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Posts posted by Diemfdie

  1. Hello,

    I get this error ...  I try to fix that about 3 days but still nothing. (OS: Ubuntu 15). No other thread helped me with that ... tried many many things.

    I logged on retail in to the character selection screen and while i was logged in I created the patch (It was needed to log into game to get .wtf file and after i was getting back to char selection screen). After that I was logging out from retail. I have changed the .wtf SET portal "localhost" and used the patch for logging on local. And I get this error:

    Log File:

    8/27 19:59:37.065  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
    8/27 19:59:37.134  Component WoW.Wn64.20338
    8/27 19:59:37.191  Component WoW.base.20182
    8/27 19:59:37.263  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165
    8/27 19:59:37.337  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK
    8/27 19:59:37.416  Connecting to
    8/27 19:59:37.746  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_FAILED
    8/27 19:59:37.782  Disconnected from
    8/27 19:59:37.827  Client initiated Disconnect from
    8/27 19:59:37.871  Client initiated Disconnect from
    8/27 19:59:37.944  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_FAILED
    8/27 19:59:37.983  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
    8/27 19:59:38.027  Component WoW.Wn64.20338
    8/27 19:59:38.071  Component WoW.base.20182
    8/27 19:59:38.122  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165



    SET portal "" (initially was SET portal "EU" or "US" - both tried, same result)
    SET textLocale "enUS"
    SET audioLocale "enUS"
    SET hwDetect "0"
    SET videoOptionsVersion "9"
    SET gxApi "D3D9"
    SET gxWindow "0"
    SET gxMaximize "0"
    SET graphicsQuality "2"
    SET RAIDgraphicsQuality "2"
    SET playIntroMovie "6"
    SET engineSurvey "1"
    SET mouseSpeed "1"
    SET lastCharacterIndex "1"
    SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "1"
    SET lastReadTerminationWithoutNotice "60200"
    SET accounttype "RT"
    SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"
    SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
    SET farclip "600"
    SET particleDensity "50"
    SET particleMTDensity "70"
    SET waterDetail "1"
    SET reflectionMode "0"
    SET groundEffectDensity "40"
    SET groundEffectDist "110"
    SET environmentDetail "75"
    SET shadowMode "1"
    SET textureFilteringMode "2"
    SET terrainLodDist "350"
    SET wmoLodDist "300"
    SET terrainTextureLod "1"
    SET terrainMipLevel "1"
    SET worldBaseMip "1"
    SET OutlineEngineMode "1"
    SET lightMode "1"
    SET RAIDsettingsInit "1"
    SET RAIDfarclip "600"
    SET RAIDWaterDetail "1"
    SET RAIDgroundEffectDensity "40"
    SET RAIDgroundEffectDist "110"
    SET RAIDshadowMode "1"
    SET RAIDterrainLodDist "350"
    SET RAIDterrainTextureLod "1"
    SET RAIDwmoLodDist "300"
    SET RAIDterrainMipLevel "1"
    SET RAIDworldBaseMip "1"
    SET RAIDtextureFilteringMode "2"
    SET RAIDenvironmentDetail "75"
    SET RAIDreflectionMode "0"
    SET RAIDparticleDensity "50"
    SET RAIDparticleMTDensity "70"
    SET RAIDOutlineEngineMode "1"
    SET RAIDLightMode "1"
    SET weatherDensity "1"
    SET RAIDweatherDensity "1"
    SET realmName "Lightbringer"

    Thank you.




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