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Posts posted by Inceptionz

  1. But that doesn't explain the

    Unknown column 'username' in 'where clause
    It doesn't explain it... but it still fixes the problem for the teleporter script, but i cant find anything wrong with this...=/ I bet that the error
    Unknown column 'username' in 'where clause

    is just something stupid in the sites script.. but has nothing to do with the username column.. because changing , to . fixed the problem on the teleporter module.. but i cant see where i can make the same changes to fix this problem...

  2. hum... unless the engine_logon_db variable doesn't point to your auth DB i don't see why it throws that error!

    The thing is that i had the exact same problem with the Character teleporter and it gave the same error when i would try teleporting my character to Dalaran, so i took a look at the script and this is what i found:

    case 9:
    $map = "530";
    $x = "-1863.03";
    $y = "4998.05";
    $z = "-21.1847";
    $place = "Shattrath";
    case 10:
    $map = "571";
    $x = "5804,62";
    $y = "619,803";
    $z = "649";
    $place = "Dalaran";

    as you can see the teleporting coordinates for Dalaran have a , in between them instead of a . - so i replaced the , with dots and then it worked perfectly fine and didnt give me that error...

    Anyways, i dont want to bother you too much ^^ but thanks for helpign me now :)

  3. Hey,

    I'm going to post everything i know about the problem right now, I had the exact same problem (error message) with my teleporter module whenever i would try and teleport to Dalaran, I fixed that by going into the PHP script and the coordinates for Dalaran had commas instead of periods, so i replaced that and now it works fine, but i can't find such an easy fix for the Unstucker..

    Here is the whole Unstucker script...

    global $user,$db,$form,$lang,$config,$Html;
    * This part of website is executed before any output is given
    * so every post data is processed here then using Header(Location:)
    * we simply call normal site and display errors
    * Access premission:
    if(!$user->logged_in){ if (!isset($proccess)) echo "<a href='./?page=loginout'>".$lang['Login']."</a>"; return; }
    * MODULE SELF INSTALLATION (none for this module):
    /*if (!isset($proccess))
    if(isset($proccess) && $proccess == TRUE){
    * Processes the user submitted login form, if errors
    * are found, the user is redirected to correct the information,
    * if not, the user is effectively logged in to the system.
    * If user is logged in, he will be logged out and redirected to
    * index.php page.
    function Process(){
    global $user, $form, $config,$db,$lang;
    $charinfo = preg_replace( "/[^0-9-]/", "", $_POST['character'] );
    $charinfo = explode("-", $charinfo );
    /* Get character info */
    $db_realm = connect_realm($realmid);
    $char_info0 = $db_realm->query( $user->CoreSQL(1 ,$charguid, $realmid ) ) or die ($db->error('error_msg'));
    $char_info = $db_realm->fetch_array( $char_info0 );
    //echo  $user->CoreSQL( 3 ,$char_info['guid'], $realmid  );exit;
    $tel_db = $db_realm->query( $user->CoreSQL( 3 .$char_info['guid'], $realmid  ) ) or die ($db->error('error_msg'));
    if ($tel_db) {
    $_SESSION['notice'] ="<center><a href='./?page=wwc-unstucker'>".$lang['OK']."</a></center>"; return;
    else $_SESSION['notice'] ="<center>Failed!<br><br><a href='./?page=wwc-unstucker'>".$lang['OK']."</a></center>";
    if (isset($_POST['unstuck'])){
    /* Initialize process */
    /* Reinitilaze 'form' proccess with latest session data */
    <!-- This element is important, must be at beginning of module output, dont change it, except module name -->
    <div class="post_body_title"><?php echo $lang['Unstucker']; ?></div>
    * Notification
    if (isset($_SESSION['notice'])){
    echo $_SESSION['notice'];
    <center><form method="post">
    ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="unstuck" type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['OK']; ?>" /></form><br />
    and this is what i believe to be the SQL that will be executed.. Found it in a seperate file, Trinity.php
    $sqls = array(
    * Select username and userids:
    *  param1 = username;
    0 => 'SELECT id,username FROM '.TBL_ACCOUNT.' WHERE username LIKE "%'.$db->escape($param1).'%"',
    * Select character info (donation and vote shops, teleporter):
    *  param1 = realm_id (0->); param2 = char_guid;
    1 => 'SELECT name,guid,race,class,gender,level,money FROM '.$config_data[$id.'-2'][0].'.'.TBL_CHARACTERS.' WHERE guid="'.$param1.'" AND account="'.$user->userinfo['guid'].'" LIMIT 1',
    * Teleport character
    2 => 'UPDATE '.$config_data[$id.'-2'][0].'.'.TBL_CHARACTERS.' SET position_x="'.$param3.'", position_y="'.$param4.'", position_z="'.$param5.'", map="'.$param1.'", money="'.$param6.'" WHERE guid="'.$param7.'"',
    * Unstuck character
    3 => 'UPDATE '.$config_data[$id.'-2'][0].'.'.TBL_CHARACTERS." INNER JOIN ".$config_data[$id.'-2'][0].".character_homebind
    ON ".TBL_CHARACTERS.".guid = character_homebind.guid AND  ".TBL_CHARACTERS.".guid = '".$param1."'
    SET  ".TBL_CHARACTERS.".position_X = character_homebind.position_x,
    ".TBL_CHARACTERS.".position_Y = character_homebind.position_y,
    ".TBL_CHARACTERS.".position_z = character_homebind.position_z",
    * Expansion change, 0 to 3
    4 => "UPDATE ".TBL_ACCOUNT." SET expansion='".$param2."' WHERE id='".$param1."'",
    return $sqls[$id];

  4. I'd stop focusing on the unstucker (stupid name) script, and, start checking to be sure the auth (also known as realm) DB is set up properly in the configs, etc. as that is where the username field comes in... in the accounts table.

    I agree, but i checked my auth database and everything seems to be fine, I mean i am not having any in-game problems with accounts or anything and i see the username field in auth > colums > username, varchar (32) and i see all the user names and everything.

    I just don't understand because this has always worked for me in the past until recently it stopped working, and nobody else reported this problem and i even tried starting with a fresh website and everything and it still didn't work >.<

    I wish there was just some other Unstucker script that is simple like Select the character from a drop down list and click "Unstuck" so that i could implement it to my site, but i fail at PHP and everyone else who attempts that fails because they are never secure..

  5. Hey sorry,

    I'm using Web-wow, the name of my dbs are auth, characters and world.

    Here is the SQL code

    * Unstuck character
    3 => "UPDATE ".$config_data[$id.'-2'][0].'.'.TBL_CHARACTERS." INNER JOIN ".$config_data[$id.'-2'][0].".character_homebind
    ON ".TBL_CHARACTERS.".guid = character_homebind.guid AND  ".TBL_CHARACTERS.".guid = '".$param1."'
    SET  ".TBL_CHARACTERS.".position_X = character_homebind.position_x,
    ".TBL_CHARACTERS.".position_Y = character_homebind.position_y,
    ".TBL_CHARACTERS.".position_z = character_homebind.position_z",

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