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Posts posted by Tidrek

  1. Yesterday downloaded and installed from scratch TC 4.3.4 and TDB 4.3.4.
    Applied all updates for world from /sql/updates/world, except 2013_07_20_01_world_misc.sql, because

    ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 29: Table 'world_434.creature_ai_scripts' doesn't exist
    AFAIK, this table was removed from TC 4.3.4, but still this is inside TC 4.3.4 updates.
    Have just updated DB repo, applied all updates. Still, when I start worldserver I get

    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 19, sql: "SELECT c.guid, c.name, c.race, c.class, c.gender, c.playerBytes, c.playerBytes2, c.level, c.zone, c.map, c.position_x, c.position_y, c.position_z, gm.guildid, c.playerFlags, c.at_login, cp.entry, cp.modelid, cp.level, c.equipmentCache, cb.guid, c.slot FROM characters AS c LEFT JOIN character_pet AS cp ON c.guid = cp.owner AND cp.slot = ? LEFT JOIN guild_member AS gm ON c.guid = gm.guid LEFT JOIN character_banned AS cb ON c.guid = cb.guid AND cb.active = 1 WHERE c.account = ? AND c.deleteInfos_Name IS NULL"
    Unknown column 'c.slot' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 20, sql: "SELECT c.guid, c.name, c.race, c.class, c.gender, c.playerBytes, c.playerBytes2, c.level, c.zone, c.map, c.position_x, c.position_y, c.position_z, gm.guildid, c.playerFlags, c.at_login, cp.entry, cp.modelid, cp.level, c.equipmentCache, cb.guid, c.slot, cd.genitive FROM characters AS c LEFT JOIN character_pet AS cp ON c.guid = cp.owner AND cp.slot = ? LEFT JOIN character_declinedname AS cd ON c.guid = cd.guid LEFT JOIN guild_member AS gm ON c.guid = gm.guid LEFT JOIN character_banned AS cb ON c.guid = cb.guid AND cb.active = 1 WHERE c.account = ? AND c.deleteInfos_Name IS NULL"
    Unknown column 'c.slot' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 39, sql: "SELECT guid, account, name, race, class, gender, level, xp, money, playerBytes, playerBytes2, playerFlags, position_x, position_y, position_z, map, orientation, taximask, cinematic, totaltime, leveltime, rest_bonus, logout_time, is_logout_resting, resettalents_cost, resettalents_time, talentTree, trans_x, trans_y, trans_z, trans_o, transguid, extra_flags, stable_slots, at_login, zone, online, death_expire_time, taxi_path, instance_mode_mask, totalKills, todayKills, yesterdayKills, chosenTitle, watchedFaction, drunk, health, power1, power2, power3, power4, power5, instance_id, speccount, activespec, exploredZones, equipmentCache, knownTitles, actionBars, grantableLevels FROM characters WHERE guid = ?"
    Unknown column 'talentTree' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 71, sql: "SELECT spec, glyph1, glyph2, glyph3, glyph4, glyph5, glyph6, glyph7, glyph8, glyph9 FROM character_glyphs WHERE guid = ?"
    Unknown column 'glyph7' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 159, sql: "INSERT INTO guild_member_withdraw (guid, tab0, tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5, tab6, tab7, money) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE tab0 = VALUES (tab0), tab1 = VALUES (tab1), tab2 = VALUES (tab2), tab3 = VALUES (tab3), tab4 = VALUES (tab4), tab5 = VALUES (tab5), tab6 = VALUES (tab6), tab7 = VALUES (tab7), money = VALUES (money)"
    Unknown column 'tab6' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 162, sql: "DELETE FROM guild_achievement WHERE guildId = ? AND achievement = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 163, sql: "INSERT INTO guild_achievement (guildId, achievement, date, guids) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 164, sql: "DELETE FROM guild_achievement_progress WHERE guildId = ? AND criteria = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement_progress' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 165, sql: "INSERT INTO guild_achievement_progress (guildId, criteria, counter, date, completedGuid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement_progress' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 166, sql: "DELETE FROM guild_achievement WHERE guildId = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 167, sql: "DELETE FROM guild_achievement_progress WHERE guildId = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement_progress' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 170, sql: "UPDATE guild SET level = ?, experience = ?, todayExperience = ? WHERE guildId = ?"
    Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 171, sql: "UPDATE guild SET todayExperience = 0"
    Unknown column 'todayExperience' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 172, sql: "INSERT INTO guild_newslog (guildid, LogGuid, EventType, PlayerGuid, Flags, Value, Timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE LogGuid = VALUES (LogGuid), EventType = VALUES (EventType), PlayerGuid = VALUES (PlayerGuid), Flags = VALUES (Flags), Value = VALUES (Value), Timestamp = VALUES (Timestamp)"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_newslog' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 183, sql: "SELECT currency, week_count, total_count FROM character_currency WHERE guid = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.character_currency' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 184, sql: "UPDATE character_currency SET week_count = ?, total_count = ? WHERE guid = ? AND currency = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.character_currency' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 185, sql: "REPLACE INTO character_currency (guid, currency, week_count, total_count) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
    Table 'chars_434.character_currency' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 254, sql: "INSERT INTO characters (guid, account, name, race, class, gender, level, xp, money, playerBytes, playerBytes2, playerFlags, map, instance_id, instance_mode_mask, position_x, position_y, position_z, orientation, taximask, cinematic, totaltime, leveltime, rest_bonus, logout_time, is_logout_resting, resettalents_cost, resettalents_time, talentTree, extra_flags, stable_slots, at_login, zone, death_expire_time, taxi_path, totalKills, todayKills, yesterdayKills, chosenTitle, watchedFaction, drunk, health, power1, power2, power3, power4, power5, latency, speccount, activespec, exploredZones, equipmentCache, knownTitles, actionBars, grantableLevels) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
    Unknown column 'talentTree' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 255, sql: "UPDATE characters SET name=?,race=?,class=?,gender=?,level=?,xp=?,money=?,playerBytes=?,playerBytes2=?,playerFlags=?,map=?,instance_id=?,instance_mode_mask=?,position_x=?,position_y=?,position_z=?,orientation=?,taximask=?,cinematic=?,totaltime=?,leveltime=?,rest_bonus=?,logout_time=?,is_logout_resting=?,resettalents_cost=?,resettalents_time=?,talentTree=?,extra_flags=?,stable_slots=?,at_login=?,zone=?,death_expire_time=?,taxi_path=?,totalKills=?,todayKills=?,yesterdayKills=?,chosenTitle=?,watchedFaction=?,drunk=?,health=?,power1=?,power2=?,power3=?,power4=?,power5=?,latency=?,speccount=?,activespec=?,exploredZones=?,equipmentCache=?,knownTitles=?,actionBars=?,grantableLevels=?,online=? WHERE guid=?"
    Unknown column 'talentTree' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 280, sql: "DELETE FROM guild_achievement_progress WHERE criteria = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement_progress' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 421, sql: "INSERT INTO character_glyphs (guid, spec, glyph1, glyph2, glyph3, glyph4, glyph5, glyph6, glyph7, glyph8, glyph9) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    Unknown column 'glyph7' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 425, sql: "UPDATE characters SET slot = ? WHERE guid = ?"
    Unknown column 'slot' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 426, sql: "SELECT itemId, itemEntry, slot, creatorGuid, randomProperty, suffixFactor FROM character_void_storage WHERE playerGuid = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.character_void_storage' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 427, sql: "REPLACE INTO character_void_storage (itemId, playerGuid, itemEntry, slot, creatorGuid, randomProperty, suffixFactor) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    Table 'chars_434.character_void_storage' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 428, sql: "DELETE FROM character_void_storage WHERE slot = ? AND playerGuid = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.character_void_storage' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 429, sql: "SELECT id, name, frameHeight, frameWidth, sortBy, healthText, boolOptions, unk146, unk147, unk148, unk150, unk152, unk154 FROM character_cuf_profiles WHERE guid = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.character_cuf_profiles' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 430, sql: "REPLACE INTO character_cuf_profiles (guid, id, name, frameHeight, frameWidth, sortBy, healthText, boolOptions, unk146, unk147, unk148, unk150, unk152, unk154) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    Table 'chars_434.character_cuf_profiles' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 431, sql: "DELETE FROM character_cuf_profiles WHERE guid = ? and id = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.character_cuf_profiles' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 432, sql: "REPLACE INTO guild_finder_applicant (guildId, playerGuid, availability, classRole, interests, comment, submitTime) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_finder_applicant' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 433, sql: "DELETE FROM guild_finder_applicant WHERE guildId = ? AND playerGuid = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_finder_applicant' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 434, sql: "REPLACE INTO guild_finder_guild_settings (guildId, availability, classRoles, interests, level, listed, comment) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_finder_guild_settings' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 435, sql: "DELETE FROM guild_finder_guild_settings WHERE guildId = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_finder_guild_settings' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 168, sql: "SELECT achievement, date, guids FROM guild_achievement WHERE guildId = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 169, sql: "SELECT criteria, counter, date, completedGuid FROM guild_achievement_progress WHERE guildId = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement_progress' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 168, sql: "SELECT achievement, date, guids FROM guild_achievement WHERE guildId = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 169, sql: "SELECT criteria, counter, date, completedGuid FROM guild_achievement_progress WHERE guildId = ?"
    Table 'chars_434.guild_achievement_progress' doesn't exist


    Server runs on Linux Fedora.


    Sorry for my not knowing something, but this is the 1st time I'm trying to install TC exactly, not any other emulator.

    BTW if this may be important, I downloaded TC 4.3.4 as zip archive, not via git clone ('cause git clone brings me 3.3.5 version)


    I read wiki, and Forum FAQ.

    What have I missed? How to handle this?

    Should I upgrade from TC 3.3.5a instead of installing TC 4.3.4 from the scratch? If so, than what should I do?

    Thank you much in advance.

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