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Posts posted by Tatwi

  1. On 2017-04-22 at 3:29 PM, Nay said:

    Both of those links lack details and in some ways they are out of date. They are by no means a step by step guide. This is what I consider a step by step guide. :P

    Even as a person who has a lot of experience working with C++, SQL, and other languages, it's taking a while for me to grasp the processing flow of SAI scripts. It is a smart system, so to speak, but it's very opaque compared to say, C++ script, which has functionality that is immediately obvious to understand in its entirety just by reading the C++.

    I'm actually kinda bummed that ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM() was removed, because when you use gossip menu generated from `world`.`gossip_menu_option` with a custom C++ script the menuId in

    bool OnGossipSelect(Player* pPlayer, Creature* pCreature, uint32 uiSender, uint32 menuId)

    always is 1. As such, the function isn't provided any useful information as which option the player clicked.

    Like I said though, SAI scripting is a good system, it's an extensible system, but it's not a particularly well documented or clear system at the moment.

    I've been puttering away at making a trinket invoked character who offers helpful services via SAI script. What I have working (for 3.3.5a) atm is the trinket, the character, and one utility on conversation for 5 gold. The SQL here,


    It's heavily commented, because I am old and I need to remember things. When it's finished, I'll likely post a verbose guide on my site.

    SAI is nifty way to add content and probably pretty quick once you get the hang of it, but from a "programming as a hobby" perspective it's kinda boring: Poking bits into a database is data entry, not programming. lol...

  2. The easiest way, as it wouldn't require any changes to the database or TrinityCore, would be run multiple virtual machines using VirtualBox. You could set up very small Debian 8 based VMs that have only enough installed to build and run SQL and TrinityCore (and the VirtualBox Guest Additions) from the command line, which should only use about 6GB of HD space each. And the nice thing is that you could make one, then simply duplicate it. Once they are setup, you could use Linux file sharing to make your two sets of TrinityCore and server directories available to either your "bare metal" OS or an another VM where you use your preferred IDE, text editor, etc.

    It would take a while to set it all up, but once did you would have two separate servers with a unified work environment. You could even run both servers at the same time if you wanted.

    You would need at least 8GB of RAM to do this in a testing environment. 3GB min per VM when building using 4 threads (4.5GB if building with 6 threads) and about 2GB per VM when just running the server while testing things.

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