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Posts posted by LordKanelsnegle

  1. 7 hours ago, codeman8214 said:

    If you are talking about Blizzard's trial account it is all the same it is still the full version of world of warcraft client 7.2.0 it just means until you pay for it you only get a trial account the client is still the full version and is complete if that is what you mean.

    yeah thats what I meant, so I'd be able to use that to join my trinity server right? I'd just have to run the extractors and connection patcher?

  2. 1 hour ago, CDawg said:

    The reason I asked about 335a, was that doesn't look like 7.x version of WoW, my directory has like battle.net, wow-64, etc...

    Yep, pretty sure the client I was trying to use is the issue. Would you be able to point me towards where you got yours? :P

  3. Just now, CDawg said:

    I'm not sure what that doc is...

    This for 335a, correct?

    Just use https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/Installation+Guide

    that sounds like a repack


    Oh sorry, I should've mentioned, this was pulled from the master branch so presumably - aaaaaand now that I've said that I realise it's probably because the client I tried using is 7.1.5 lol

    If that is the case, can anyone please point me towards a working client for the build I'm trying to use? PM would be nice

  4. Okay so I'm a tiny bit confused. Firstly I had no clue which client I was meant to get or where from, so I got the one from http://www.trinitywow.org/install/?page=install. Regardless, as you can see, the extractors are definitely in the same directory as my wow.exe:


    But when I try to run them I get the following:


    Why is it searching in my user directory instead of the directory it's in..? Also, on an unrelated note, I do not appear to have a realmlist table.

  5. Hey guys, when I try to build the solution for Legion using Visual Studio Community 2017 I get the following errors:

    TC error.PNG

    I'm on Windows 10, 64-bit, and both the CMake and Build configurations were set to x64. I'm not sure if it's of any use but when I went to check the file for the first two errors an additional error showed up:

    TC error2.PNG

    The line causing the 3 errors in the mysql_com.h file is 'my_socket fd;'.

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