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Posts posted by reppz

  1. That's likely why there have been requests for a TDB 434.06 that is more up to date. It may be easier to merely copy the appropriate updates to the TDB repository, so there's only 1 set of updates to apply. The world updates from 2 locations are where a lot of people seem to run into trouble.




    No interaction sounds like an unpatched client. Were you able to log out or did you have to terminate the client process? If you see something about being a possible cheater, that's a sure sign of the client needing to be patched.


    Also, there are a lot of currently unimplemented opcodes, so the ones you pasted are nothing new or game breaking. Certain functionality will be missing, though.

     I'm able to log in and out fine, I'm able to do anything apart from type in commands or talk, I can use emotes though. I just tried it with two other clients and the same issue. Originally I had a fresh client that I used to extract all of the maps/vmaps and DBC files from, so I'm not sure if that could be affecting anything. 

  2. As simply put as I can list it:

    1. clone and compile latest core from branch 4.3.4
    2. create the databases as listed in the guide, but do NOT apply auth and characters updates
    3. import the Alpha TDB 434.05 but do not start the servers yet
    4. copy the world updates from the TDB and TC 4.3.4 repositories to a common directory and merge them (to have them applied in, hopefully, correct order)
    5. assuming step 4 succeeded, you should now be clear to fire up authserver and worldserver

    I suggest the merging of the world updates before combining them is because certain tables have changed at times. In theory, the combined updates will work without errors. The auth and characters updates shouldn't be needed for new installs.

    And following point 4 you will delete random things that you don't must delete.

    Thanks a lot! Just dragged all of the updates and merged them together, imported all of them with only a few errors. Only one issue I'm having now -- once I'm in-game and I try to talk nothing happens, something with an Opcode for CMSG/SMSG?

    No defined handler for opcode [CMSG_QUERY_BATTLEFIELD_STATE 0x7202 (29186)] sent by [Player: Reppz (Guid: 1, Account: 1)]
    No defined handler for opcode [CMSG_GUILD_SET_ACHIEVEMENT_TRACKING 0x1027 (4135)] sent by [Player: Reppz (Guid: 1, Account: 1)]
    No defined handler for opcode [CMSG_REQUEST_CEMETERY_LIST 0x720A (29194)] sent by [Player: Reppz (Guid: 1, Account: 1)]
    Prevented sending disabled opcode [SMSG_GM_MESSAGECHAT 0x6434 (25652)] to [Player: Reppz (Guid: 1, Account: 1)]

    Thanks for the help <3

  3. Greetings fellow Azertohians,


    so I took a 3 year break from server emulation and decided its time to get back into it. A lot has changed since I came back -- now we're using GIT instead of Googlecode or tortoiseSVN. The main issue I'm having is with the Trinitycore revision, I was reading on the Wiki that you must "revision match" the Trinitycore with the ALPHA DB 4.3.4. (Sync with TrinityCore/ff3524f). This is where I get confused, If I'm syncing the latest compile with revision ff3524f wont it be equivalent to using Trinitycore's sourcecode from 6 months ago? I've tried using the latest source code directly from Trinitycores 4.3.4 branch and I just get an error when trying to connect to the world using the latest TDB. I'm confused with the whole revision & database matching, if anyone could clear up the revision ff3524f and latest revision I'd really appreciate it, I thought the latest revision contained more up-to-date changes.






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