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Posts posted by gygias

  1. Moved from githup issue:




    After compiling TrinityCore for Mac on 10.8.2 + App Store dev tools for the first time, I had to change a few things from the wiki instructions which I think should be true for all OS versions:


    1) the macport for libACE seems to now be named simply "ace", libACE refuses to install as obsolete
    2) the ticket and patch links to google code for Mac compatibility are broken, and didn't seem necessary to build the 4.3.4 branch, at least
    3) the cmake command for building the xcodeproj doesn't work as-is for macports installs of mysql and ace:


    macports mysql include: -DMYSQL_ADD_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include/mysql5/mysql
    ace doesn't install a static library: -DACE_LIBRARY=/opt/local/lib/libACE.dylib
    the server processes insist on "thread safe mysql", which seems to require subbing libmysqlclient_r for libmysqlclient: -DMYSQL_LIBRARY=/opt/local/lib/mysql5/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.dylib

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