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Posts posted by dutamulia
Problem above solved, thank ye.
Now I encounter error in this step : Right-click ALL_BUILD in the Solution Explorer on the left sidebar and select Clean.
The result is an error message : ms. VC express has stopped working
Problem details:
Problem signature:Problem Event Name: CLR20r3Problem Signature 01: vcexpress.exeProblem Signature 02: 10.0.30319.1Problem Signature 03: 4ba1faa9Problem Signature 04: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.10.0Problem Signature 05: Signature 06: 4ba1e1f5Problem Signature 07: 50bProblem Signature 08: 4bProblem Signature 09: System.InvalidCastExceptionOS Version: 6.1.7601. ID: 1033Additional information about the problem:LCID: 1033I've tried google, no solution yet, maybe I am not using correct keywords. Please lend me a hand again.edit: I have a severe headache, sleepless last two nights trying to figure out how to set up the trinity, I must prevail. -
Thanks for the link Paradox, I really appreciate it. I'am very green, it took me some effort to understand and digest. Please bear with me.
Next time I will do better, for now I will accept my punishment
So from the link and the link inside the link there are two possible solution:
1. Uninstall .net 4.5 and replace it with .net 4.0
2. disable incremental linking (I totally can't understand it)
I will try solution one first and report it.
Hello, I'm trying to compile. I've followed How_to_Win section carefully but stuck again and again at the same point, I've tried deleting everything clean using revo and redownload all components again but no prevail yet. Feeling very frustated. Please give me direction what to do, I got this error messages when configuring with Cmake :
The C compiler identification is MSVC 16.0.30319.1
The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 16.0.30319.1
Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 10
Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 10 -- broken
CMake Error at C:/Program Files/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:61 (message):
The C compiler "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio
10.0/VC/bin/cl.exe" is not able to compile a simple test program.
It fails with the following output:
Change Dir: D:/BUILD/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
Run Build Command:C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319MSBuild.exe
cmTryCompileExec1940773719.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Debug
Microsoft ® Build Engine version 4.0.30319.18408
[Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.18408]
Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Build started 11/28/2013 11:47:18 AM.
Project "D:BUILDCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1940773719.vcxproj"
on node 1 (default targets).
Creating directory "cmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebug".Creating directory "D:BUILDCMakeFilesCMakeTmpDebug".
Creating "cmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebugcmTryCompileExec1940773719.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 10.0VCbinCL.exe /c /Zi /W3 /WX- /Od /Ob0 /Oy- /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D _DEBUG /D "CMAKE_INTDIR="Debug"" /D _MBCS /Gm- /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fo"cmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebug" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebugvc100.pdb" /Gd /TC /analyze- /errorReport:queue testCCompiler.cMicrosoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 16.00.30319.01 for 80x86
Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
cl /c /Zi /W3 /WX- /Od /Ob0 /Oy- /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D _DEBUG /D "CMAKE_INTDIR="Debug"" /D _MBCS /Gm- /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fo"cmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebug" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebugvc100.pdb" /Gd /TC /analyze- /errorReport:queue testCCompiler.c
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Abinrc.exe /nologo /fo"cmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebugcmTryCompileExec1940773719.exe.embed.manifest.res" cmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebugcmTryCompileExec1940773719_manifest.rc
C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 10.0VCbinlink.exe /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE /OUT:"D:BUILDCMakeFilesCMakeTmpDebugcmTryCompileExec1940773719.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib /MANIFEST /ManifestFile:"cmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebugcmTryCompileExec1940773719.exe.intermediate.manifest" /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /DEBUG /PDB:"D:/BUILD/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/Debug/cmTryCompileExec1940773719.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:"D:/BUILD/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/Debug/cmTryCompileExec1940773719.lib" /MACHINE:X86 cmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebugcmTryCompileExec1940773719.exe.embed.manifest.rescmTryCompileExec1940773719.dirDebugtestCCompiler.obj /machine:X86 /debug
LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid
or corrupt
Done Building Project
"D:BUILDCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1940773719.vcxproj" (default
targets) -- FAILED.
"D:BUILDCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1940773719.vcxproj" (default
target) (1) ->
(Link target) ->
LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt [D:BUILDCMakeFilesCMakeTmpcmTryCompileExec1940773719.vcxproj]
0 Warning(s)1 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:00.88
CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:12 (project)
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "D:/BUILD/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "D:/BUILD/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
I found this thread, he had more or less same problem with mine.
Compile or cmake problems
in Help and Support
Posted · Edited by dutamulia
I have tried reinstalling VC express, but upon installing mySQL I met this problem (i googled it, he had the exact same problem with me)
I might have missed this error before and just continued on and I guess this is the root of my problem.
I don't really want to download 2GB of full Visual Studio from piratebay, it will take some while for me finish the download. Any idea?
I know this is not on trinity scope but who knows you happen to know the solution.