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Posts posted by cubex1

  1. Hi.

    I compiled source from TDB720.00 tag, downloaded WoW by official app (build 23937, so slightly higher than gamebuild in Trinity release auth.realmlist, which is 23911), extracted dbc, maps, vmaps, mmaps and gt. Then I run create_mysql.sql as a root, downloaded TDB_full_720.00_2017_04_18.7z and run worldserver. It populated databases and everything, but then it gave me 99724-lined DBErrors.log.

    Earlier in the year I tried to run WoW 6.2.4 server with dbc files downloaded from somewhere on the internet and had the same issue. Actually I have tried several Trinity Core builds on master branch.

    When I build a server with 3.3.5 branch it initializes without errors.

    What am I doing wrong?




    First 5k lines from DBErrors.log

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