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Posts posted by Sovak

  1. Interesting but here are a few questions:

    1. Won't this draw Blizzard's ire?

      It has been long accepted that Trinity flew under the radar because there was no money exchanging hands. In fact we traditionally rebuke illegal server operators and offer them no assistance setting up their servers.

      Doesn't this now put Trinity in a sort of grey area? Developers / Contributors will be receiving money for working on a project that arguably violates the DMCA in how its sources were obtained.


    2. What happens to rewards that are not claimed (eg: I fix something but don't want the money)? I didn't see anything in the FAQ regarding this.


    3. What if more than one developer fixes something (eg: I work with Paradox and Malcrom to fix phasing)? I didn't see anything about multiple people claiming a bounty.


    4. Can you tie Github to Bountysource? I see there's a link on the Bounty to "view on github" but there is no indication on a Github thread that there is an open bounty.

      Perhaps add a tag called has-bounty (of course that means an admin will constantly need to search / manage Bountysource)


    I do think it's an interesting idea but I'd hate for it to cause Trinity to get shut down because Blizzard overreacts.


    1) Blizzard doesnt really care, if they really did, they would have made sure that all private servers are down already 

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