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Posts posted by eulondon

  1. Hello from Brazil!

    I was able to compile both 3.3.5 and 6.x branchs on a virtual box machine with debian 8 and get both working.

    However the system compiled a 32bit .elf and tools only for linux.

    I bypassed this by mounting WoW directory and using the linux tools in the mounted directory.

    However, now I want to compile portable worldservers, auth and bnetservers EXEs on the debian virtual machine.

    What Flags, Parameters would make this possible?


  2. On 15/08/2015 21:34:40, Boniggy said:

    I've been screwing with this TC 6.x version for nearly a month now. I have a successful build of the source, i have the entire DB downloaded from github and loaded in the DB. I have a successful load of the bnetserver.exe. I get nothing but 50 thousand pages of errors of items missing POI's, quest info, creature info etc when the worldserver goes to load. It does however load and is now sitting there waiting for a login (which doesnt work).

    I am running WoW client 6.2 (20338) which is supposed to work with everything i have loaded. One of my issues is that my Auth.RealmList is showing gamebuild 19,793. What do i need to fix that? EDIT: Reloaded my AUTH db. it is now showing 20182. So that should be good. Still not letting me login. Getting error #104. WTF file is showing 'SET portal <server ip address>`.

    Can someone PLEASE just upload their entire working hotfixes & world database for myself and others to download? I just want to play this with my kids and have a fun time... and frankly its becoming more of a hassle than its worth.

    Thanks in advance.


    J how did you fix it?

    I`m too having error 104. 

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