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Posts posted by vec1phyr

  1. 8 minutes ago, Aokromes said:

    Connected to MySQL database at 199.XXX.103.XX

    Never connect mysql to public ip, change localAddress to

    Alright, I fixed the database and conf. The error still persists where the authserver shows as the following:

    TrinityCore rev. 17e661fd2d70 2016-04-29 02:44:55 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Unix, Release) (authserver)
    <Ctrl-C> to stop.

    Using configuration file /usr/local/etc/authserver.conf.
    Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014)
    Using Boost version: 1.55.0
    Opening DatabasePool 'auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1.
    MySQL client library: 5.6.28
    MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.04.1
    Connected to MySQL database at
    MySQL client library: 5.6.28
    MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.04.1
    Connected to MySQL database at
    DatabasePool 'auth' opened successfully. 2 total connections running.
    Updating Auth database...
    >> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 1 new and 10 archived updates.
    Started auth database connection pool.
    Added realm "Trinity" at

    Whenever I also change any of the data (ex: Changing the name of the realm) the data doesn't change according to authserver. It will always show as "Trinity" at

  2. Hello TrinityCore Community!

    I recently set up a TrinityCore server to run on a dedicated server in order to learn and play with friends. However, I am having this issue where I have my IP binded to 199.XXX.103.XX (hidden by request of server host) and the realm returns as "". The issue I'm having is that my config is as shown below which (according to the internet) is correct. Server accepts connection up till realm selection, at which I select the "Trinity" server as needed and will be returned with "Connecting" and then brought back to the realm selection. I also must note that the server also doesn't see any name changes in the database and always returns as "Trinity".

    Running authserver returns the following:

    TrinityCore rev. 17e661fd2d70 2016-04-29 02:44:55 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Unix, Release) (authserver)
    <Ctrl-C> to stop.

    Using configuration file /usr/local/etc/authserver.conf.
    Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014)
    Using Boost version: 1.55.0
    Opening DatabasePool 'auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1.
    MySQL client library: 5.6.28
    MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.04.1
    Connected to MySQL database at 199.XXX.103.XX
    MySQL client library: 5.6.28
    MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.04.1
    Connected to MySQL database at 199.XXX.103.XX
    DatabasePool 'auth' opened successfully. 2 total connections running.
    Updating Auth database...
    >> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 1 new and 10 archived updates.
    Started auth database connection pool.
    Added realm "Trinity" at


    MySQL Database: auth.realmlist

    mysql> show columns from `realmlist`;
    | Field                | Type                 | Null | Key | Default        | Extra |
    | id                   | int(10) unsigned     | NO   | PRI | 1              |       |
    | name                 | varchar(32)          | NO   | UNI | Trinity        |       |
    | address              | varchar(255)         | NO   |     | |       |
    | localAddress         | varchar(255)         | NO   |     | localhost      |       |
    | localSubnetMask      | varchar(255)         | NO   |     |  |       |
    | port                 | smallint(5) unsigned | NO   |     | 8085           |       |
    | icon                 | tinyint(3) unsigned  | NO   |     | 1              |       |
    | flag                 | tinyint(3) unsigned  | NO   |     | 0              |       |
    | timezone             | tinyint(3) unsigned  | NO   |     | 1              |       |
    | allowedSecurityLevel | tinyint(3) unsigned  | NO   |     | 0              |       |
    | population           | float unsigned       | NO   |     | 0              |       |
    | gamebuild            | int(10) unsigned     | NO   |     | 12340          |       |
    12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    All help is appreciated!
    Thanks! :D

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