlackrockBlackrock.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorUldumUldum_Pyramid_Peak_Closed.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorUldumUldum_Pyramid_Peak_Opening.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorUldumUldum_Pyramid_Peak_Opened.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmAllianceSubmarineAlliance_Submarine_Sealed.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoTransportsWmo_ElevatorsBlackwingv2_Elevator01.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorBuildingsNightelfmoonwellNightelfmoonwell_Nowate
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmWildhammerTwostoryWildhammerdwarf_Twostorya.wmo

No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsTowerFirelands_Destructible_Tower01.wm
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsTowerFirelands_Destructible_Tower01C.w
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonFirelandsFirelands_Tower01.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsPhoenixshellFirelands_Phoenixshell.wmo

No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsFirelands_Volcanodestroyed.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsDruidtreeFirelands_Druidtree_Stage03.w
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsDruidtreeFirelands_Druidtree_Stage02.w
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsDruidtreeFirelands_Druidtree_Stage01.w
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonNexusPlatformsNexus_Floating_Platform01.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsRagsplatformFirelands_Raid_Ragnaros_Pl
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsRagsplatformFirelands_Raid_Ragnaros_Pl
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsFirelands_Mainbridge.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsFirelands_Mainbridge_Empty.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsFirelands_Volcano.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsPhoenixshellFirelands_Phoenixshellc.wm
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoKalimdorBuildingsNightelfmoonwellDsnightelfmoonwell.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsLavaboss_BridgeFirelands_Lavaboss_Brid
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsLavaboss_BridgeFirelands_Lavaboss_Brid
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsLavaboss_BridgeFirelands_Lavaboss_Brid
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsRagsplatformFirelands_Raid_Ragnaros_Pl
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonAbyssal_MawAbyssal_Maw.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsPhoenixshellFirelands_Volcanoerupting.
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsFirelands_Mainbridge_Complete.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoDungeonSpineofthedestroyerDeathwings_Back.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsLavaboss_PlatformFirelands_Lavaboss_Pl
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoCataclysmFirelandsLavaboss_PlatformFirelands_Lavaboss_Pl
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoNorthrendBuildingsNocollision_Destruct.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extracting WorldWmoNorthrendBuildingsHumanNd_Alliancegunship_Dragonsoul.wmo

No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!

Extract V4.00 2012_02. Work complete. No errors.

C:UsersNateDownloadsWorld of Warcraft>md vmaps
A subdirectory or file vmaps already exists.

C:UsersNateDownloadsWorld of Warcraft>vmap4assembler.exe Buildings vmaps
using Buildings as source directory and writing output to vmaps
Could not read dir_bin file!
exit with errors

C:UsersNateDownloadsWorld of Warcraft>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

Yes I have ran WoW.exe once to load it.


I went ahead and downloaded up to date Maps and VMaps after getting both of those mmaps_Generator is creating the files without any problems. I would still like to know why I can't get the map files from my client though.


Thank you for taking the time to read this though :D.

Edited by shibbymcpot730
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Hello y'all I am having an issue when I start world server. This is from the Server log

>> Loaded 1027 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 1 ms
Initialize data stores...
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 66532 at field id:241 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 66963 at field id:241 at spellid1 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 66964 at field id:241 at spellid2 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 66965 at field id:241 at spellid3 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 63716 at field id:63716 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 64005 at field id:63716 at spellid1 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 63766 at field id:63766 at spellid0 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
spelldifficulty_dbc: spell 63983 at field id:63766 at spellid1 does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0
Some required *.dbc files (67 from 96) not found or not compatible:
./dbc/AreaTable.dbc exists, and has 26 field(s) (expected 36). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/Achievement.dbc exists, and has 14 field(s) (expected 62). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/Achievement_Criteria.dbc exists, and has 23 field(s) (expected 31). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/AreaTrigger.dbc exists, and has 13 field(s) (expected 10). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/AreaPOI.dbc exists, and has 22 field(s) (expected 54). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/AuctionHouse.dbc exists, and has 5 field(s) (expected 21). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/BattlemasterList.dbc exists, and has 20 field(s) (expected 32). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/BarberShopStyle.dbc exists, and has 8 field(s) (expected 40). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/CharStartOutfit.dbc exists, and has 79 field(s) (expected 77). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/CharTitles.dbc exists, and has 6 field(s) (expected 37). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/ChatChannels.dbc exists, and has 5 field(s) (expected 37). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/ChrClasses.dbc exists, and has 14 field(s) (expected 60). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/ChrRaces.dbc exists, and has 24 field(s) (expected 69). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc exists, and has 17 field(s) (expected 16). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/CreatureFamily.dbc exists, and has 12 field(s) (expected 28). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/CreatureModelData.dbc exists, and has 31 field(s) (expected 28). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/CreatureType.dbc exists, and has 3 field(s) (expected 19). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/CurrencyTypes.dbc exists, and has 11 field(s) (expected 4). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/DestructibleModelData.dbc exists, and has 24 field(s) (expected 19). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/DungeonEncounter.dbc exists, and has 8 field(s) (expected 23). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/Emotes.dbc exists, and has 8 field(s) (expected 7). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/Faction.dbc exists, and has 26 field(s) (expected 57). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc exists, and has 21 field(s) (expected 19). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/GemProperties.dbc exists, and has 6 field(s) (expected 5). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/gtBarberShopCostBase.dbc exists, and has 2 field(s) (expected 1). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/gtCombatRatings.dbc exists, and has 2 field(s) (expected 1). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/gtChanceToMeleeCritBase.dbc exists, and has 2 field(s) (expected 1). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/gtChanceToMeleeCrit.dbc exists, and has 2 field(s) (expected 1). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/gtChanceToSpellCritBase.dbc exists, and has 2 field(s) (expected 1). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/gtChanceToSpellCrit.dbc exists, and has 2 field(s) (expected 1). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/gtRegenMPPerSpt.dbc exists, and has 2 field(s) (expected 1). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/ItemBagFamily.dbc exists, and has 2 field(s) (expected 18). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/ItemLimitCategory.dbc exists, and has 4 field(s) (expected 20). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/ItemRandomProperties.dbc exists, and has 8 field(s) (expected 24). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/ItemRandomSuffix.dbc exists, and has 13 field(s) (expected 29). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/ItemSet.dbc exists, and has 37 field(s) (expected 53). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/LFGDungeons.dbc exists, and has 21 field(s) (expected 49). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/MailTemplate.dbc exists, and has 3 field(s) (expected 35). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/Map.dbc exists, and has 20 field(s) (expected 66). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/MapDifficulty.dbc exists, and has 7 field(s) (expected 23). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/Movie.dbc exists, and has 4 field(s) (expected 3). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/OverrideSpellData.dbc exists, and has 13 field(s) (expected 12). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/QuestSort.dbc exists, and has 2 field(s) (expected 18). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/ScalingStatDistribution.dbc exists, and has 23 field(s) (expected 22). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/ScalingStatValues.dbc exists, and has 47 field(s) (expected 24). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/SkillLine.dbc exists, and has 7 field(s) (expected 56). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/SoundEntries.dbc exists, and has 35 field(s) (expected 30). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/Spell.dbc exists, and has 48 field(s) (expected 234). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/SpellFocusObject.dbc exists, and has 2 field(s) (expected 18). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/SpellItemEnchantment.dbc exists, and has 23 field(s) (expected 38). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/SpellRange.dbc exists, and has 8 field(s) (expected 40). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc exists, and has 21 field(s) (expected 35). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/Talent.dbc exists, and has 19 field(s) (expected 23). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/TalentTab.dbc exists, and has 11 field(s) (expected 24). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/TaxiNodes.dbc exists, and has 11 field(s) (expected 24). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/TotemCategory.dbc exists, and has 4 field(s) (expected 20). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/VehicleSeat.dbc exists, and has 66 field(s) (expected 58). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/WMOAreaTable.dbc exists, and has 15 field(s) (expected 28). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/WorldMapArea.dbc exists, and has 14 field(s) (expected 11). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/WorldMapOverlay.dbc exists, and has 15 field(s) (expected 17). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.
./dbc/WorldSafeLocs.dbc exists, and has 6 field(s) (expected 22). Extracted file might be from wrong client version or a database-update has been forgotten.




Now I assumed my DBC's were old so I found some from the same place I got the newest maps files and this error still appeared. Then I extracted my own DBC's from my client which is 4.3.4 and still getting the same error. Not sure what to try now @_@. I have updated the Database with the newest TDB and all the Updates in the sql folder.I also updated with the ones from the Alpha Database on Git also.


Thanks for taking the time to read this :D.

Edited by shibbymcpot730
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Try the following steps;

  • Assure that your World database has the correct version by checking the Version table in it.
  • Re-download the sources and compile the extraction tools yourself.
  • Delete any previously extracted DBC, Map file that may exist in the WoW directory from whom you want to extract from.
  • Run the client in the directory at least once before proceeding to extract the maps and the DBC files.

Also please, provide your revision number that should appear at the start of the logs whenever you start TC.

Edited by Mirana Starlight
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Hello y'all I am having an issue when I start world server. This is from the Server log

Now I assumed my DBC's were old so I found some from the same place I got the newest maps files and this error still appeared. Then I extracted my own DBC's from my client which is 4.3.4 and still getting the same error. Not sure what to try now @_@. I have updated the Database with the newest TDB and all the Updates in the sql folder.I also updated with the ones from the Alpha Database on Git also.


Thanks for taking the time to read this :D.

You don't must use those sqls. Read http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Installing+TDB+4.3.4

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:D Ok I went ahead and deleted the World Database. Just reinstalled TDB_full_434.03_2013_01_23. Then I didn't run any of the updates in the SQL file instead I just did world_update.sql which I merged from the file.


World Version: TDB 434.03

Core Version: TrinityCore rev. 2013-02-06 18:39:09 +0200 (f27a83e98fec) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)


I went ahead and recompiled the server and tools and tried to extract the DBC and Maps again....and now running into an error were it opens then instantly closes.

This is the log from the extractor.



Map & DBC Extractor

Detected locale: enGB
Opening ./Data/enGB/local-enGB.MPQ
Detected client build: 15050
Extracting dbc files....
Extracted 328 DBC files

Using locale: enGB
Opening ./data/enGB/locale-enGB.MPQ
Extracting maps...
Read Map.dbc file... Done! (206 maps loaded)
Read AreaTable.dbc file....Done! (3206 areas loaded)
Read LiquidType.dbc file.....Done! <44 LiqTypes loaded)
Convert map files
Extract (1/206)
Does this till 206




Then instantly closes yet there is no maps just DBC


After trying the DBC/Map/Vmap/MMap for 4.3.4 I am still running into the same errors from starting the server. 


If I should switch to posting this to the VMap/Map Extractor since I am having problems with that now I will. Been searching through the DBC,Maps,Vmaps Topic to see if I can find a solution.


Its weird though because when I use another Program to pull the Maps and DBC's it works just fine. >.<; but since its not the ones I compiled with Trinity I don't want to use those DBC's or Maps


Thank you =)

Edited by shibbymcpot730
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I think you didn't properly make the bat file, look carefully at the log file for the first one, it says worldblah so, it looks like it is getting the first word in the directory name because you didn't use "quotes" around it...


I'm not quite sure which part of the bat file you are talking about to edit.

I went ahead and redid all of the tools for the mapextractor and so forth. I redid the bat file with




md vmaps
vmap4assembler.exe Buildings vmaps

After running the mapextractor.exe it opens runs and instantly closes.




Map & DBC Extractor

Detected locale: enGB
Opening ./Data/enGB/local-enGB.MPQ
Detected client build: 15050
Extracting dbc files....
Extracted 328 DBC files

Using locale: enGB
Opening ./data/enGB/locale-enGB.MPQ
Extracting maps...
Read Map.dbc file... Done! (206 maps loaded)
Read AreaTable.dbc file....Done! (3206 areas loaded)
Read LiquidType.dbc file.....Done! <44 LiqTypes loaded)
Convert map files
Extract (1/206)
Does this till 206




There are DBC files but no Map Files.

I am running a Full Version of 4.3.4 >.<;


Also using another extractor I can get the DBC and Map files but since the guide says only use the TC extractor I haven't used them.


Thank you for the help :D


Edited by shibbymcpot730
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