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[INFO] GIT commands


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Please Add more commnad that we need on special cases like conflicts, how to resolve them etc

Use patch command under linux/win and find blocks in ur code (with npp or other editor):

<<<<<<< HEAD

								 uiDeathArmyCheckTimer = 0;

								 bDeathArmyDone = true;


								 if (uiDeathArmyCheckTimer <= uiDiff)


									 me->ClearUnitState(UNIT_STATE_ROOT | UNIT_STATE_STUNNED);

									 uiDeathArmyCheckTimer = 0;

									 bDeathArmyDone = true;

								 } else uiDeathArmyCheckTimer -= uiDiff;

>>>>>>> 84268be882e79ee7633323502ce83f2e4bfcf3a9

all between <<<<<<< HEAD and ======= - is what u have now in code, between ======= and >>>>>>> [hash] - what u want to have, after apply patch or smth. Check logic, functions, variables, etc and try to fix ur code. There is no step-by-step guide "how to fix conflicts after applyin patch".

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For those who want to have quick start with GIT:


GitHub Cheat Sheet

All the hidden and not hidden features of Git and GitHub. This cheat sheet was inspired by Zach Holman's Git and GitHub Secrets talk at Aloha Ruby Conference 2012 (slides) and his More Git and GitHub Secrets talk at WDCNZ 2013 (slides).


Link: https://github.com/tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet

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